Thursday, June 24, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This celebrity with a kitschy fan base, has a fetish for pregnant women. We hear it’s nothing perverse, he just thinks they are beautiful. Whenever he sees a pregnant woman, he can’t help himself and starts chatting her up. He told our source he’s never seen anything so lovely as a woman “in full bloom.”

Not Hugh Jackman.


  1. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I think that's kind of sweet. No idea who it is, though.

  2. As soon as I saw the word kitschy it automatically made me think of Charles Manson (strange I know) so I'm going with Marilyn Manson altho they may have described him as a singer and not a celebrity.

  3. There are quite a few men like that, even if they don't admit it. In any case, I'm guessing it's Taylor Kitsch.

  4. I think it's sweet as well; I always appreciate men who find pregnant women glorious rather than gross. Russell Brand?

  5. with the kitchy fan base clue, i will say john mayer, tho he doesn"t seem the type who would do that.

  6. i'm confused by the 'not'. i wouldn't have thought of jackman in the first place, but is that some clue about who this is?

    i love the taylor kitsch guess, just because it's so smart.

  7. Uh-oh, if it's Kitsch, I'm scared all of my friends will run out and get knocked up.

  8. Hey - I had a lot of young guys complimenting me when I was pregnant. Good-looking guys. Where were they when I was single???

  9. i thought russell brand right off too treesap

  10. Kitschy ... kitchen ... celebrity ... celebrity chef ....

    Ramsey? He's quite the flirt.

  11. i have no guesses other than if he's ruling out jackman, i think he's suggesting another heartthrob kind of guy.

    i'd rather meet a guy that loves a pregnant woman, than the guy that wants unnatural fake chicks. i think he's got substance to him.

  12. I say Taylor Kitsch as he was in the last X-Men movie and in the "not" is Hugh Jackman.

  13. I worked as a bartender when I was pregnant. I got better tips the bigger I got.

  14. Viggo Mortensen is the first name that popped in my head, but I have no idea!

  15. I agree with the most men finding pregnant women attractive. After all, men are programmed to look for signs of fertility (subconsciously), and what's a better sign of fertility than, well, fertility?

  16. My first thought was Pee Wee Herman.

  17. I thought Taylor Kitch is gay?

  18. For some reason, I was thinking Jude Law.

  19. That Duggard guy...the one with the 18 (uh, make that 19) kids?

  20. I thought Russell Brand right away too......

  21. He has lovely taste - pregnant women are beautiful :)

  22. lol @ the Duggar guy!!! You think? He better, that wife of his has probably been preggo half their marriage.

  23. Nathan Fillion - he has his legion of browncoats. Pretty kitschy - he has commented about how they all dress at the cons he goes to.

  24. dont know who it is, but there should be more guys like this
    pregnant women are beautiful!!
