Wednesday, June 02, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This B list actor who is going to star in a movie that already has Oscar buzz is terrified that his brother’s penchant for underage play is going to come to light and ruin his own chances at success. He has sent his brother on a year-long “Eco” vacation to Central America in the hopes of keeping his bad behavior out of the way.

Not Clive Owen.


  1. Owen and Luke Wilson...obvious

  2. Antonio Banderas movie DALI were he protrays the tortured artist has had Oscar buzz since he was first chosen to play the role. He has a younger brother named Francisco

  3. Owen Wilson is starring in How Do You Know with Jack Nicholson, Reese Witherspoon, etc...and the fild is getting lots of Oscar buzz. Luke is the baby of the family.

  4. Fiddy, whose recent weight loss was announced with Oscar buzz.

  5. I know the guesses might be B-list actors but I just can't believe Antonio Banderas or Luke and Owen Wilson are worried about ruining their chances for success. Aren't they already longtime successes? It almost has to be someone pretty new to the scene who is on the brink of a true breakthrough.

  6. ah, selenakyle, didn't see your post -- 50 Cent is exactly the kind of person on the brink of a breakthrough in acting I was thinking would be a more likely candidate (though he never would have occurred to me as a guess! Great guess!)

  7. i like the 50 guess but i googled to see if he has any brothers/sister. wiki answers said 0.

  8. mom - maybe he edited his own wiki. LOL.

  9. The main reason I came up with Owen and Luke Wilson was the "not Clive Owen" hint. I had actually thought that Luke was the crazier one and Luke was fairly well behaved. But who knows???

  10. what is an "ECO" vacation, ecological? seems like that is a major clue.

  11. Oh I hope it isn't Luke or Owen!

    Instead .. am gonna pull this outta my butt and say Mark & Donnie Walhberg .. though I have no proof and I don't think Mark is in an Oscar buzz movie being made right now. And .. I loved Donnie in "Kill Point."

    Don't mind me .. I am just feeling bitchy today because when my dentist pulled out my impacted wisdom teeth - all four were for me - I didn't get a neat get up like Lohan got! Bastard! I am gonna call him right now and complain!! ; )

  12. an "eco" vacation in central america? that area is ripe with sexual tourism and sexual exploitaion of children not to mention child prostituion, that's like disney world for a pedophile, why not of send him to phenom phen? unbelievable, this guy needs help, not a free trip to hurt more vulernable children!!!

  13. As long as his penchant is for older teenagers, he will baste in them in Central America, Honduras, Belize, etc.

    However, if his penchant is 10 year olds, he is probably going to get caught sooner or later.

  14. Luke is doing tons of Phone Commercials, and is enjoying tremendous success with it. People believe him. Owen is doing just fine.

    I can't imagine either one of them causing a problem for the other, because they are both famous in their own right and have talent.

    Now Donnie Wahlberg....that's different.

    How about Matt and Kevin Dillon?

  15. I don't think Owen would be able to send Luke away for a year.

  16. I don't think either Luke or Owen would be the problem brother, but aren't there other Wilson boys? Seems like the other brother/s are writers, and wrote "Bottle Rocket" among others. But having said that, I like the Mark/Donnie guess.

  17. Luke would never leave my bed for a year. Can't be him.

  18. The Wilsons have one older brother, Andrew, and he's the stable one in the family. It's not them.

  19. I doubt the younger brother is even famous. Wouldn't we know if Luke Wilson or a Walberg was taking a year long "eco" vacation? I mean, there'd be some type of photos or whatever.
