Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Amy Locane Is In A Lot Of Trouble

Yesterday, when I read about former Melrose star Amy Locane being arrested for vehicular manslaughter I didn't know exactly what to say because details were still coming in. Now though, I have a lot to say. The first and what I consider the most important is that prior to her killing one woman and critically injuring another, Amy had been involved in a minor hit and run.

At that point, unless you are January Jones you need to stop and give it up. If she had just stopped and not tried to run away from the first accident, then a woman would still be alive and her husband would not be in critical condition in the hospital.

The other thing that really disturbs me about this is that Amy has a 3 year old and a one year old. What kind of example is she setting for them? I am just so grateful neither of them were in the car with her when this happened.

If convicted of the crime, Amy would have to complete 85% of a 5 to 10 year sentence.


  1. Convict her, lock her up and throw away the key. this is where I advocate the use of chips (like they put in dogs, because you know if they give her a light sentence she'll be back in a car in a heartbeat. And the next time it might be her kids that get killed. I would love to have a chip that would go off any time an idiot like her tried to drive. I hope the father of those children take note.

  2. Wonder if she was drinking?

  3. no clue who this chick is?? first melrose place or second melrose place?

  4. Lets hope they mainstream her in prison once she's convicted. Let it be a huge lesson to these so called "stars" in Hollyweird that they're not above the law. The same for that talentless skunk, January Jones. First of all what kind of name is that? One of those were she desires attention like the "love me daddy" variety. I hope she gets into trouble too. Hollyweird is full of bums, pimps and yes sluts. And I'm talking of the acting variety. Taking a human life is a big deal for some of us that still possess morals and ethics. I wonder if Amy will do a good job of protecting herself in prison because someone will make her, her b***h or for those of you who don't understand, her slave!

  5. 1st MElrose Place, 1st Season. She was replaced by that dykey Jo who had about as much excitement as a wet mop.

  6. i read she was drinking. i don't think this is her first DUI either, is it?

    i have no patience with this crap. you put the device on the car and they get some friend to blow in it and off they go. suspend their license and they drive anyway.

    the only answer is serious laws and nobody seems willing to do that. there are people who are charged multiple times and they STILL don't do serious time.

    i say you get one chance. first DUI---you get treatment and probation to make sure you aren't drinking.

    second time, you go away. and if you kill someone, it's MURDER.

  7. I had a terrible car accident when I was 19, and it ruined my life, and his, and it was an accident that was caused by drugs, on the other driver's part, but I paid none-the-less. Anyway, I feel sorry for innocent people in car accidents, because that is why they are called 'accidents'. This one was intentional.

  8. i really hope she is going to get the book thrown at her. let's all be thankful that she's in NJ and not CA. we all know in CA she would just get paroled and serve 10 minutes if that. NJ is very, very strict about DUI related incidents.

    what a mess.

  9. Well, not to excuse January Jones but didn't she walk off, not drive off?

  10. i'd like to know how she ended up behind the wheel again if she had already been stopped that night?

    the cops observed her hitting mailboxes in her car!

    do they not tow your car when you get a DUI in the US?

  11. Anonymous9:55 AM

    If the cops saw her hitting mailboxes why didn't they book her in the first place???

  12. It wasn't cops, but another driver who called the cops and followed from one source I read. She should get the max and no-alcohol probation for the rest of her life.

  13. my bad,robert.

    still! this is fucking heinous.

  14. Nancer, I agree 100%. It seems like every month or so there's another story on the local news about someone who's had 30+ dui's, and half the time the news crews catch them driving away after court. We NEED harsher penalties.

  15. How horrible. When will people stop drinking and driving? It's not that hard to do. Seriously, JUST DON'T DO IT! If you have to drive, don't drink. If you have to drink, you have a problem. Simple as that folks.

  16. She was driving drunk, killed somebody, and would only have to serve 85% of a 5-10 year sentence? Are you kidding me? She killed somebody! People are going to keep doing this unless the laws are strengthened considerably.

