Tuesday, June 01, 2010

An Arrest Warrant Finally Issued For Survivor Producer

A judge in Cancun finally issued an arrest warrant for Bruce Beresford-Redman for the murder of his wife Monica. Monica was found dead in a sewer April 8th right outside the hotel where she had been staying with her husband. The same husband who thought it would be a great idea for Monica to get a bunch of life insurance for Monica right before their vacation.

Anyway, this warrant comes a little too late. The guy managed to get back inside the United States last week without his passport. I am still waiting for an explanation as to how that occurred. Meanwhile he is in Los Angeles now and seeing his young children on a daily basis. Scary!

Oh, and the bastard issued this statement after the warrant was issued for his arrest.

"Monica was the axis around which our whole family revolved. From her sisters and parents to my parents and of course to our children and me, she was everything to us. My children have had one parent taken from them by a senseless act of violence. I implore the Mexican authorities not to take their remaining parent by a miscarriage of justice and to do what is right not just what is expedient."

Fine. If he thinks he is so innocent then go back to Mexico and face trial for the murder of your wife. We can't expect Mexico to extradite their citizens for crimes committed in the US and then not do the same in return. If you are so innocent buddy then get down there and face the trial. I bet he doesn't go though. I bet he stays in Los Angeles and keeps looking for the real killer. Maybe he should get OJ to help.



  2. I concur Shazzzba!

    I absolutely believe he had something to do with this...But, you know, the whole, innocent until proven guilty, thing is in my way.

    It's just waaay to suspicious to me... AND very sad for the children and HER family..

  3. Ah, I forgot about blacklisting in the industry. Perfect!

    The U.S. Feds will hopefully expedite his return to Mexico. He did not help himself with them by returning to the U.S. without his passport.

    The guy probably did it and thinks he has outsmarted everyone. Idiot.

  4. The USA and Mexico have an extradition treaty, so it should be interesting if he refuses to go. I hope the Mexican lawyer in this case is good, cause you know his lawyer will be. I wonder what little loophole his lawyer will use in order to keep him in the States? I don't really know Mexican law so well, so I don't know what is in their Constitution, but I hope there isn't anything that would prevent him from being extradited.

    Sigh. I hope he is.

  5. Remember when Dog the Bounty Hunter tried to drag that guy outta Mexico to face charges in the US?

    I'd like to see the Dog take this guy's ass back to Mexico.

    Honestly, if it wasn't the husband, who else could it be?

  6. @califblondy

    It could be anyone. Mexico, in general, is not the safest place and you can get killed for any reason. Botched mugging, kidnapping, kicks, whatever. I never put anything past countries that aren't up to the same standard that the rest of North America is.

  7. Another thought:

    Getting life insrance before travelling to a country such as Mexico could be construed as being pro-active and I'm sure you could pull some statistics on foregin murders in Mexico, or failing that, new stories, that would provide reasonable doubt.

  8. Yeah, my ass ain't going nowhere NEAR Mexico right now, for any reason.

    They'll cap your ass for looking cross-eyed down there.

    Hell, they injected acid into a child's heart, for fuck's sake for some drug-related retaliation or something. These are some hardcore fuckers down there.

  9. Sue Ellen,
    Which begs the question, why travel to Mexico in the first place??

  10. @Sue Ellen and @Selena Kyle, jeez. These are really ignorant statements.

    I live in Chicago and we the shooting of more than one child per day. Drug-related revenge killing for adults are off the charts.

    Does that mean I walk in fear or advise people not to come here? No. I'm not involved in the drug trade nor gangs in any way, so my chances of being the victim of a murder are near zero.

    For every Mexican horror story, I can match you an American one, plus a few more.

  11. @Patty

    I wouldn't, but I know people that do and they love it there. I love my life more than I would love going to Mexico, but hey, that's just me.

  12. @Gretchen

    Ignorant, what? Want me to look up stats for you? Prehaps compare Chicago and Ciudad Juarez? I can make you a graph and everything.

    I live in Toronto, and people get murdered here all the time, but it's a hell of a lot safer than Mexico, and that's the truth.

  13. @Gretchen

    Here, now zip it.

    "While there's no definitive comparison of murder rates in cities around the world, there's no question Ciudad Juarez is now among the deadliest. It has had about 2,250 killings this year, a rate of 173 per 100,000 residents. That compares with 37 in Baltimore, the deadliest U.S. city with a population of more than 500,000"

    Source: HuffPost

  14. @Sue Ellen - You're absolutely right about Mexico. I work with a lot of Hispanic people and I've heard nightmarish stories.

    BUT.. These two we're probably staying at a pretty nice resort. I do think he is a person of suspision.. And, like Enty said, if he's so innocent he needs to go clear his name..

  15. You said "Mexico," not a specific city.

    Who goes to Ciudad Juarez on vacation? I'm talking about tourist destinations.

    I know some Americans living in Puerto Vallarta, and they are bemoaning the decline of the tourist industry because Americans who can't discern between a hellish drug-ridden bordertown and a relatively safe (by US standards) tourist destination are overgeneralizing.

    Then again, I'll wager that 9 of 10 Americans couldn't pick out Ciudad Juarez and Puerto Vallarta on a map.

    So yeah, this kind of not safe to go to "Mexico" in general crap is indeed just stupid.

  16. And yeah, Toronto's murder rate is among the lowest in North America, even compared to other Canadian cities with relatively low (in relation to US) murder rates.

    So yeeeeaaaaah, Toronto is safer than Mexico. And American major cities too.

  17. Ok, lets compare countries, cause I said Mexico.


    Mexico is number 6 and America is 24.

