Friday, June 04, 2010

Denise Richards & Richie Sambora Are Back Together

Denise Richards must have some love of guys who are willing to endanger her children. I don't see why else she would let Charlie Sheen take their kids alone or why she would let Richie Sambora and his drunk driving with his kid in the car back into her life. Can she not find another date? Can she not find any other rich guys? I know she has a certain standard of living she expects and I'm pretty sure Charlie keeps her there and if not, I'm pretty sure he would be willing to tip her.

According to The Enquirer the couple have been back together for a few weeks and have only been meeting at Denise's place to avoid all the paps. Uh huh. When is the last time Denise ever avoided a camera? She probably wishes she could make some kind of deal to be photographed 24 hours a day.

Even if the story is crap, I will give points to The Enquirer for at least giving us something interesting to talk about unlike In Touch or something who would probably recycle Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer. Oh, speaking of which I was so expecting a tabloid this week to have Jennifer rushing to his bedside after illness canceled his tour. It probably would have been a life threatening illness and she would have rushed to his side to get married and have babies.


  1. I have never understood the appeal of Sambora.

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Me either, RocketQueen, even in the wet bathing suit I do not see the appeal.

  3. I agree RQ. Besides he always seemed like he likes himself too much.

  4. Sambora is a case of rampant melanoma waiting to happen. It's called sunscreen, dude, love it, use it.

  5. wait, is that kid rock behind them holding the beer?

  6. @merrick - LOL that was too funny!

    Sambora had appeal in the 80's, now.. not so much. I actually don't mind these two twats together.. And, I think Ent's being a little hard on Richie. Yes, he made a huge mistake. Huge. But I haven't heard anything about him since then. And, his blood alcohol was not that high at the time of his DUI (not that, that makes it all).. Just sayin'

    Much better choice then Charlie. IMHO...

  7. Agree with RQ, Syko, and Jess: Richie is downright nasty. Why the hell do these 80s rockers cling to their stupid hairdos/clothes for dear life? It's over, dummies, time to come to terms with and move on.

  8. And yet the 80's hair still works for Jon Bon Jovi.

    I think Richie is still kinda cute and he's a great guitar player.

    Unfortunately, he shouldn't ever be photographed shirtless and suncreenless.

  9. @Nisa becuase that was the time in their lives when they were actually good looking for a few years. They are stuck in time and delusions.

    Richie had his day in the early 80's. But he did not age well at all.

  10. "I know she has a certain standard of living she expects and I'm pretty sure Charlie keeps her there and if not, I'm pretty sure he would be willing to tip her."

    Enty, stop tip toeing around and dropping hidden hints about Denise and just come right out and say it. We can handle the truth!

  11. Maybe she's legitimately attracted to him? I have a friend that thinks Mickey Rourke is hot, so you never know.

  12. I'm stuck in the 80's myself so I'm not one to judge. I'd be more upset if Richie and Heather were back together.

  13. Gang that is an old picture from a few years ago (or when they were dating)

    Maybe he got his act together.. In a strange way I like them together.

  14. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Look at that delicate beach flower behind 'em! HA!

  15. Patty, here you go: "Denise Richards was and is a prostitute." Is that better? ;)

  16. my last boyfriend looked like Otto the bus driver from the Simpsons...people would always ask ' really? youre with that guy? ' BUT he was super rad and 6'7" so really..he was all kinds of awesome :)

    Denise Richards body looks smoking hot!

    Richie S was my hero when I was a kid. I saw Bon Jovi when I was in 5h grade. I had front row seats and he kept throwing guitar the middle of a song he points at me, leans down and asks the bouncers to clear everyone away for me and throws it right to me. I carried that thing with me every day for two years. It was such a pre-teen rock star moment dream!! He has always seemed cool to me since that day :)

  17. Hey! Dude standing behind Richie! No bottles on the beach!!

  18. @RocketQueen - Me Either. Yuck.
