Friday, June 18, 2010

Carvel Has Earned My Love

I have been to Carvel. I have not been in awhile because I don't think they have any locations on the west coast, but dammit, I am going to get on a plane and fly to the east coast this weekend and spend my entire paycheck at Carvel. They have released what is probably the finest press release I have ever seen. Oh, except for the companies that dropped Tiger Woods. Those were good too.

Carvel actually took the time to respond to Dina Lohan and her big mouth. It is obvious that Carvel likes the regular people. I like them too. Here is their statement. Please print it out, laminate it and whenever you see Dina on the street hand her a copy.

ATLANTA, GA (June 17, 2010) – As part of Carvel’s 75th Anniversary celebration last year, we issued 75 Black Cards to celebrities. These cards were issued in the celebrity’s name and require the card holder to be present at the time of use. Many celebrities have enjoyed their cards at our Carvel Ice Cream shoppes and have shared their excitement with being included in the celebration.

Unfortunately, the Lohan family has been abusing the card. While the card was issued in Lindsay and Ali’s names only, their extended family has repeatedly used the card without either present. At first, we graciously honored their requests while explaining that the Black Card was not a carte blanche for unlimited Carvel Ice Cream for the extended Lohan family and friends. After more than six months of numerous and large orders for ice cream, we finally had to cut off the card and take it back.

Dina Lohan reacted badly and called the police to have her card returned. The police responded and did return the card to Dina with instructions not to use it again.

This is an unfortunate situation where certain people feel entitled to use a celebrity’s name for their own purposes. We regret that the Lohan family is upset and hope this matter is put behind us quickly.

-Ashley Swann, Carvel Public Relations Manager

I love you Ashley Swann. One question though. You only had 75 of these to give to the best celebrities out there and you gave one to Lindsay and Ali? Seriously?


  1. That is frickin' brilliant.

    But yeah, why Lindsay and Ali??!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good. I was sort of worried the kid would get fired. Kudos to Carvel for publically outting Dina's tricks and standing behind their employee and what's right.

  4. Probably because Lindsay DOES get papped a lot. They were doing it strictly for PR, so they were probably hoping that she would get papped coming in or out of their store

  5. As I mentioned yesterday, this happened in my hometown (East Meadow, NY) and I'm so PROUD!!! :) I'm going to go in and say thank you when I'm there in a couple of weeks!

    By the way Enty, there's a Carvel on Santa Monica Blvd (just east of Sepulveda) in West LA/Westwood. You're welcome.

  6. If Dina had any self respect (which we all know she has none) she should be absolutely mortified and embarassed. How rediculous of that entire wretched, self-entitled, cheap family!

  7. carvel 1 - the lohans 0

  8. Ahhh Schadenfreude... Heh! Heh! Heh!

  9. That response made me do the happy dance. Priceless! I don't have a Carvel ice cream store near me but they do sell it at our local grocery stores so I think I'll patronize them this weekend.

  10. Finally!! those stores are tired of that circus. Dina, you're famous for...what?

  11. That response was so great I had to read it twice. Major burn!

    Kudos Carvel

  12. YEAH!!! You go, Carvel!

    I had gotten tired of their IC cakes over the years but I am right back on the train now!

    This is excellent news.

    Semi-OT...Perez (I rarely read him) said that LiLo was piss-tested and it came up clean for alcohol in the "spilled drink" SCRAM alert debacle.

    Hmmppff. Must be some discrepancy in the testing...

  13. I will go to Carvel today! Ice cream cake for lunch it is!

  14. Anonymous11:00 AM

    You don't live in CA obviously because there are locations in LA county.

  15. Dina called the POLICE to get the card back? And the police actually went and got it for her? this is also a very upsetting detail.

  16. you gooooo, carvel!

    i think i need to treat myself to a flying saucer today in honor of such awesomeness.

  17. Good for Carvel. That is sad that not only was the family scamming Carvel they wern't even doing it in the right. I'm not saying to do it but everyone knows send the person with the card to get the items.

  18. For people who don't have a nearby Carvel to visit and thank, you can buy Carvel ice cream cakes in the bakery section at big Pavilions supermarkets (assuming you have one). There should be a freezer in the bakery, this differs from the normal ice cream section. I'm going to pick one up tonight to celebrate Carvel's victory against the Lohans, one that hasn't been won by the LAPD or the courts. Cheers.

  19. Way to go, Carvel!!!!!

  20. Oh look, REALLY is back. Yay.

    What a great statement! The best part about this SHOULD be the humiliation that Dina is suffering, although we all know she's so delusional she probably just sees this whole thing as another unfair attack on her and her "special" family.