    So, you know. Mexico isn't as safe as America, or Canada (44). I don't appreciate the ignorant comment.

  18. Yeah, Toronto is safe, but you won't catch me hanging around Keele and Finch late at night. Just like you won't catch me on a Mexican beach. I'd rather go to Florida.

  19. You are right, Gretchen!

    Thanks for policing us on a GOSSIP SITE.

    I meant to reserve my snark for my staid, conservative, strictly-monitored professional forums.

    Sensitive, much?

    Of course the fucking husband killed her or had her killed! Duh!

    We just hear a LOT of REALLY bad stuff about many different places in Mexico in our newspapers here on the east coast. No idea what stuff the newspapers print in Chi-town, though.

  20. @ Icecat

    I know, am I am just generalizing. Making a blanket statement. However, people have been killed in resort areas in random acts of violence. There were a few Canadians killed in Mexico over the last few years by Mexican nationals for no reason, so I'm just saying that it could happen, and there is a greater chance of something like that happening there, than there is in America or Canada.

  21. Hell, I heard my first gunshot ever in De-troy-t what when I was 19. That is a fucked up place, and the most messed up thing about it is that it's just right across a river from Canada where we don't roll like that. Brrrrrrruppp!

  22. Yeah, when I hear stories about my ex employee's, whom have gone back to Mexico (their home country) to live, and because they have some money get kidnapped, tourtured and finally their families start getting FINGERS sent to them in the mail, because they don't have enough money to pay off the kidnappers.... I'm not feeling the safety. AND what's worst is I am hearing that the country isn't safe from actual MEXICANS....
    There's a nice story for you Gretchen...

    Oh and Sue Ellen - I wasn't arguing with you. I do realize that ppl do get killed at nice resorts.. I just strongly believe that this is a fishy story, and they have every right to deem him a person of interest..

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. @Icecat

    I know you weren't, I wast just saying.

    Also, I have heard some crazy things from this guy I know who is from Mexico. He is even from a safer place, in the mountains. He said bad things still happen there, to innocent people who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. That being said, he showed me pictures and it is stunning, so I see the allure.

  25. ANYWAY...
    I betcha this guy is gonna get himself a high-priced lawyer and get off. "I implore the Mexican authorities not to take their remaining parent by a miscarriage of justice.." What a load of horseshit.

  26. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Isn't it still true that in Mexico, you are presumed guilty and must prove your innocence (unlike the US 'innocent until proven guilty')? In which case I'm surprised the officials didn't arrest his ass earlier.

    Also, about how he got back in the US - can't you still just drive back in and use your driver's license as ID? Or has the border patrol changed that to requiring passports of all returning US citizens?

  27. My brother's father-in-law is a native Mexican and still lives there. He's a retired school teacher in his late 60s. During the last few years, there's been an eruption in violence related to drug trafficking, and innocent civilians are caught in the cross-fire. My sister-in-law who was born south of the border and speaks fluent Spanish hasn't traveled there in more than three years because of the violence. She's only seen her father on the rare occasion he visits the U.S., and she worries about his safety constantly.

  28. @Jax

    If you're commenting to me, I know Mexico is part of North America, hence saying the rest of North America.

    Secondly, I'm not slagging off a whole nation, and even stated this is a generalization, I am playing devils advocate attempting to see where this producer's lawyer could provide reasonable doubt.

    Finally, I was speaking about Canadians in my area of Canada, such as the old couple, who were murdered for no apparent reason. Not the dealers you personally know.

    And if it wasn't directed towards me, then disregard.

  29. i travel to mexico extensively on business, and am embarrassed by the extraordinary amount of asinine and ignorant comments on here. wow. geez people, let's collectively gather up real knowledge and cease the fear-mongering bullshit.

    sidenote...mexico finally has a president who's a bad ass...amazing dude...taking the drug cartels by the horns and doing what so many before him never had the cojones to do. you go, president calderón!

  30. Sue Ellen, since you started off your comments directed to me, I stand by my statement that the hubby did it.

    I live near the border and I'll just leave it at that.

  31. Radar Online is reporting that the extradition process will begin tomorrow. Not the trustiest source, but may be right this time. It will be interesting to see how long it takes to return him to Mexico.

  32. @ Sue Ellen

    I just thought I'd jump in here and comment on something you said. "the most messed up thing about it is that it's just right across a river from Canada where we don't roll like that. Brrrrrrruppp! "

    I'm from Canada too and unfortunately a blanket statement like that doesn't fly. Just last week 2 children (ages 8 & 10) were killed in Winnipeg by stray gunfire and the day before a 16 year old was killed.

    Violence doesn't respect borders. Violence can happen anywhere in any town in any nation. It's sad, it's dispicable, but it happens.

    But, I have heard horror stories about the Mexican jails and justice system in the past, so I'm not so sure I blame the guy for leaving the country. I freely admit that my knowledge is dated and things may have improved but perhaps he read the same books I did...and no, I can't remember which books or when I read them. :)

  33. i bet he thought he could get away with the murder in mexico because of these ignorant ideas of what life in mexico is really like.
    the boarder towns and smaller more remote places where drug cartels can hide and produce their "goods" seem a more likely place to find higher rates of violence that seem to keep white socked westerners from heading south. the resort towns probably see more rapes, robberies and assaults than they would murders of this nature. though people get killed in tourist traps all the time it's usually just a case of wrong place, wrong time.
    this situation, though, just seems like this guy is an arrogant mofo who thinks he can get away with taking a life and hiding behind misconceptions of mexican justice.
