Friday, June 11, 2010

Four For Friday

#1 & 2 - This A list (and it pains me to call him A list) movie actor was doing press work for his latest flop. Instead of doing what he could to try and get a few people to see it by being nice to the press, he berated them constantly, would not answer their questions and was as miserable as a person can be. He also made several interviews unusable by his actions which made the whole process a waste for at least one network.

#1 - actor
#2 - latest flop

#3 & #4 - This C+/B- primarily television actress was doing press for her hit almost network ensemble television show. She showed up to everything she was supposed to, but was so whacked out on drugs that it hardly even mattered. Forget about interviews, she could barely form words.

#3 - actress
#4 - show


Nosey Parker said...

1- Russell Crowe
2- Robin Hood

Angie said...
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Angie said...

Jake Gyllenhall
Prince of Persia

#3 ?
#4 ?

121007 said...

3: sophia bush
4: one tree hill

TraLaLa said...

#3 Please January Jones! She's been so badass lately, crashing into 3 cars, and then running off, and then going home the next morning in a cab in the same dress as the night before :) Maybe she left the scene of the accident because she was getting rid of her stash lol

#4 Mad Men

Nattery said...

Agree with Russell Crowe/Robin Hood. He is always such a d##k, esp. With press.

MommaBear said...

I agree:
1) Russell Crowe
2) Robin Hood

I suppose 3 and 4 could be just about any actress these days.

FrenchGirl said...

1&2# i say Russel Crowe/Robin Hood because i know Enty hates him but i'm for Eddy Murphy!

Marna Palmer said...

What about:

1. Ashton Kutcher
2. The Killers?

Iron Yuppie said...

Tough to call Robin Hood a flop - - $268 WW, and ~$100 US.

AplusK on the other hand -

jess said...

#1 Russell Crowe, I agree.
#2 Robin Hood - I've heard that it wasn't as good as Gladiator.

RocketQueen said...

1 - Kutcher
2 - Killers
3 - Taylor Momsen
4 - Gossip Girl

Teresa said...

Robin Hood is hardly a flop. Over $250M worldwide gross. Not every blind about a nasty star is Russell. And the movie is very good.

nancer said...

since when is kutcher A list????? NO WAY!!

Cheryl said...

#1 Sure sounds like Ashton. I've never even heard of the last four movies he's done and he has been an ass in interviews before.

Nosey Parker said...

I guessed Russell Crowe because he walked out during a BBC interview for Robin Hood, but it wouldn't pain me to call him A List because he's earned it. (The Insider, A Beautiful Mind etc.) Also Robin Hood isn't a big hit, but it's not a flop.

I'm starting to agree with the Kutcher/Killers guess. Also like RocketQueen's Taylor Momsen/Gossip Girl guess for 3&4.

FrenchGirl said...

or 1&2# nicolas cage for "kick-ass"?(god! i disliked this movie)

Unknown said...

Ashton is not A list, I say:
1) Tom Cruise
2) Knight & Day

Dee said...

#3 - AnnaLynn McCord?

nancer said...

i immediately thought of 'knight and day' and cruise. it's not out yet but he's doing press for it, and you KNOW it's going to suck ass.

again, kutcher is not A list, never was and never will be.

Dijea said...

I'm with Jamie -
#1 Tom Cruise
#2 Knight & Day,
BLECH! Wouldn't see it if he gave me a movie theatre.


Tenley said...
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RocketQueen said...

I think the reason Enty is "pained" is because sadly, Ashton DOES have A-list clout in Hollywood. He's got his fingers in a lot of stuff, and the movie's a flop.
Knight & Day isn't out yet, is it?

Tenley said...
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Tenley said...

(1) Knight & Day doesn't open until June 23 yet Tom Cruise already is getting more glowing headlines for the trailer alone than Russell Crowe has gotten in a decade. (2) Robin Hood cost more than $200 million to make and even with its worldwide take to date it's a flop in relative terms. and (3) Ashton Kutcher can't be A-list except in name recognition only.

Funny Girl said...

Russel Crowe won an Oscar and has been nominated more than once. He is most definitely A List. I don't think it would pain anyone to say that.

I think it's Ashton. He seems like a complete douche, but has significant Hollywood clout. I think this is about the movie, the killers.

Now! said...

What about Jim Carrey and "I Love You Philip Morris" for #1? There's a flop for you, and Jim appears to be experiencing mental health problems at the moment, which could lead him to be nasty.

Sinjin said...

$200 million to make?! Hollywood spends waaaaay to much money on movies. No wonder Cali's broke!

Elle said...

The 'pains him' comment might be because it's someone he wishes was not as successful as they are because they are a douche. My first thought was Russell Crowe and I have heard first hand that he IS a horrific douche. That blind about him making people listen to his music, almost locking them in the room with them is apparently true. His ego as moviestar/rockstar is apparently out of control.

Beth said...

This is 100% Russell Crowe.

He's such a first degree asshole. I know of several media outlets that did interviews with him that ended up not airing cause he was such an asshole during them they had nothing to use for air.

And Robin Hood was supposed to be a blockbuster. By those standards, it was a total flop.


On what planet is Ashton Kutcher A-list?? A-list douche maybe, but definitely C-list actor. No hits or awards to his merit. Unlike Crowe, who has an Oscar and and some (long ago) hits.

And it's NOT Tom Cruise. He's Mr. media friendly. Plus he hasn't started press for K&D yet. Junkets haven't even happened yet.

Unknown said...
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Nosey Parker said...

