Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Another Baby Weight Story To Make You Feel Inadequate

US Weekly has decided to pick up the mantle usually reserved for In Touch and Life & Style. This week, they feature Real Housewives star Bethenny Frankel and how just three weeks after giving birth she is already back to her pre-pregnancy size 4 and has lost 29 pounds of the 35 she gained during her pregnancy. Oh, and of course she does it all without dieting.

"I don't believe in diets."

Well, she might not believe in them, but she doesn't eat much food every day. She says that her typical fare each day is "a muffin and fruit for breakfast, a veggie sandwich and soup at lunch and BBQ chicken and a half a sweet potato for dinner."

Where is the fun in that? I know I say it everytime one of these stories comes out, but all the magazines are doing is making the majority of women who can't lose their baby weight quickly feel bad about themselves. I also think that these people know they are going to be posing in a bathing suit or bikini shortly after they deliver and do diet and exercise like crazy so they look good for the shoot. They then spin some yarn about how it all came off so easily.


  1. Where in the hell did she get those shoes? Horrible.

    I don't know how she dropped it, but she always seemed to be coked out (or something) on the show.



  4. Honestly, I love all the Housewives shows, and I find it funny that Bethenny would do this. Someone (probably Kelly) will rip her a new one on the show about this. I would bet money on it. Can't wait.

  5. Meh, I don't feel bad about myself, these pieces are so ridiculous. Not to mention every other celebrity weight story...

  6. She may be skinny but she is butt fucking ugly. Her head is shaped like a square. Seriously her jaws are so sharp I'd be surprised she hasn't stabbed anyone with it. Her eyes are so droopy they're practically sideways on her head. So, yeah, I'm a lot fatter than her but no amount of plastic surgery will ever make this girl normal-looking.

  7. Now, how is that you are still single with such compassion for women? Thank you for noticing the unrealistic expectations the media heaps on
    the female race :-)

  8. Don't most of these celebrities -- and I'm using that term loosely in relation to Bethenny -- get lipo'd right after giving birth? I'm calling shenanigans on this shit.

  9. I actually think that if I were in a one-piece swimming suit and pull my stomach in, I would look the same after 3 weeks post-delivery. I think this one is not that bad comparing to Courtney's.

  10. 29 pounds in 3 weeks? Isn't that dangerous? I thought women weren't supposed to do exercise at least for a month after giving birth.

  11. I would like to say for the record that my 3rd baby is now 9 weeks old. I am nowhere NEAR my previous baby weight. I did however have a very healthy 10 lb baby and the previous one was 11 lbs. Sure I put too much weight on but my kids came out healthy and the Dr. was pleased. These women can go ahead and tell their stories but I don't for minute believe that worrying about losing the baby weight is more important than bonding with my newborn. In other words... Bethany Frankel can suck it! :)

  12. Meh......i was 112 when i got pregnant, 135 when i gave birth to a 6 lb baby and 118 when i came out of the hospital 2 days later. Its water retention......

  13. wasn't there a blind item about her being bulimic? just from seeing her on tv i think she has some food issues/body issues

  14. Good point @Jess! 10 pounds a week is not healthy at all.

  15. I forgot about seeing the baby picture. She was so tiny she didn't look real.

  16. I don't know. Everybody's different. I guess it's feasible that she's back to her size 4 bod based on her diet and exercise, but I tend to agree with Nisa. She probably had that shit lipo'd out.

    You can't compare one pregnant broad to the next. It's just apples and oranges. We're all different. Just hope the baby's healthy. I really don't pay attention to these Housewife fuckwads.

  17. Ya, 900 calories/day isn't dieting at all.

    Flo Jo Joyner, the Olympic sprinter, gained 100 lbs & said, "eff it! I'll lose whatever weight I gain after." And she did. Those stories of mommyhood are way more inspiring & true to life. And she *worked* it off, didn't go some sissy route with lipo & coke diet.

  18. Those sharp jaw points are generally a key indication of bulimia. Throwing up a lot builds and emphasises the muscles there, giving you that tell-tale jawline.

  19. I don't know how you can have an eating disorder or starve yourself while prego. I get so hungry it hurts. I eat like 8 times a day. I feel like the bambino is hungry so mamma has to eat. I mean I try to make really good choices, but a little ice cream ain't gonna kill ya.

  20. I know I am going to hell for watching these shows but I LOOOVE these crazy delusional bitches. They are all effin' morons and SOOO fun to watch. Just pay attention to each and every one thinking that they are so righteous and good and each one is a trainwreck in a different way. Now, to shell out money for any one of 'em "products, books, songs, jewelry, etc" ? Hell to the naw, but I will drink a glass of wine and laugh my ass of at them!

