Friday, June 04, 2010

Drunk Driver Leaving The Dallas Airport

Apparently the woman driving this car wanted to be in the Dukes Of Hazard or has a secret ambition to be a stunt car driver. This is absolutely mind blowing. The woman, who claims she just had one drink, must not have had enough money to leave the airport the conventional way so she tried to get through by jumping the entire toll plaza.

What you don't see is that after the accident, the woman, who only suffered minor injuries, tired to get back into the car and continue driving.


  1. LOL! I saw a still of this yesterday on the Austin news. But the jump is actually pretty spectacular! I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she really had more than one drink!

  2. Would've been cooler if she was driving the General Lee.

  3. People never cease to amaze me how stupid they can be. (myself included) ;)

  4. WTF?? I want to know what she blew! How do you do that??

  5. ha! i love how the white car on the end is still moving forward to get in line. AND NO ONE GETS OUT OF THEIR CAR!

  6. ...we just ain't a gonna pay no toll. so we crashed the gate doin' 98 and said let those truckers roll 10-4.

  7. what was she thinking?! woah..

  8. Can't see the video, but in other news, a co-worker of mine had a car drive into her kitchen just the other day!

  9. I drive thru there several times a week. It always seems like the worst drivers in the world are there, but this really tops anything I've ever seen. So scary.

  10. After reading yesterday I can totally understand trying to avoid paying tolls at all costs :p

  11. Drunk at the airport and trying to FLY her car?
    ...Is she a pilot?

  12. Drunk at the airport and trying to FLY her car?
    ...Is she a pilot?

  13. @Cheryl: Convoy! People don't remember that CB radios were like the cell phones of the 70's. Memories....

  14. heh. robert, my handle was "jailbait". i never lacked for conversation on the road!!

  15. @ardleigh - LMAO

    I'm really glad no one got hurt here....but I did laugh my ass off watching this. WHAT a moron.
