Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Charlotte Church & Her Boyfriend Split

Now those pictures of Charlotte Church getting so hammered at a club she passed out begin to make more sense. The couple have been together for like five years and wouldn't you know it, two months after he asked her to marry him, they split. The couple has two children together and it seemed like a great match. Prior to meeting rugby player, Gavin Henson, Charlotte could be found most nights passed out at a club and Gavin was doing the same thing, but at different clubs.

I don't know why, but I have always followed Charlotte Church. It could be because of all those infomercials for her when she was so young. All night long it was either fat burning infomercial;s, something from Ronco, or Charlotte Church and the voice of an angel.

I wonder what happened because Gavin reportedly spent like $25,000 just on the proposal. That doesn't include the ring. I wonder if this is one of those situations where they should have left it like Goldie and Kurt. Some people just freak out when you mention marriage. Now, of course for me that took many, many marriages but some people can't handle the idea of even one despite the fact they live together and have children together.


  1. thanks for posting enty. i, too, was curious mainly because the proposal was so over the top and costly. will probably never know but was truly surprised when i saw the breakup announced late last week.

  2. i'm surprized and not at the same time. her partying has been so well documented and i'm curious how it affects her role as a parent/girlfriend at home.

    i hope they can reconcile tho, even if they never get married.

  3. Sometimes people try to save a relationship with a big thing, like marriage or a baby. Can't say I'm too surprised although they did seem like a nice couple.

  4. i like her...i wish she'd stop shooting her career in the foot.

  5. Isn't this the same bitch who said that NY had become "overdramatic" about the terror attacks?

    And she was pissed that the firefighters were becoming celebrities, resenting them being at celebrity events & things.

    Can't stand her.

    I don't care how she tried to spin it- the girl's a moron.

  6. say what?
    i thought she was supposed to be one of those christian singers? how dare ANYBODY say crap about firemen, especially new york's finest?


  7. bionic bunny... just because she's named Church, doesn't mean she's a christian singer. her old boyfriend was my neighbour in cardiff and he sold their "secrets" to the uk press for about £50k. he was a bit of a jerk. i used to see her out and about and her family owned a pub we'd frequent. she did drink a lot though.