  21. Don't feel too bad for us, Enty. It could be worse; we could be a skinny bitch.

  22. i <3 Ellen Kaye.

  23. Hey - Canadachick - I hate you.


  24. What happened to 9 months on, 9 months off?

    I've been 118 pounds since I was about 15 years old. Got pregnant at 31, and gained 32 pounds. 8 and a half months after my daughter was born, I finally fit into my fave pair of pre-pregnancy jeans. I ate right, went for stroller walks everyday and did yoga a few times a week. It still took months for the last 10 pounds to come off.

    I hate these bullsh*t spins...

  25. This is just the way it is now, Enty. It makes us all feel like crap.

    But with regards to Bethenny, not at all surprised. She prides herself on being thin and eating healthily (so she says), so of course she's going to want to get back to her pre-preg right ASAP.

    With regards to her looks, she always looks to me like she hasn't slept in WEEKS.

  26. She had the "Mommy Makeover." You get a c-section, a breast lift and a tummy tuck all in one package.

  27. lollydarling is right; her jaw looks like that from years of bulimia. I'm pretty sure the baby was born early due to something related to that. But she did get out of the hospital pretty quick, so hopefully she's healthy now.

    Having said that, I still think Bethanny is a riot and I HATE that Kelly Bensimon freak with a passion. I love the New York and New Jersey Housewives!

  28. Looked like crap before the baby; looks like crap after the baby. She's a succubus. God help that child.

  29. Until I started reading I thought she was Teri Hatcher.

  30. People..... What's with all the hate for Bethenny? If we are all trying to support women why the venom? I have a bunch of skinny friends who have all lost their baby within weeks of giving birth. I'm not skinny and ne'er got back to Pre preg weight. Frankel had the baby 5 weeks early - that's why the 4lb baby. Why pick on how she looks? Seems pretty mean to me, and anti-woman. I agree 900 cals a day is unrealistic, just asking to dial down the personal attacks on the chick.

  31. I call spanx on this one.

  32. Christine - because Bethenny's inner ugliness is manifested in her outer appearance. Has nothing to do with what the scale says.

  33. WHA???? Wait! I'm lost, Christine. A reality fame-whore puts out a story in a gossip magazine about her weight, and Enty puts it up on a gossip website, and we aren't aloud to talk about her weight? Or is it that we are only supposed to say good things? Believe me, I am PRO-woman, but we are not talking about your sweet Aunt Martha's mom jeans, or your teen daughter's self-image issues...I think you need a little perspective about this conversation. Also, If she was PRO-Woman and wanted to empower the viewer, she wouldn't be doing these types of stories.

  34. Bethenny's a natural foods chef - her ambition is to be a "clean eating" version of Martha Stewart. She is marketing herself as an advertisement for healthful eating/ cooking/living. She was a size 0 before her pregnancy.

  35. my apologies, Christine. That was supposed to be a mega-bitchy remark to the HW, but it sounded more like it was mega-bitchy to you...not the way I intended it. Sorry!

  36. I have to say, I was about 110 and gained about 27lbs while I was pregnant. I am around 112 now and was that way very shortly after I had my little darling. People are different, I love food but I have always been thin and probably always will be. I get sick of people always saying that I have an eating problem, blah, blah, blah. Some people are just naturally thin, I do not see why others hate on that all of the time...


    I've known quite a few bulimics but didn't know that thing about the jowls. here it is folks!

  38. I once lost 23 pounds in 3 weeks. I'd gone to the doctor's office and as usual I'd gotten the nurse's usual quick check before seeing my quack: Temp, BP and pulse checked and then I was weighed. 3 weeks later at my follow up the nurse and I were shocked at how much I'd lost when we did the routine weigh-in. I still don't know how I did it. I was dieting and exercising but wasn't by any means starving myself. Oh, to be able to do that again... *sigh*

  39. @chopchop, cancan, et. al.: Thank you! I've always imagined myself on Hollywood Squares, with the conversation going like this: "Circle gets the square! Robert, your turn." "Um...yeah, I'd like Bethenny Frankel to block!" That woman is not good looking AT ALL. Skinny girl this, skinny girl that...shaddap!

  40. I have a friend who had a normal weight baby, only gained 27lbs and was back in her size 2's in under a month. It's not normal to gain 80lbs because you are pregnant and frankly it's not a sin to watch your weight and take of the extra baby weight.

    Over half the people in the US now have high blood pressure and there are more diabetics than ever before. You should eat healthy and watch your weight when you are pregnant, you should be able to get that weight off quickly, if she has a way to do that, is that supposed to be something bad?

    I say good for her.