I agree that Tom is Mr. media friendly right now. I'd love to see a new interview with Matt Lauer. =P

mk said...

Russel isn't the biggest douche in hollywood, that is nasty old Mel Gibson. A list forever because of his academy awards and past hits but what a nasty ego! the move is that age of darkness crap he put out 6 month ago.
as far as the t.v show/actress, I think it's gotta be a ?

Ellen said...

I think the first one is Russell Crowe and I think Robin Hood is a bit of a flop because it isn't as popular as other versions that have been done. It seems like every story about him involves him being a total jerk.

I wonder who the other one is? Someone from Glee, just cause they seem like they are always out promoting their show? Or what about someone from the vampire show everyone keeps talking about?

Liza said...

Agree with the Kutcher guesses.

The second one is super vague. I thought Taylor Momsen at first too, but is Gossip Girl considered a hit these days? It was when it came out, but now nobody watches it.

Anonymous said...

#1 Adrien Brody (Yes, the Academy Award makes him A list in Ent's book.)
#2 Splice

#3 ?
#4 ??

ctkat1 said...

About Russell Crowe, Jack Marx wrote a fascinating article about him in 2006- neither man comes off particularly well, but it's real.

The link below:

Me2 said...

anyone notice that ethan hawke was in the random photos, and the caption was "ethan hawke stares down the photographer" for some reason that caught my eye. Is Ethan Hawke still considered A list? was he ever?

Sean said...

Robin Hood did flop. $250 mil worldwide is a flop for a $200+ mil movie directed by an Academy Award winner starring two Oscar winners. And it is not profitable.

He is an asshole. But an interesting asshole. And a talented one too. I can see this being him.

And the stoned TV do you narrow this one down? I think the WB has container ships of coke arrive daily.

Kim said...

Enty didn't say this was this week or anything, right? Cause I'm there with Tom Cruise, but I think the movie was Valkyrie. Knight and Day is going to be decent I bet, because it's as close as he's ever been to his wack-a-doo real life personality.

I got nuthin on the other question, I watch a lot of tv, but I am always 3 seasons behind on everything.

Unknown said...

Tom Cruise would NEVER do anything that would make interviews with him unusable. Say what you want, and yes sometimes he is an idiot interviews and in general ("glib" anyone?), but that man is such a professional I can't stand it. I have personally worked with him and I have several friends that have worked with him in some fashion (sound, make-up, etc) and that man is a PRO. Perfect? No. But a consummate professional that is very hard to come in Hollywood. Not Him.

Jaiden_S said...

Robin Hood isn't a flop. I immediately thought of Rian Phillipe, but he's not A List.

Mango said...

Love the Russell Crowe guess and feel it's probably him.

@ Ellen, the Crowe version of RH must surely be better than Kevin Costners! (Bad, soooooo bad...)

Just to mix it up:

#1 Ben Stiller
#2 Greenberg

No clue about #3 & 4 but the very damaged Taylor Momsen seems as good a guess as any.

Farm Girl Pink... said...

To be different... my guess...

Bruce Willis

Cop Out

And he is in the pictures today too!

Cute Little Redhead said...

@Nutty_Flavor said...
"What about Jim Carrey and "I Love You Philip Morris" for #1? There's a flop for you, and Jim appears to be experiencing mental health problems at the moment, which could lead him to be nasty."

I agree with you that Jim can be unstable and nasty, but "I Love You Philip Morris" has not been released yet, has it? I read that it's being held up in court over various technical issues and rights of ownership or something?

I personally would go and see it.
Jim is a little crazy in his real life but love him in the movies.

mooshki said...

Nosey Parker, you're so glib!

MK, Mel Gibson is a great guess!

lollydarling said...

I Love You Philip Morris was out in the UK months ago, so I doubt that legal issues are holding it up. It got very well reviewed over here, too.

shehlaS said...
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shehlaS said...
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Colleen said...

First time poster but long time lurker, so be easy on me, but I think that number 3 & 4 are Alessandra Torresani (Zoe) and Caprica on Syfy. I know she's not C+/B- but my friend saw her at an industry event earlier this year and said she was acting like she was on coke or E or something. Every time I hear of blinds from almost-networks, I always wonder if her behavior lasted beyond that one event.

mooshki said...

Shehla, that makes me think about the movie 'This Film is Not Yet Rated,' and how the MPAA blocked 'The Cooler' because William H. Macy gave Maria Bellow oral sex. If it isn't heterosexual missionary-position sex, it's too offensive to our fragile little eyes. But having body parts ripped to shreds is apparently no problem. Sigh...

Colleen, welcome to the sandbox. :)

Tia C said...

The first name that popped in my mind for #1 is Adrien Brody, for Splice.

For the stoned TV actress, I dunno, I don't watch much TV.

shehlaS said...
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thisamericantourist said...

I immediately thought of Ryan Phillipe/Magruber for the first one. Phillipe might still have enough of the Witherspoon shine on him to be considered A-list, if only grudgingly so.

Unknown said...

Ashton is A-enough list to be it. He tweeted that he didn't want the critics to get a preview on the movie because it's just that good. LOL.

cricket61 said...

Mike Meyers
Shrek 4

Unknown said...

Val Kilmer..and that McGrueber movie?

Mily Marz said...

is bradley cooper a list?

Unknown said...

Enty has said in the past he doesnt like the following A LISTERS:

Russel Crowe
Tom Cruise
Benicio Del Toro

I know am missing somebody right now but can't remember who


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