Friday, May 14, 2010

What Do You Think?

Over the past few days I have heard for and against arguments about the video below. Some people say that the 8 and 9 year old girls dancing to Single Ladies is inappropriate. Their parents disagree and say the moves actually came from an Alvin & The Chipmunks movie. What do you think? Appropriate or not?


  1. I don't know about the dancing, but the costumes sure as hell are inappropriate.

  2. ha mooshki i was just coming to say the same thing- the same rountine in joggers would have been a lot less rank. Pretty sh*ty parents to let their kids on stage dressed like burlesque.

  3. The routine is fine, but yeah, the costumes are way inappropriate.

    Those little girls can dance, though.

  4. Umm..9/10 yr old girls should not be dancing or dressed that provocatively. You're just giving fodder to pedophiles. Even if the dance came from the Chipmunk movies those are freaking cartoons dancing sexually. I dont understand how parents dont even try to maintain / preserve their daughters' innocence and dignity. Then one wonders why these lil girls grow up to be over-sexualized teenagers.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm not a parent, but the proud aunt of a boy who I love as much as I gave birth to him. That being said, I wasn't shocked by the dance so much. You see many of those moves in gymnastics and ice skating.

    I agree, though, that the costumes were tacky. But I disagree that it would attract pedophiles. Pedophiles don't need provocative outfits to get off. They can get off just seeing a kid dressed normally on the street. But I think mostly, as Borg Queen says, it sends the wrong message to the girls.

    I have to say I was in a club recently that I've never gone to and I WAS shocked to see the 20-something girls dancing to music as if they were strippers and they saw nothing wrong with that. You know, the bending over and grinding against the man's torso. I couldn't believe how blase everyone else was about that. I felt like an old fuddy-duddy!

  7. Are these outfits from Noah Cyrus' clothing line?

  8. I'd really like to see what the other teams were wearing, what their dance moves were and their music. But yes...probably too racy. But boy can these girls boogie!

  9. that was fast... 19 minutes and the video is down.

  10. Unfortunately, they look like very young hookers. Inappropriate outfits, certainly. Those chickmunks they were copying sure are racy!

  11. I recently lost a lot of weight (Lyme Disease) and I am really short, so the only clothes I fit in are girls'. I have a very difficult time finding pants because they are all cut so low. I wear about a 12, and even the sixes and eights (for very little ones) are like this. Ew. I personally do not want my daughters butt crack showing in her jeans every time she bends over, any more than I do my own.

  12. Just because cartoon charecters do it doesn't mean real people should do it. if that was true then Bugs Bunny cartoons would have us hitting eachother with anvils.

  13. The vid is down, but this one is my absolute favorite "Single Ladies" video of all time:

    I must have watched it 20 times in a row and laughed harder each time.

  14. It took me just a few seconds of watching before I felt dirty and like puking. I think both the dancing and the costumes were inappropriate.

  15. I dislike this song immensely, loathe the dance, and cannot fathom why it is apparently so popular.

    A part from that, what is disturbing is that the parents see nothing wrong with their daughters dressing like $2 hookers.

  16. I'm with Mooshki. Dancing, fine. Outfits, whores in training ala Noah Cyrus. IT would have been cute if they'd worn the black unitards from the video.

    And Shmooey is right too, I wore plenty of bright neon dance outfits as a girl growing up in the Midwest. They were ugly but not scanty, and if they had been, my Mother would have kept me home.

  17. Awful. I have a young daughter and there's no way I'd let her out like that. Too provocative.

  18. the outfits are inappropriate!!( very Pussy Cat Dolls)

  19. The outfits are horrible, but not the dancing. I agree with someone who said if they were dancing wearing another type of clothing, wouldn't have so much attention.

  20. You know who would love this video? Roman Polanski.

  21. love the dance. brings me back to my younger competition cheerleader days. outfits are too much. if they had more covered i don't think people would be making such a big deal.