    Yes, she was drunk - she admitted to drinking several glasses of wine immediately before the crash.

  17. Don't forget, she was also in Cry Baby (aka the best movie ever made).

    If this had been Lindsay Lohan, she would just have said "that wasn't me driving. I was set up" and get away with it.

  18. @timebob

    Halle didn't kill anyone, she just hit a car and left the scene. Rebecca Gayheart killed the nine year old boy.

  19. She is Gone Baby Gone!

  20. @Harriet Hellfire - Thanks for the Cry Baby shout-out!!
    LOVE that movie...

    I was hit (in my car) by a drunk driver when I was 17. Luckily, no one was injured. He called my parents the next day to apologize.. ugg. the nerve.


  21. This makes me sick. My daughter's mother in law to be was killed by a drunk driver 7 months ago. The killer was 5 times over the legal limit and an habitual offender. of course he was not injured. He was sentenced to 16 years and will most likely be out in 9. This beautiful mother of 3 and loving wife was cheated out of watching her children grow up and growing old with her husband. We were cheated living our lives without her. It is heartwrenchingly sad every day and the upcoming wedding will have a huge void. What more can be said than JUST DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.

  22. @Harriet - you beat me to it! I fell in love with Johnny Depp, Ricki Lake and Locane in Cry Baby.
    No patience for drinking driving here. Her poor children, though. No mention about a husband/father to the kids?

  23. Whoah! Whaere did this happen? I used to see her all the time at one of the clothing stores in Princeton; already loved her from Cry-Baby ... what a mess.

  24. Just read the link - dang, I used to take Cherry Hill Rd. every day to my summer job in high school. That's an easy road to navigate, no turns or woods or anything. All clear sightlines. She must have been wasted and totally distracted. So sad. Those poor people. (NOT LOCANE!)

  25. RocketQueen - my dad knows her husband, he owns (or maybe his dad owns & he works at?) Community Liquors in Princeton.

  26. @thanks Lady J lol I was mixing up my actresses car accidents. Too many beers while watching the World Cup!

  27. @cancan - Locane's husband lives in Princeton? Is that in California? That's good though - at least they have another parent to live with?

  28. She was on the first year, first season of Melrose and her roommate on the show as the token black girl the series had, maybe only for that first year too. I remember -- maybe incorrectly? but I don't think so -- that Amy did some interviews when she left saying ... well I think she was saying she's very religious and the character and loose morals and drinking etc on the show just didn't jibe with who she was, she couldn't do Melrose because it was so out of sync with what she stood for in her life.

  29. Princeton, NJ - my hometown. She actually lives slightly outside of town, I think in Hopewell (where my maid of honor lives, she also sees her from time to time.) I now live in CT so I am not up to date on the news there but my dad still lives in Princeton.

  30. This is a tragedy all the way around.

  31. I watched Melrose Place & have seen Crybaby a bunch...I can't remember this girl....off to IMDB...

    Yea I thought after the 2nd DUI they got stricter?

  32. She admitted to drinking "several" glasses of wine after appearing in the Sunday afternoon matinee of some play she's in. Driving home, she rear-ended a guy at a stop sign; they got out of their cars, he started to dial the police, she got in her car and took off. He followed her up the street while on the phone with the police, describing her weaving across the road and knocking down mailboxes; then, a couple returning home took a left turn into their driveway and she hit them broadside while the guy behind her watched. The wife is dead, the husband in critical condition, many people's lives ruined. A DUI arrest would have been a blessing (as it always is.)

  33. And in Plaistow, N.H. this weekend, a drunk driver drifted into the oncoming lane and struck some people riding in a charity motorcycle run, killing one woman and sending her husband and another rider to the hospital. (This was with a police escort for the motorcade.) The kicker is, the guy had been released from police custody after a DUI arrest on Friday night, less than twelve hours before he caused this accident. What the hell is wrong with people?



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