Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Beverly Campbell Is Today's Hero

I bet you have no idea who Beverly Campbell is or why she would be standing up and giving her a round of applause. Well, I will tell you. Despite the fact that she will probably end up being disciplined or fired, she stood up to her boss, the Sheriff in Pitkin County Colorado, and said they were making life way too easy on Charlie Sheen, especially considering his crime. They have basically taken a felony and turned it into a two week summer camp.

Under the deal that was originally announced I guess Charlie would spend 8am-8pm every day hanging out at the Aspen Theatre where he would be hitting on women, smoking, eating and just having fun. Then at 8pm he would head for jail and do it all over again. After 15 days he would have nothing left to do.

Well, Beverly said it was a bunch of crap and that what Charlie should be subject to is service from 10 to 4 and treated as if he were in jail instead of a party. Plus, at the end of the two weeks he would still be on probation. You know, in case he did something wrong like threaten to kill another woman.

So, because of Beverly the deal is off for now. Hopefully she keeps her job. All she did was try and make sure the guy has some type of punishment.


  1. Beverly rocks. I hope she gets to keep her job. It's the idiots who agreed to that kind of deal for Charlie Sheen in the first place who should find a new line of work.

  2. Wow a voice of reason!
    Way to go Beverly, you are a champion of womankind, and humanity. That deal was the worst of celebrity justice I have ever heard.

  3. *clap* *clap* *clap*

  4. Way to go Beverly! I read about this earlier and cheered for the woman. She is just asking that he be treated like everyone else in the work release program. Awesome.

  5. 12 hours of daily freedom "working" while in jail is absolutely rediculous. Hollywood justice is just unbelievable.

  6. What does Aspen think it is LA?
    Way to go Beverly

  7. nicely played, Bev.

  8. Good for her. I just hope she isn't killed in an "accident". I wouldn't put anything past Charlie.

  9. God bless Beverly. Would they dare fire her now that this has been publicized? The *Aspen Theatre*,packed with summer interns looking for Hollywood "contacts" and a job on "Two and a Half Men"? That sounds like Sheen's dream come true. Plus you know he'd hustle one of the other prisoners into cleaning his cell while he's out "working."

  10. She rocks! I couldn't believe it when I heard he would be out from 8-8. That's total bs. Jail is not supposed to be a freaking hotel.

  11. Last night I heard someone at theater that he was supposed to be working at claim that he complained about not having a smoking area. The woman from the theater said "now I have to find a spot where he can go and chain smoke".

    I'm so glad FOR NOW this freak is not getting his way.

  12. Bud Light presents:

    Beverly Campbell, Real American Heeeerooo!!!

    Thanks to you, Beverly. A spoiled pansy @$$ celebrity won't get a slap on the wrist and Justice will be served!!!

    So open up a ice cold Bud Light, Beverly, because you are a real American Hero!!!

  13. When Kid Rock got all bitchy becuase he wanted to perform for troops and have it count for community service for his waffle house scuffle sentence of 80 community service hours.

    What did the Judge say, he said F U Kid Rock. Community Servce isn't you having fun playin music. Go play for the troops on your own time (as he should).

    The same should be said for Charlie. He should be cleaning the streets and bathrooms. Not having fun playing "actor" in a theatre.

    We need the Kid Rock or Lindsay Lohan Judge to hand down some real justice.

  14. Good for Beverly. They actually put her in an awkward position of having to cater to Charlie yet follow the rules on others. It was a no-win situation, so she chose to follow the rules. I see lawsuit if anyone dares to fire her. In fact, anyone dares, they will look like a celebrity-controlled @ss.

  15. This is a really good day!

  16. I am having a drink in Beverly's honor today!

  17. This happens every day in America with the same type prisoners.

  18. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Well hopefully her job wouldn't find some stupid excuse to fire her and if they do, she has a good reason to sue them hehehehe.

  19. A responsible public servant with a moral conscious and an understanding and appreciation for the severity of Charlie's offense? Clearly Beverly needs to be dismissed.

  20. Ugh. Please don't make me defend Charlie Sheen, because I won't. But, what I will do is defend the justice PROCESS we all agree to via the Constitution. Everyone has a right to a fair trial. People can waive that right, including speedy one in a criminal instance, if ALL parties agree to a certain punishment and the judge signs off on that agreement. Do you REALLY agree to give an ovation to someone who disregards this PROCESS, because they personally disagree? Sorry, but that is vigilantism and scary. Justice shouldn't be - and by law IS NOT - in the hands of just one person and their personal opinions as to whether or not a crime has been committed. Has this warden just seen what has been written by the media, or was she there and have personal knowledge? Do you trust justice to be doled out by what is reported by TMZ, etc.? Forget about Charlie, this is about our Constitution, and that woman should be fired for disregarding the justice process.

  21. @Goodgrief, I thought the same thing....

    Way to go, Beverly!

  22. She was just stating her opinion, which is one of our constitutional rights.

  23. There is no constitutional right that has been infringed here. Charlie Sheen will not be able to protest this to the Supreme Court. Sorry.

  24. God bless you, Bev!! You get the GOOD karma.

    I am SICK of celebs getting special treatment. Lindsay Lohan should be in JAIL right now, cleaning toilets and being somebody's BITCH. Charlie - more of the same. Where Martin to slap some sense into his son?
