Denise Richards & Richie Sambora Are Back Together
Denise Richards must have some love of guys who are willing to endanger her children. I don't see why else she would let Charlie Sheen take their kids alone or why she would let Richie Sambora and his drunk driving with his kid in the car back into her life. Can she not find another date? Can she not find any other rich guys? I know she has a certain standard of living she expects and I'm pretty sure Charlie keeps her there and if not, I'm pretty sure he would be willing to tip her.
According to The Enquirer the couple have been back together for a few weeks and have only been meeting at Denise's place to avoid all the paps. Uh huh. When is the last time Denise ever avoided a camera? She probably wishes she could make some kind of deal to be photographed 24 hours a day.
Even if the story is crap, I will give points to The Enquirer for at least giving us something interesting to talk about unlike In Touch or something who would probably recycle Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer. Oh, speaking of which I was so expecting a tabloid this week to have Jennifer rushing to his bedside after illness canceled his tour. It probably would have been a life threatening illness and she would have rushed to his side to get married and have babies.