Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Google Tech Support Call vs 7 Foot Alligator In Middle School Cafeteria

Do you remember a few weeks back on the anniversary of Pac-Man they had a version of the game you could play from their browser? Well one elderly woman wanted it turned off because she could not study. This is her call to Google tech support. Very funny and very nice.

Meanwhile, in Florida, it turns out that even though students might not like cafeteria food, 7 foot alligators are big fans.


  1. Nice tech support guy. Couldn't listen to all of it but fast-forwaded to a few bits.

    Yikes - Florida gator!!!

  2. Ah, as long as you aren't trying to wrestle them or parade a dog on a leash in front of them then alligators are benign.

  3. that tech support call makes me anxious. He has more patience than me, I shut it off after 45 seconds or so.

  4. darn pc people.

    gators, hurricanes, hanging chads and cafecito...i love you, florida.

  5. I don't know if anyone else on the planet but me watches 'Miami Medical,' but I am creeped out seeing alligators now after their golf course attack episode. (Hey, don't hate me, I only watch because Jeremy Northam is dreamy!)

  6. omg,i only made it through 1:50 min,my previous job was very similar.

    god bless the google op.

  7. Oh my gosh...the pac-man call was surreal. It reminds me the first time I installed a PC for my grandparents, it was a interesting/fun/irritating experience.

  8. That woman didn't even thank the rep. >:-(

  9. OMG...that phone call reminds me of the many times I've had to walk my mother, sister or father in law through various computer related things.

    I could never be a customer service representative.

    I couldn't open the gator video...

  10. Reason #2,468 to not live in Florida.

  11. Ha! I'd rather live in Florida (which I do lol), than take that bedamned call! I actually listened to the whole thing and I could feel my BP creeping upwards. I've been a CS phone rep and let me tell you, this guy deserves a bonus for being patient, polite and professional in the face of *that* mind-boggling call : \

  12. 1. I live in Florida. If I see a gator, I walk away. Don't even have to run.

    2. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but Google doesn't have phone tech support.

  13. @Gretchen: that's EXACTLY what I was thinking!
