Friday, June 04, 2010

Annie Bierman Is Suing Because David Carradine Didn't Have A Full Time Babysitter

I have heard and seen some really strange causes of action in my time, but I think Annie Bierman is really going out on a limb. She is suing the producers of David Carradine's last film for neglect because they didn't watch over him 24 hours a day. In papers obtained by TMZ, Annie states that an assistant hired to watch over David decided to go to dinner without the actor when the assistant couldn't reach Carradine.

For that she is suing? Seriously? Was the assistant supposed to be with him and watch while he tied himself and played his sex game? Was that in the job description? Was the assistant supposed to watch Carradine sleep and make sure the covers didn't slip off him? The guy was 72 years old and in good shape. Why on earth would someone have to stay with him 24 hours a day?

It isn't like David was dying in the hotel room when the assistant went to dinner. Her papers say that Carradine called the assistant back but they were already on the other side of town and couldn't come back to get him. Presumably the assistant invited David to join them, but even if they didn't it shouldn't matter.

I just think this is ridiculous.


  1. What a surprise, someone suing someone else for a trumped up reason. WOW!

  2. just another Hollywood leech creating a nusiance lawsuit that is easier to settle then fight in court.

    Sad her husband died but if she was sooo worried about him why didn't SHE travel with him and babysit him. Who is only dead becuase of his sex fetish gone wrong.

  3. Maybe she already blew through the money he left behind, and has her eye on a new Bentley or something.


  5. yeah, gold-digger..

  6. Please dear God in Heaven don't allow this woman to win any money from this bogus claim.

  7. I think after the way he died, she might want to keep his death on the down low.

  8. I'm 100% with Ms Cool, I'd definitely want to keep his death on the DL! What an embarassing way to go.

  9. I guess her theory is that if the assistant had been there, David wouldn't have tied himself up and ultimately died. But since David's death didn't occur during the hours they were filming, I don't see how she has a cause of action.

  10. i think there was more to the story than we know about the mental state of Carradine when he died if she was insistent on around the clock care.

    she might be right,he was only there for 3 days and managed to off himself.

    not that i agree with suing.

  11. Interesting point jax. If he was suicidal and the family required that he have a 24/7 handler or assistant, then maybe she has a case.

    I'm curious, which is worse for the family - suicide or accidentally hanging yourself during while masturbating?

  12. Good question JJ. I think suicide would be worse, but who knows.

  13. Good question JJ. I think suicide would be worse, but who knows.

  14. Back in the day, never in my wildest dreams could I have foreseen Kwai Chang Caine checking out like this. Unbe-fucking-lievable. And to have it splashed all over the international media as well? I, too, agree it would be better to let the incident fade in people's memories and perhaps be discreetly avoided when mentioning him in the future; however,like many other lurid Hollywood deaths (Lupe Velez, Albert Dekker, Peg Entwhistle) this is one fact that people won't forget.

  15. if he was suicidal, though, why let him travel across the globe and work? Wouldn't getting professional help make more sense? I agree that this is just a baseless suit brought on for, what else? money.

  16. I liked what Movieline said about it:
    "According to a lawsuit obtained by TMZ, she’s alleging that the director of Carradine’s final film is responsible for his death because he snubbed the actor when Carradine was late to a dinner date, which naturally would lead a person to choke himself to death while masturbating. Case closed!"

