Wednesday, June 09, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

Whenever we get anonymous emails from sources claiming to know certain stars, we are always suspicious and we usually don’t publish the blind until we can get a little more info on the rumors. We’re going to publish this one only because the person has repeatedly sent us this story and claims to be an ex-publicist for the star. Go into this knowing that we can’t confirm or deny this. This C/D list actress in work but more famous in name has been pregnant at least three times. She allegedly had one child under the radar years ago through a series of cover ups and gave the baby up for adoption. Her other pregnancies were terminated because the star is so fearful of her body image, she doesn’t want to gain weight. She also didn’t want her partner to know that they were the result of one night stands with random guys.

Not Lilo.


  1. This could be anyone.

  2. Fer Realz @ Rose

    C/D list actress, TV, Movies?!?!!

  3. I know, Rose. I actually hate the BuzzFoto blinds because 1) they're always so vague with no creative hints and 2) they usually set off the FAKE alarm in my brain, they just don't ever seem to ring true

  4. a body obsessed, slutty c/d list tv movie actress? HM!!! who could that be?!? I mean it should be so *obvious*

    I got nothin'

  5. Yeah, I'm kinda like *yawn* on this one only because EVERY bitch in H'wood is "so fearful of her body image." Please. Dumb whores need to get a REAL life.

  6. (Loos like this week must be hellish for all us regular gals out there slogging through each work day trying to feed families and pay the GD bills! We apparently ain't in no mood for no crap, are we?!)

    In my world, the cliche' has been ratcheted down to "Another day, another 50 cents..."

  7. Aniston, only because I am not going to put too much thought into this.

  8. Hmmm, partner? I wonder if that implies the woman is officially gay, but still likes the occasional cock like Lilo?

  9. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Women who do not want to gain weight, but want to be a mom should just use a surrogate. Either way, it won't have any bearing on whether or not you will become a good mom.

  10. C/D actress whose fearful of her body image...that's well over half of Hollywood!

  11. The only possible clever clue in there is the tiniest hint that the person is in/was in a lesbian relationship. (Else why would her male partner be suspicious of any pregnancy being the result of one-night stands?) But I don't really think BuzzFoto is clever, ever, in any of its hints. But if it were possible candidates might be Portia DeRossi, who is probably C list with higher name recognition, or the former TV actress Melissa Etheridge had been married to and just broke up with -- I don't remember her name, making her C/D list probably.

  12. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Meant to won't have any bearing on whether or not you will be a good parent.

  13. Why is birth control and/or condoms that hard of a concept to grasp? One time, I can understand but THREE?

  14. Portia de Rossi. Known for dramatic weight loss during Alley McBeal era. Blind hints in three places at this being a lesbian relationship. Okay, this one time I'm going to say the BuzzFoto blind is real (which is ironic, because it's the one time BuzzFoto feels the need to emphasize it can't vouche for the source, ha).

  15. C/D list actress in work but more famous in name...

    I'd guess Jules Kirby, but she's not famous for her work or her name.

  16. Sorry, this will be my last post in this thread. But now I'm more curious as to who is trying to plant scandal rumours about Ellen DeGeneres -- it might be a disgruntled former Portia de Rossi publicist but I doubt it. And I do think this is all targeted at somehow bringing scandal toward the very hot right now Ellen.

  17. Tenley beat me to it. Based on the clues, it sounds like Portia De Rossi, although I'd have put her at B-C list.

  18. The fast and the furious girl!

  19. Portia is not B list.

  20. Lol @ Jillian. That's not gonna get old for a loooong time.

  21. Portia's work is not C/D IMO. Arrested Development was critically acclaimed. Ally McBeal was very popular. Better off Ted got great reviews but not good ratings.

  22. Portia de Rossi is at least B/C. She's had major roles in three shows.

    Tammy Lynn Michaels had 2 kids with Melissa Ethridge.

  23. How about Kim Kardashian?
    Everyone would know that it wasn't Reggie's child if the baby had light skin.

  24. oooh I LIKE the Kim Kardashian guess VERY much.

  25. whatherface,blue crush.

    Kate Bosworth.

  26. ROFL @Jillian. That is so hilarious!!

    I don't think this blind is Kim K because she's not an actress; she's just a skank.

    Also, we might be looking too hard at the "partner" thing and assuming a lesbian relationship. Maybe they just used the word "partner" to avoid saying whether it's a boyfriend or husband since that would narrow it down.

    Yeah, I got nothin.

  27. hahaha Jillian... I swear I will be laughing about that still for awhile!

    Hope she passes her Econ test because stressing over "interwebz bullies" is not conducive to well...anything.

  28. I was thinking Bosworth as well!

  29. & its b/c of being an alcoholic not b/c she is worried about that body image crap...

  30. Not Kim K - when has she been out of the spotlight and without a camea in her face for enough time to hide showing a pregnancy and having a kid?

  31. I agree with MCH. How dumb do you have to be to have 3 unwanted pregnancies? I've been having sex since shortly before my 18th birthday and will soon be 40. That's almost 22 years of sex with zero pregnancies. I'm no genius, but I can take a pill every night and/or tell a man to wrap it up if he wants me to have fun with it. Not rocket science.

  32. I like the Kate Bosworth guess, but Megan Fox is a good one, too.

  33. I realize this is kind of out there but . . .

    Tara Reid (arguably D list and we all know who she is like it or not). Maybe the "stomach lipo" issue was really a stretched out birth tummy issue. I could see her being drunk enough to accidentally get pregnant three times.

  34. From now on, to me, every single blind is Jules Kirby...who ever she is.

  35. Jules, You just bought yourself another 15 minutes.

  36. I'm with RJ. I am nearly 40 too and have never gotten pregnant. It is not like birth control cannot be obtained. What is up with this stupidity?

  37. how about Eva Mendes? shes has drug problems in the past, also had a trip to rehab and wasnt ther a blind a while back saying she lost a baby whilst using meth?

  38. What about Janet Jackson? She WAS rumored to have a kid year ago, that her is raising...
