Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bye Bye Larry King

I was not sure whether to do a post about Larry King announcing his retirement or just put a photo in Random Photos, but as you can see, the post idea won. I give Larry King a bunch of crap for being a big butt kisser to celebrities and the fact that he kind of paved the way for all of the morning shows to kind of follow his lead.

At the same time though, when he put away all of that celebrity shine and became the guy he was on the radio for so many years he could still work some magic. His old radio call in show was gold because it was on late at night and he would give anyone the time of day to say what they had to say.

Here are two clips. One is when he interviewed Marlon Brando. I am posting the first part, but I encourage you to go watch the other parts. It was one of his best celebrity interviews. The clip starts with a commercial, but it is there. Be patient. The other segment is from one of the best discussions on UFO's ever. Again, I am just posting the first part, but I encourage you to go dig out the others.


  1. Crap, I can't watch it until the wee hours of the morning. That is what I get for buying my dream house out in no mans land. I can only download during off hours.

  2. I love Brando's bluntness, he was so no nonsense,

  3. My Future Husband (aka, Keith Olbermann) last night was going on about what a great guy Larry is, so now I like him more than ever. :-)

  4. I do love Brando. Will definitely seek out the other parts. Cheers Enty.

  5. Dammit - no sound at work, but I'm open to hearing summaries? :)

    Can't say I'm sorry to hear Larry's leaving. It's time, and he's starting to seem a bit self-indulgent.

  6. he may be a nice man, but i'm so glad he's leaving. they should've given him the hook long ago, if you ask me.

  7. Please Please Please don't let Seacrest get the gig.

    I wouldn't mind Piers Morgan he is pretty sharp. But for some reason I would prefer an American to host.

  8. when he retires, he will take off his suspenders and turn to dust!

    it was more epic when he retired from tales to the crypt.... :P

  9. Brian Williams for the spot!

  10. my pool guy & his BIL briefly cleaned brando's pool. it was a mess of algae and growth. they finally had to terminate because he refused to let them control the growth, claimed he liked it that way, swam in it daily.
    slightly OT, but i just heard the story a couple of weeks ago.

    must go watch the vandenberg ufo clip. we see the launches pretty well from here, and the mister loves his telescope. that was NOT dirty, you silly cdaners! lol!