  21. enty- if you're in so cal, there are carvel's. there's one in santa monica and one in mid city on pico near the museum of tolerance.

  22. Oh - and by the way, REALLY. You are quite the sleuth.

  23. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I love this. Finally someone stands up to the Lohans. I do think a Carvel ice cream cake is going to land in my freezer this weekend. They sell them at Publix, and probably at most supermarkets. They're really good, too.

  24. Awesome!
    But I would have given it to regular folk, it looks better and celebrities can buy their own damn ice cream!

  25. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Oh, look the post police is back. Yay. So we can't discuss religion or politics in the threads, what other violations are there? Or rather, what other violations there are to YOU? Since us the mere mortals should kiss your butt...

  26. Wouldn't it be great if Carvel had a huge boost in sales this weekend? I don't think they are available in the good ol' Midwest. :-(

  27. Yup, the closest one to me is 239 miles away.

  28. My local Kroger has them. I'll pick one up as well! This just made my day! I loathe Dina Lohan!

  29. Do we have Carvel in Canada? Because if so, I'm their new customer...*L*

  30. My question is, why does Carvel give the cards to celebrities? The fact that someone is designated as a celebrity kinda means they can pay for their own bleeping ice cream. Why not give the cards to battered women's shelters or some place where a free ice cream card would bring some real joy to the people.

  31. I have a Carvel factory near me! Take THAT!!!

    Gotta love those chocolate balls. In the cake, I mean. Similar to the balss Carvel has when they told Dina Lohan to fu#k off!!

  32. In whose universe is Ali Lohan a celebrity?!

  33. Haha - sorry, I just get tired of whining and confrontation, especially on Fridays. I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about REALLY since I wouldn't be comfortable with anyone kissing my butt. I leave the discussions of "mere mortals" to Dina Lohan. Ta ta!

  34. Love it. Even odder, LL tweeted a link to this article last night. Maybe she stopped reading at the "police returned the card" part.

  35. baaahahahahahahaha!! *deep breath* aaaahhhhhhahahahaha!!!

    if i ever meet the employees of that shop, i want to shake all of their hands! good for them! i love it when people get slapped in the face with their entitlement!

    *points at dina lohan* AAAAHAHAHAHA!

  36. How I wish they were still near me in the T Dot. Oh well, I think I'll call one in MO and order a Fudgie for my cousins!
    Go Carvel!

  37. I see CArvel cakes in the frozen section of the grocery store, and I'm not impressed. I LOVE 31 Flavors cakes though.

  38. @chopshop,

    if you're in the Midwest chances are it's available at one of your larger grocery stores. We have them (ice cream cakes only I believe) so I'm buying one this weekend.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I love this story!! Finally, Dina and her BS stories get shut down properly. It is incredible that she called the police on them; what a hideously entitled twat! Thank GOD this company stood up for their employee. And, let's remember that just because Carvel gave 75 cards out to the most papped celebs for free advertising, that doesn't mean that they don't a ton more charity for the rest of the "real" world. They do, from what I understand. Also, Enty should have posted Dina's comments about this -how they are just treated so much worse than "regular" people, because they are celebs ... it's the biggest LOAD and makes this response from Carvel all the more beautiful.

  41. I will name tonight's dinner "Ashley Swann". We will get royally pissed & cheer!

  42. Cheers to Ashley Swann, cheers to the ballsy 16yo who stood his ground, and cheers to Carvel!

    Wednesday is Sundae at Carvel, and we go every Wednesday. :-)

  43. Team Carvel!!! I am going to laminate this & carry it around with me in case I run into Dina anywhere.
    I wonder if she ever got a cake for Cody. Stop & Shop has a day old cake section that is 1/2 price. She could have headed over there.

  44. @lutefisk - ugh. Only REGULAR people shop at Stop & Shop!

  45. @RocketQueen--I only shop there when visiting my father-in-law in MA. What does that make me then? lol!

  46. lol! Well according to Dina, you're a peon, of course!

  47. I looked fast & thought you wrote "peen." Good thing I took a second look :)

  48. I never heard of them before yesterday. I wish there was one near me so I could buy something in honor of them putting Dina Lohan in her place. I will check out the grocery stores to see if they have ice cream cakes or something. Kudos to that 16 year old clerk for not letting that entitled bitch get away with it. Great job!!!! I can see giving a card to Lindsay she doesn't eat anyway unless they have vodka shakes or something,but why in the world give one to Ali??? She is in no way shape or form a celeb and no matter how hard Dina shoves her she never will be.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. BEST STATEMENT EVER. Way to put this delusional idiot in her place.

    I WISH there was a Carvel near me. I haven't had any since I lived in Jersey. :(
