Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Elizabeth Edwards On Today

This morning on Today, Elizabeth Edwards spent a lot of time talking about her marriage to John Edwards, the affair and the fact that she is not a "cuckolded wife." She did not have an opinion on Jordan Bratman and him being a cuckolded husband.

I thought the interview was good. She did the John is not the man I married thing, but after so long being married is anyone who you married? She kind of made that same point and said that maybe all people do change. Yes, they do. One of her best quotes was "It's hard to imagine the same person could marry me and be attracted to that." Oh burn Rielle Hunter. I am not sure why people are attracted to Rielle Hunter. Lots of people are though, just do not count me among those.

The interview is about 14 minutes long, but it is interesting to hear it all from her when she is not hiding too much.

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  1. I never thought of her as a cuckholded wife. She does look good considering how sick she is.

  2. I lost respect for her after I read an interesting and shocking article (I think) it was Newsweek. She was a bitch to her hubby's staff, callously cut insurance benefits for her staff while she was sick and obviously understood the need for good healthcare coverage. She saw the signs of the affair but chose to look the other way until the whole thing was covered in the news.

  3. What's that about Jordan Bratman? Is it confirmed Xtina is/was cheating on him?

  4. Yeah let's not skip past this Xtina thing so quickly! LOL! What's this? FILL US IN!!! ;D

  5. Ditto Borg Queen.

    She's not innocent by any means, she's another calculating political wife.

  6. lol @ slipping "Jordan Bratman" in, Enty! Spill!

  7. go away Elizabeth. you are no better than John at this point making money off your "horrible scandalized" life...a man left his wife for someone else.

    wake me when John leaves Rielle for a 19 year old Thai ladyboy.

  8. By virtue of her "poor me" press junket, she's just as bad as him. Please go away. I don't care.

  9. Wow! You guys are awesome - I for sure thought the public would be sucked into her woe-is-me story. Do I think she is justified in being pissed at her husband over this mess? Yes. Do I think she is the sweet little victim wifey? No. I've heard the rumors of her bi**hiness.

  10. I guess Enty was teasing us with the July 4th reveals YAY!!

    Elizabeth never came off as warm and fuzzy in any interview she ever gave. At least she admitted to some of her behavior while excusing it at the same time.

    No one should be humilated in public like that.

    And some men love crazy women and Reille is 100% crazy.

  11. I'm not wasting even 2 minutes of my life on politicians' wives, so can someone please tell me if she mentions those poor young children of hers? She'll be gone soon and all they have left is their pitiful father who is already known for denying his own offspring. Those two young kids is who I feel sorry for. Actually make it three. Can you imagine having Rielle Hunter as your mom??? *shudders*

  12. i don't really care about the story, i'm just here for the deetz about xtina.

  13. So what the heck is going on with xtina? This is the first I have heard of it.

  14. Sorry she's dying, but I still don't like her.

  15. According to the book "The Politician" (which I pretty much believed), John changed after he started getting political power.

    AND that same book said Elizabeth is a *raging* bitch. That during the whole Rielle thing she took her anger out on everyone around her, being just awful.

    @Chopchop I second what you said. First thing I thought was "too bad they felt compelled to have not one but TWO more kids after their son died." Those kids have old, fucked up parents.

  16. I'm kind of over this story & her. Another politician ends up being a sleezebag. Shocker!
    Overkill on the interviews, Elizabeth...u're doin' it!

  17. I think she shows her true character by continuing this stupid press tour on and on. Hello? Oh, John is stupid and self-absorbed for not thinking about you? Well, you, bitch, are the same, for not thinking about the children. These people ALL deserve each other, but leave the kids out of your crazy.

  18. okay, i'm not a fan of either one of them. and granted, i didn't watch the interview, but, but since when does being a bitch make it okay for your husband to cheat on you? was she a bitch before the cancer? and does that still make it okay?
    i've been horrible off and on since this pain started, but my husband has stood by me. at what point should he be granted the right to cheat?
    just sayin' is all. not defending anybody.

  19. Reading "Game Change" left me with the opinion John and Elizabeth are both complete and total asshats.
