Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why Some Parents Suck

I think last year I posted a video of a Chinese boy of about two or three who was given a cigarette by his father and then the boy smoked it for the camera. I know there was a lot of discussion about whether the boy was actually a toddler because of the dexterity of his hands and motions.

Well today here is a video of a boy purported to be 2 years old who is up to two packs of cigarettes a day. His name is Ardi Rizal and, the Cambodian boy first started smoking at the age of 18 months. His father says the boy is now addicted and screams and cries when they don't feed his habit. The father doesn't care and says the boy is healthy. I don't think the kid is 2. I think he is about 12. Again with the hands. Could a 2 year old handle a cigarette like that?

EMBED-Ardi Rizal - The real SMOKING BABY !! - Watch more free videos


Patti said...

I don't think he's 2 years old either.

Maggie said...

I am thinking he is at least 4 years old. Regardless, this is tragic.

Lady J said...

I saw this video earlier on Dlisted. This is absolutely horrible. I can't believe parents can be so irresponsible.

Cindy said...

Well so much for the theory that smoking helps you lose weight....

I know - I'm going to hell.

Anonymous said...

I can't see the video, but whether he is 2 or 12, it's reprehensible of the parents to get him started on this.

Unknown said...

He's no more than 4. Look at that face.

Ms Cool said...

I'll buy that he's 2. Looks like the parents don't know how to say 'no' to anything. This is deplorable.

Icecat said...

Just. Wrong.

Meg said...

@Cindy - I guess I'm going with you b/c that just made me LOL

I can't get over this...ignorant parents. I am not sure on his age though??

Alice D Millionaire said...

He might not be 2 but I don't think he is 12.

Tenley said...

At what age do kids start writing with pencils or pens fluidly and with finesse and without straining and focusing intently on the movement -- like this child is effortless doing without thinking about it? I'm guessing it's fourth, fifth grade, maybe later. (Putting such a child at about age, well, 10-12)

chihuahuense said...

Either way it is disgusting.

0 said...

Child abuse. Blatant, outright child abuse. It's no better than handing your child a bottle of Drano and saying "drink up!" I smoke and don't even let my kids see it, let alone give them cigarettes (trying to quit... since New Year's I've gone from nearly a pack a day habit to making a pack last over a week... work in progress!)

Robert said...

@0: Congratulations, and keep it up! Smoking cigarettes is by far the most addictive and pernicious of all habits. I have to laugh watching Celebrity Rehab and other shows that get/keep people off drugs, while watching them puffing away a mile a minute--when will they address THAT issue? If you want to see real drama, film people in the throes of kicking nicotine addiction. Instead of Sober House they could film Stop-Smoking House.

bitteliten said...

I agree with Enty. No way that kid is 2. Or 4. The hand is one thing, but what really strikes me is the way he controls his lips and mouth. Never seen a < 4 with that much control.

My guess? 9-10.

NovaNightly said...

Yeah...that kid isn't 2 years old. That is some serious dexterity going on there.

It is still unbelievably wrong...they let him smoke because he pitches a fit and cries??!?! wth?? Some wonderful parenting going on there....

Anonymous said...

Okay...let's put aside the fact that this is hideously WRONG for just a moment. You would think the parents would be petrified to let their 2 year old child smoke simply because the chance he's going to burn down the house is about 1000%!!!!!

Theresa said...

When my cousin & I were toddlers my uncle used to spit tobacco juice on our pacifiers. It got to the point we wore them around our necks with ribbons & would walk up to him screaming & crying holding our pacifiers out until he would spit on them. So wrong!!! (And vile...)

E. DuBois said...

Theresa: Oh my goodness! That is crazy. I'm glad you survived!

Yeah that is not a 2 or 4 year old. The manual dexterity is waay to developed. A four year old has a hard time with writing tools, much less flicking cigarettes around.

But no less disgusting. It's sad, because his teeth will probably all rotting and malformed due to the smoke, not to mention his internals.

Maybe the fat will soak it up - Cindy, RocketQueen, look me up downstairs, lol!

Jeannies Bottle said...

I noticed the manual dexterity as well...and it's not that of a 2 year old...but he's still a little kid...probably hasn't grown properly cuz he smokes. This is one of the strangest things I've ever seen.


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