Monday, June 28, 2010

Diandra Douglas Wants More Money From Michael Douglas

Apparently Diandra Douglas decided that her $45M divorce settlement was not enough money and that greed is good. The NY Post is reporting that Diandra filed suit in New York City saying she is entitled to half of the money Michael Douglas earns from Wall Street 2. As part of their original divorce settlement, Diandra got half of all Michael's earnings. In that settlement, she also gets half of his money from spin offs of things he had shot. Her lawyer really screwed up. Her lawyer should have said sequel. Wall Street 2 is not a spin off. It is a sequel. I think Diandra is not going to see a penny.

She might also have come after Michael because of what he said about Diandra when their son was sentenced to jail. "A young mother without any parenting skills handed down from her own parents."



  1. Like his parenting skills were any better. Please!

  2. On another website they were accusing her of being greedy. I disagree. If that was part of the divorce agreement and this falls into the category than she would be dumb to let it go. There's a reason that clause was put in there and she is wise to pursue it.

  3. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Weren't they divorced something like a century ago? And she got $45M? Isn't that enough to live on comfortably, even luxuriously, forever? I'm sorry, it's greedy to me. I just don't believe in milking the ex-husband for the rest of your life. Get over it and get on with it. Maybe even earn a living on your own. Not as comfortable, maybe, but a lot more self-satisfying.

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Not that I like him any better, or anything. Pond scum in glittery wrappings, all of them.

  5. LOL @Syko - And, ITA with you!

  6. Anonymous10:55 AM

    kirk douglas and his clan are an interesting lot. hwood elite my ass.

  7. Not gonna lie, I'd be doing the same thing. :-/

  8. Hell yes, I would persue it if it was it was in the divorce agreement. I wouldn't let him off the hook that easy. He should just man up and pay her.

  9. He agreed to the settlement so I guess he didn't have any problem with it at the time. Now, he has a problem with it. That is what he gets for thinking with his dick

  10. Hey, Diandra, how about getting a job?

  11. What Califblondy said. I think it's bullshit that just because you marry someone, you get to bleed them forever. She got a more than fair settlement.

  12. I just like that she's pissing him off. CZJ must be like wtf? (as she thinks about adding shit to her own future settlement)

  13. greed. They're not married anymore period.

  14. How much did Michael Douglas pay for their son's legal bills? Did she chip in half? I doubt it.

  15. I can understand divorce agreements where the spouse gets a portion of the money earned during the marriage. But after? In perpetuity? That makes no legal sense just about any way you slice it. If it were Paul McCartney would she be entitled to continue getting cuts of his royalties every year? No. So, sorry. I just don't see how an agreement like that could withstand a legal test regardless of the wording (spinoff, sequel, whatever).

  16. I think she's being greedy. But he's equally as contemptible.

    And I'll bet CZJ is seething. *snickers*

  17. I heard the divorce agreement for "spin offs" was a 20 year deal.

  18. Sorry, Diandra's totally splitting hairs for cash here. I think it's ridiculous for her to be intruding on Michael's earnings considering how long they've been divorced now. RIDICULOUS.

    Also, anyone else think she kinda looks like Farrah here?



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