  22. I heard the girls were 7?

  23. ...Hi, longtime reader, first time poster...I went to the movies with my 6yr old nephew, to watch that Alvin and the chipmunks movie, and when the dance comes, I thought it was inapropiate, even for cartoons; it's just not right, you know? the message it sends to young girls...

  24. Well.. the vid has been revoked off You Tube - so I guess that says something .. though I am not sure what! LOL!

    However, I did find a news story about is and saw a portion of the video. And I say .. no 7 year old daughter of mine .. if I had one .. would be allowed to wear that trashy shit. Secondly, the dance itself .. again these are 7 year old children .. not appropriate, IMHO.

    Little girls get enough of this crap shoved in their faces at later ages in life .. sexualizing them at 7 is just very wrong.

    Lastly .. Chopchop .. Amen!

  25. @nunaurbiz: I know how you feel, because not having gone to clubs for a few years, when I finally did I was shocked at what passed for dancing. This blatant crotch grinding is apalling! And it's being specifically banned at high school proms, if you can believe it.

  26. I just watched it on another website....I think the dancing wasn't THAT bad but the outfits are HORRID. They look like mini prostitutes. And the parents should be ashamed of themselves. There is nothing really that raunchy about this song but they kind of made it that way.

  27. This makes me so very sad.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Having watched Alvin & the Chipmunks the Squeakual too many times, I can honestly say that in no way shape or form was that the choreography, other than the arm stuff, which was really B's choreography- also, they don't actually do much of 'Single Ladies' in the movie!

    While the choreography is a bit too grown up for their ages- it's the outfits that push it from questionable to out and out wrong for me. I've never been able to figure out why people tart up little girls for things like that.

  30. Anyone under the age of 15 doing a bump and grind in any kind of outfit is completely inappropriate. Shame on the teacher who thought this was age appropriate. And for the record...I'm not a prude or religious. I just think kids should be kids and shouldn't be talked into such sexual situations by the people who teach them.

  31. nunaurbiz said...
    "I'm not a parent, but the proud aunt of a boy who I love as much as I gave birth to him. That being said, I wasn't shocked by the dance so much. You see many of those moves in gymnastics and ice skating."

    i was going to say the same thing. and i think back to all the places we went in our skating dresses when we were in our (younger) teens and never thought a thing about it.
    i didn't see this, but i saw a sound-bite from the news. the outfits do look quite tacky, but then i think what they do to little girls in beauty pageants is disgusting, and they've been doing that forever.
    as for the dance, if the kids were at the appropriate LEVEL (i've seen whasisname doing the dance) then i can't imagine anything wrong with it. if it was BEYOND their level, then it's wrong all the way around.

  32. The outfits aren't any worse than swimsuits you'd see on gals at a public pool but some of those humpty bump dance moves were just wrong.
    Are we time warping to Boulder Colorado, late 90's?

  33. I had this discussion with a 19 year old female work colleague and a 40ish male colleague today. Both she and I agreed that the costumes were inappropriate and also one move at the end (facing forwards, legs spread wide, gyrating hips) was too much. My male colleague, who has 3 daughters and 1 son thought that it was fine. He expressed the same opinions as the fathers of the daughters in the video, that it was just dancing and didn't look sexual at all. I think it is quite sad that we live in a world where it's acceptable for an 8 year old girl to wear those things/dance like that. Why can't kids stay kids? I do have to say though that those girls are amazing dancers, and should be very proud of the effort and training that they must have put into that routine. I just wish that they looked a little more their age. BTW, I am a 24 y/o australian female who is by no means a prude.

  34. OK I finally watched it, I'm quite sure I did a really good impression of Buckwheat. All of it is inappropriate IMO. I know plenty of kids dance and dress in this way but that doesn't make it right. If there is anytime Jesus needs to take the wheel its now. These children are being sexualized by adults who see nothing wrong..thanks DISNEY.

  35. Liza,

    That was LMAO funny. Thanks

  36. lol @ Liza's video, too. My song loves that song.
