Monday, June 28, 2010

Chris Brown Crying vs Tom Cruise Cooks On Kimmel

So, what? Chris Brown cries and all of a sudden the world forgives the guy? Last night at the BET awards, Chris Brown started crying about 45 seconds into his performance. The next thing I know, people on websites are talking about they forgive him and blah blah blah. It was planned. Do not buy the BS.

Never let it be said that Tom Cruise will not try anything to go to get you to see one of his movies. No matter what I think of him personally, I don't think there is another actor who will work harder to promote a movie. No matter what he has to do. Here he was on Kimmel on Friday.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Seriously? He is so pathetic. I couldn't even finish the video. It makes me dislike him even more.
    So he cries during a MJ song and everyone fogets he beat the crap out of his girlfriend.

    Tom Cruise = MEH

  3. tears during Man in the Mirror? what a coincidence! whatever, chris.

  4. He is a terrible actor, obviously CB is faking it.

  5. Well, now we know Jimmy Kimmel is not 6' 1" like he claims.

  6. The woman beater - yeah, I just don't give a shit how you made the moment all about you. Tom Cruise -there's another one I could care less about.

  7. ok, i thought the Tom Cruise/Jimmy Kimmel thing was amusing...but i am easily amused

    i didn't bother watching the woman beater video

  8. This one is a no brainer and I didn't even bother to watch either one of the clips.

    Um, I may no longer find Tom "box office" attractive but as long as he isn't being a "condescending know it all" I"ll take him any day over Chris "unapologetic beat um down" Brown.

  9. Chris Brown~totally predictable example of making someone's tribute all about him!! Silly me, I thought this was a Michael Jackson tribute.

  10. Cruise gets more desperate every week.

  11. Chris Brown pisses me off. This pathetic performance was so fake. No way I am buying it!

  12. Not only was his fake crying just bad acting but his dancing was lame at best. Seriously, how much time did he put into that horrible performance?!?! He's not a professional. Never was. He needs to go back under the rock he crawled out from under. His dancing was weak. Just weak.

  13. "His dancing was weak!" "How weak was it?" "It was so weak, I didn't even notice he was dancing!" Unfortunately, it's true!

  14. All I can say is that I love Tom Cruise :)

  15. The other day I was considering ordering BET so I can watch the Wendy Williams show...but now I'm not going to. They shouldn't have let that womanbeating asshole perform on the show in the first place, but the second he started "crying", they should have cut to commercial. Like someone else pointed out, it was supposed to be a tribute but he made it all about himself. Fucking jerk.

  16. Oh, and when Tom Cruise isn't talking about his crazy ass religion, he's a great movie star. One of very few real ones left.

  17. Tom is trying so hard to appear like a fun guy instead of the crazed midget he is that it's, like captivagirl said, PATHETIC. That awful video with Cameron Diaz punching him was bad enough; I can't watch this crap.

    And LOL @ Jimmy Kimmel claiming to be 6'1". Maybe Tom was standing on some phone books.

  18. Chris Brown+acting=FAIL.
    I admit I laughed at the Tom Cruise vids. Anyone remember years ago Alec Baldwin doing a cooking segment on Rosie with this older lady and he swigged wine and made Rosie and the audience howl with laughter? Still one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I'd like to see more stars cooking, just cracks me up.

  19. Chris B. needs to crawl back under the rock he slitherred from to do Man in the Mirror.

    Tom C. still is creepy. There is something a little too maniacal about that smile.

  20. I met Tom and he was sooooo charming. I never was a fan until then. As long as he's not talking about COS, I am fine.
    Saw movie, btw, liked it. Yes, I am an old-Brad fan myself,

  21. Why is BET removing all the videos?? I had to go all over Google to see that "performance" Thanks for RUINING Man in the Mirror, Chris Brown!

    I know he might be a little crazy but i can't help liking TC.

  22. Glad it's not just me. CB was toooo phony. And he didn't even sing the song! I also believe it was planned.
    It seemed like he was trying to be like Usher last year and failed miserably. And, why is doing a tribute now?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I believe in forgiveness, but not for this woman beater, especially not when he was partying it up with PDiddy right afterwards while Rhianna was hiding out with her bruises. Go away, Chris Brown!

    Tom Cruise may be a crazy Scito (I've met MUCH worse religio-crazies), but people who've met him and/or worked with him say he is very professional and a really nice guy. I never could understand his appeal and fame, but oddly enough, he's starting to appeal to me. Maybe it's because I'm at the fag hag age (no offense to the gays - it's a term I've heard used amongst non-homophobes and gays alike).

  25. Oh - or to hags, LOL.



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