Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Belinda Carlisle Talks About Her Drug Abuse

Belinda Carlisle was on Good Morning America this morning and I have to read the book she is plugging. She talks about everything in the book. This morning though she talked about when she hit rock bottom in her fight to get clean.

"I had gone to London for business, but spent three straight days locked in my hotel room, doing cocaine. I went on the biggest binge of my life, which is saying something considering I had used, boozed, and abused for thirty years. When I looked at my eyes in the mirror, I didn't see anyone looking back at me. The lights were out. I was gone. It scared me - yet I didn't stop until I had an extraordinarily frightening out-of-body experience where I saw myself overdosing and being found dead in the hotel room."

Now the thing is this all happened in 2005. Her son was born in 1992 which meant she was doing coke and boozing it up until her son was almost 13 years old. I am shocked that her marriage managed to survive all this, but it has which is absolutely amazing.


  1. Wow. Never heard a hint of any of this!

  2. I thought her cocaine addiction was during her Go Go days, had no clue she was still toot tooting away even after her solo career.


  4. A marriage, if strong and if the people in it are completely committed to each other, can survive alcohol/substance abuse. Sometimes people walk away because they no longer want to watch their spouse/significant other destroy themselves, while others will stand by until the end. It all depends on the situation, because they are all very different.
    Glad she is doing well and managed to get herself clean because so many people are unable to.

  5. Remember that she was part of that Darby Crash gang back before the GoGos made it big. She has always been *fantastic* at hiding things.

  6. Cancan - she can't hide the botox.

    I'm glad she is clean now.

  7. I knew she had had some serious issues with drugs but I thought it was over a long time ago, like when "Heaven Is A Place On Earth" came out. I will most likely read this book...

  8. I bought her book yesterday and I am going to start on it today.

  9. She has been honest in the past about the drugs and booze. Respect her for being honest and letting all the boogeymen out of the closet.

    She has a very open marriage- and by that I mean they both travel alot- and when they are together, it works. I don't think they are cheating on eachother- just are able to be away from eachother for long periods of time. 18 years in the South of France can be a oasis vs LA on your life.

    she looked weird this am on GMA- her bottom lip and top lip had a hard time meeting up.

    My first concert was the GO-GO's when I was 13. Love all the gals- hope I can make it to the "farewell" tour.

  10. i commend her, finally a celebrity who is honest with their drug abuse, instead of saying "it was just pills, or alcohol" or exhaustion.

    maybe she will inspire others, good for her on being clean

  11. She looks very different, in a Pricilla Presley sort of way.

  12. 30 yr addiction?! eeep...heartbreaking. i like her...so glad she's clean now.

  13. A few years ago I was reading Film Threat magazine and they had an article about "obscure videos" and such. They mentioned that the Go-Gos had a notorious one but never said what was in it. I don't think it was a sex tape by any means but has anyone ever heard about this tape?

    I'm assuming it's one of them all getting high or something but I've always wanted to know what this tape was.

  14. Very few people will stop doing cocaine until a greater force intervenes, either a spiritual change or people they care about leaving them or career or money issues. I take my hat off to her for getting out of it -- drug abuse sucks, no matter how much fun it is for the first few months or years. It turns boring and stale, and you can only get so high before you stop being human. Congrats to the clean!

  15. She's had so much plastic surgery, you can't even identify her. She's joined the Pricilla Presley Club.

  16. Go Go's was my first concert!

    She was so beautiful, but plastic surgery and coke have ruined her.

  17. Wade - the notorious Go-Gos related video is best described by groupiedirt.com:

    The Go Gos - They might have looked sweet in their videos, but these girls are not innocent. Back in their heyday, they made an after concert video with a drunk roadie. While the roadie masturbates, the girls are giggling in the background. Later in the video, Kathy Valentine shoves a vibrator up the roadie's ass when he is passed out on a hotel room bed.

    Not quite as outrageous as Led Zep's fish tale, but pretty out there for an 80s-era girl group.

  18. Whoa at the botox! (Why can't these botoxed ladies powder their foreheads, btw??)

    The GoGo's were notoriously promiscuous and drug users. I'm sure that her weight had a lot to do with her cocaine ab/use. She got so much attention (and was gorgeous!) when she lost weight during her solo years. As noted, she is probably alive today because she moved away from Hollywood; the abuse would have very probably been so much worse.

  19. Thanks Squeezebox - I always wanted to know what was on that tape (I had the biggest crush on Belinda Carlisle when I was teen).

  20. I'm wondering if Keith Urban makes it into the book... tons of drugging together happened there. And no, i didn't join in, just got to see alot of it
