Monday, June 28, 2010

Angelina Jolie Pulls Out The Retirement Card Again

Angelina Jolie is in the new issue of Vanity Fair. I have to say it was pretty vanilla. It was nice to hear her make some comments about the kids and what their personalities are like. That was interesting.

“Mad’s a real intellectual, which I can take no credit for genetically. He’s great at school, great at history. He feels like he could be a writer or travel the world and learn about places and things. Zahara’s got an extraordinary voice and is just so elegant and well spoken. Shiloh’s hysterically funny, one of the goofiest, most playful people you’ll ever meet. Knox and Viv are classic boy and girl. She’s really female. And he’s really a little dude.”

She also says Shiloh is most like she was at that age.

The rest of the interview I have read or seen a million other times. She loves Brad. They don't need to be married. They would love to do a movie together, but who will watch the kids. She is ready to retire. She has been saying that for about two years and keeps on signing up for more movies. She won't retire. She loves the spotlight and she loves the paychecks and getting to travel to a different spot on the globe for a few months at a time.


  1. She used to do about 3 per year, now she does about 1 per year. As a woman, she is very smart to do these big-budget movies while she can--those 20 million dollar paydays are fleeting.
    Certainly an entertainment attorney would understand the practicality of THAT.

  2. She also confirmed that Shiloh thinks she's a boy, wants to dress and act like her brothers so they had to cut her hair.

  3. Oh and I love Michael K's take on her forgetting to mention Pax. He said, "What kind of Saint forgets to mention one of their children? The halo over her head just tilted to the side and cracked a bit." LOL!

  4. i don't really care about either of them anymore, but i do give them props for being so committed to their kids. they seem to try to be together when one of them is working and stagger their work so one of them is always with the kids. they put their money where their mouths are for causes they believe in.
    like them or not, i DO kind of like the choices they've made for their family.

  5. As annoying celebs go, these two aren't so bad. I don't go crazy like their superfans, but they work hard, earn their money, and look after the kids. I think Angelina still has MAJOR issues but I won't lose sleep over it. I'm more bothered by the fact that Brad has lost his hotness.

  6. I think she continues to make movies not because she's "addicted to the spotlight" but because, like Jet Li, she can't bring attention to her causes without doing movies. I don't know why people feel the need to attack someone who brings more light to the world and does more for refugees, the very poor and children than probably all of us combined.

  7. Yeah, where's Pax. That was a glaring omission.

  8. Shiloh seems like an incredibly fun kid, and I dont think its weird to dress up like a boy and want to play with them when you are that age... I did that for a looong time and I am perfectly normal.

    Eh. I mean... Mostly.

  9. Anonymous10:51 AM

    It's not really good practice to say that any child, at that young age, wants to be a boy. Some kids do engage in 'gender play'. One would have to be older in order to determine sexual orientation.

  10. When you have so many kids you forget one during a major interview, may be time to get the ol' tubes tied and remove yourself from the adoption rolls. I mean, sheesh.

  11. Thats a bit harsh, dont you think? I am sure the boy just lacks any kind of personality, and has not said or done anything noticable during the 3-4 years they have had him.

  12. well if Shiloh does turn out to be a man in a women's body..couldn't happen to a better set of parents...just not ideal being in spotlight so much.

    too early for judgement.

  13. There's also a possibility that Angelina did mention Pax and the writers neglected (unintentionally I hope) to include that comment.

  14. I wanted to be a boy when I was little. I went so far as to even try peeing standing up for a bit. And, I'm mostly normal. I think a lot of little girls go through a tomboy phase. I think it is completely ridiculous what people are speculating this early on...

  15. Poor lil Pax. He's probably going to flip through VF any day now and say WTF?!

    She should probably just stop saying she's going to retire.

    She is just so gorgeous. Seriously.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Her kids are way more interesting than she is.

  18. Didn't someone report somewhere that Pax had serious anger issues?

  19. Yes Mango I've heard other posters say that before but I've never actually read it in an article and highly doubt that she would exclude him even if he was a total terror at home. I think the Magazine forgot to mention the statement that she gave regarding him.

  20. I can't stand Angelina and her fake b.s. I'm glad those less fortunate have benefited from her craziness but I don't believe her motives for a second. I think she does it to feel less guilty for shooting heroin at home with the kids.

  21. Beautiful but boring. I don't understand the fascination.

  22. I thought the most interesting thing she said is that she is seemingly ok with the beard. :)

  23. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Blah, blah, blah. The crux of this article, just like the multitudes before this one, is that Angelina Jolie loves herself.

  24. Icecat: it seems that every little girl tries to pee standing up at some point. I'd never thought about how common it is until I read The Second Sex. It's been years, but I recall de Beauvoir going into it in some detail.

    It's also very common for little girls to wish they were little boys. I think it was probably more common in the past, when society didn't allow little girls to do any of the fun stuff boys got to do. Nowadays a little girl can wear pants and roll in the mud, but 50 - even 30 - years ago it wasn't quite so accepted. The peeing while standing up thing, tho, seems to be innate to all girls across all cultures.

  25. Agree with Cheryl and jax. I like her and Brad, think they're good parents. Slowed down with the movies, etc. She might have her issues, but I don't lose sleep over it. And she is totally, utterly gorgeous.



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