Al Gore Accused Of Sex Attack
The National Enquirer is reporting that Al Gore was the subject of a Portland police investigation for allegedly sexually attacking a masseuse almost four years ago.
No charges were ever filed against Gore, but The Enquirer did manage to get a copy of the police report which was marked "Confidential Special Report." They also have a copy of the receipt for what is one of the most expensive massages ever. $540. Oh, and Al Gore's pants from the day in question.
I can believe all that. What I don't believe is the part of the article that talks about Al Gore leaving Tipper for a gorgeous massage therapist. Somehow I doubt he left her for one he is accused of sexually attacking.
You really do have to read carefully that this happened back in 2006. They make it seem like it just happened. They do still have reporters in Portland and flew more in last night though so they must think there is much, much more to this story.