You can pretty much count on Dina or Michael Lohan to do or say something stupid almost everyday. It isn't as sure as death or taxes or Lindsay popping pills everyday, but it is close.
Anyway, yesterday Dina managed to say something stupid, but she also managed to do something smart. So, kind of like 50/50 which is about her ratio to success and no success in raising her kids. The stupid thing Dina said was that Lindsay is doing great and the only reason the SCRAM bracelet went off was because someone poured a drink on it. It does not work that way but, whatever.
The smart thing she did though was to tell the world that Lindsay Lohan is considering a spot in Celebrity Apprentice. All of the stories today are about Lindsay and Celebrity Apprentice. First of all she would suck at it because her partying would get in the way. Second of all, it would get in the way of her pill popping. Oh, and I don't think Celebrity Apprentice is even casting yet. Of course Dina says that Lindsay has three movies in production so she is far too busy, but that since Donald Trump is a family friend they are considering it. Yeah, like The Donald is coming over to your house or taking Dina's calls. A family friend?
But, for the day anyway, it took the world off Lindsay and her need for rehab and instead made people talk about how awful she would be on Celebrity Apprentice. Now what she should focus on is Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader. The whole damn world would watch that.
Dina(L) is an idiot. With an idiot ex husband and an idiot daughter.
ReplyDeleteI grow bored with them. They are going on my ignore list.
Dina is the most delusional enabler I've ever seen. "Lindsay is fine. She did nothing wrong. She shouldn't have had to wear the bracelet in the first place." Right.
ReplyDeleteRepugnant though I find Michael Lohan, I think Dina is the worst parent because she refuses to acknowledge that anything is wrong with her daughter. He at least occasionally seems halfway interested in her welfare, albeit for the purpose of getting attention for himself.
dina must already be spending lilo's apprentice $...donald being a family friend and all...
ReplyDeleteloser enabler.
Umm, Linds, we can't sell prescription pills or rob jewelery stores to make money for the team.
ReplyDeleteI think I'd actually watch the show if she was on it even though I never have before.
It would be awesome if Lindsay were on Celebrity Apprentice! The Donald would NOT put up with her shit and would call her out on it. I'd pay money to watch that. Plus, between her & The Donald, their inflated egos and delusions of grandeur put together would make fantastic television!
ReplyDeleteThat being said I don't think for one minute Lindsay would consider doing the show. She probably thinks it's beneath her. Nothing is beneath you, Lindsay. You'd be lucky to get Bull Riding with the Stars.
Ha, we were all waiting for the "someone spilled a drink on it" excuse - I didn't really think anyone would be dumb enough to use it, but I should have known better...*L*
ReplyDeleteShe couldn't even get on Hoarders(A&E). She gave it a try confessing her "celebrity hoarding issues". Please.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Syko. Dina is by FAR the worst parent because she refuses to even DISCUSS Lindsay's problems, which of course don't exist.
ReplyDeleteNow about this show - would totally watch. I'd be curious to know how she got along with other people, whether she got high, EVERYTHING.
This fool should have just said she drank mouthwash. Dummy.
Uhh, pretty sure she wouldn't be welcome on Celebrity Apprentice. Didn't he kick the Kardashian "Yetti" off the show because he found out she had a DUI.
ReplyDeleteNow that would be amazing TV. Dina is so much more worse than Michael. I know she is enjoying her daughter's dwindling fame and fortune and probably thinks she is helping but she might as well be throwing the pills down Lilo's throat herself. If they are going to lie, tell a believable one so they don't get laughed at immediately. We already know a SCRAM bracket is set off by metabolized alcohol.
ReplyDeleteDo they think they are the only ones who have used the ol' someone spilled a drink on me excuse? Addicts all have the same excuses. Dina says she googles herself everyday so hello idiot!
legal question:
ReplyDeleteshe's already made bail again, so what's the worst that could happen if she just 'fessed up and admitted she slipped? if she walked the straight and narrow (lol @ myself) from now on, wouldn't that actually be in her favor?
stupid, stupid girl.
Oooooh! I have never watched a single episode of Celebrity Apprentice but I would DEFINITELY watch if LiLo was a contestant. Can you imagine??? Please say this is true.
ReplyDeleteBunny, she's probably afraid that if she told the truth about one thing, all the other lies would unravel.
ReplyDeleteDina is a bottom feeder who is chumming for some PR for Her "widdle girl"
ReplyDeleteOTOH I'd love to see Trump ream Lindsay out before he tosses her off the program.
"Lindsay is FINE!!!!!!"
ReplyDeleteI'll admit that if Lindsay was on Celebrity Apprentice I'd actually tune in.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump probably ranks Dina Lohan even lower than Rosie O'Donnell on his roster of people he despises. HA!
ReplyDeleteSurely the Donald can't resist issuing a response, right? right?
ReplyDeleteAh Dina;
ReplyDeleteIt's called Celebrity REHAB and not Apprentice, as Apprentice isn't casting yet.
Besides you think Donald Trump would want some coked up alcoholic anorexic twentysomething thieving skank on his show?