Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Trading In Uma Thurman For Courtney Love

When I saw a report in the NY Daily News that Courtney Love went ballistic at some night club over a guy it was pretty easy to believe. I mean come on, it is Courtney Love. You could tell me she set herself on fire while dancing to Vogue and catching it all on Twitter and I would believe it.

The part that I have trouble believing is that the guy she argued with, and supposedly her new boyfriend is Andre Balazs. Yeah, the gazillionaire who was thisclose to marrying Uma Thurman. Courtney says, "I'm in lurve. It's nice. Scary. I'm a great catch and he can be a bad boy but he loves me." When she says she is a great catch, does she mean like as in girlfriend material, or if you caught her while you were fishing you wouldn't throw her back?

Tell me how a guy goes from Uma to Courtney. What makes anyone pick Courtney? All you are going to get is screaming and drama 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Oh, yes, it will be non-stop. The report said that at the end of the night when the two were leaving a club, "Andre was stopped by a woman he knew. As soon as he started talking to her, Courtney hit the roof. It was obvious to everyone that the woman was a business associate, but not to Courtney. She acted like a toddler! It got so bad that the woman Andre was talking to got really embarrassed, and he had to apologize and walk away. By then, Courtney was crying and screaming. Andre started shouting right back at her. They eventually got into a cab, but the few people left on the street at that hour were in shock."


  1. You gotta hand it to Courtney and this Balazs guy (he's got Balazs) -- if they could leave people on NYC streets in shock, they're doing something right.

  2. Obviously he just likes the famous ladies. Or maybe he read that quote of hers where she said the crazy ones were the best in bed and he needed to see for himself. In any event, she's so scary-looking and batshit crazy, I can't believe anyone in their right mind would want to take the plunge.

  3. If I was out fishing and caught this, I would instinctively drop everything - catch, line, hook, and sinker) into the water and jet ski/powerboat/paddle to dry land in a heartbeat! Y.I.K.E.S.

  4. Surprising that he is with Courtney, especially after being with Uma, but maybe he enjoys the crazy. And considering Courtney seems to be the COMPLETE opposite of Uma, maybe he just wants something different.

  5. He probably screwed her once in the cab and dropped her off. All this lurve is in her head.

  6. I always suspected Uma was wackier than she let on. Hell, she married Gary Oldman. Ethan Hawke is insane too - he was a high school friend - so perhaps Uma & Courtney are more alike than we thought.

  7. @Cancan, that's a good point -- Uma doesn't mess with the normal guys.

  8. He better watch his back. He might end up on his back in a gardening shed, overdosed on heroin with a rifle between his legs. *shudder*

  9. why are we assuming uma is the epitome of great gf? this guy may simply like drama. i know guys like this...they'll complain about it, but they stay...so i simply conclude they must like that roller-coaster cycle.

  10. @Schmooey, I cannot stop laughing!

    What does he get with Courtney? Along with the (exciting?) drama and the willingness to do absolutely anything he wants with/to her in bed, he also get saggy old tatas and a variety of STIs. You never know who might be turned on by that package.

  11. @Cancan, please give us the dish about Ethan Hawke! I always kinda liked him, but would love to hear some scoop.

  12. All I can say is that I miss Courtney's Facebook updates. I hate her publicist for taking away our fun.

  13. I'd comment about steak and hamburger, however in this case I honestly believe it's more like steak and dog food.

  14. I'd say this guy likes leggy blonde drama queens.

  15. Gladys - she's back on Twitter now if you miss your hourly dose of incoherent ramblings...*L*

    I agree with whoever said that Uma probably isn't the most stable chick out there either. This guy likes drama.

  16. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Anyone guy that is with Courtney has to be as nuts as she is lol.

  17. Cancan took the words right outta my mouf!

  18. Ugh. I WANT to say that she is so freaking delusional if she thinks she's a catch, yet I also realize she probably has no trouble hooking men, so what the hell do I know? And yes, my guess is that he's in for the drama and sex, and this won't last long.

  19. Maybe he's just checking out whether ugly girls are better in the sack or not. Honestly, I can't believe all the guys who have been with CLove (Ed Norton....wtf were you thinking dude?) so she must be good at SOMETHING. Or maybe she's good at the game and comes across as 'cool' until you get to know her. I dunno.

    I do have some advice for Andre, though. Stay away from grunge music and heroin....

  20. She is just one big entertaining train wreck.

  21. I think when she says that she's a catch it just means you should expect to catch something after you have sex with her.

  22. Oh I saw somewhere a looong time ago, maybe even said by Kurt Cobain himself, and definitely while he was still alive, that Courtney Love was the best sex he ever had. So that explains quite a bit as far as the still-unending line of guys goes.

  23. Tenley, he said it on "The Word", a British TV show, just as Nirvana were beginning to play.

    It was in 1991 at the height of their romance, and I think it was more his way of declaring his feelings for her, than an assessment of her sexual prowess.

    You can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3nCI_9uQfI

  24. Oh, and notice how he promotes her band, "the sensational pop group Hole". :D

  25. What the hell is that thing on her head? She looks like she caught the bouquet at a wedding reception and jammed it on there, or maybe like Ophelia after they hauled her out of the river.

  26. I would love to see Courtney and Lindsey in a room together. They would suck the life out of each other and implode. What kind of self-respecting man would find that kind of behavior attractive?

  27. I hope Andre enjoys his case of HIV.

  28. @Cancan, I want to hear Ethan Hawke scoop too! I had such a crush on him in Reality Bites/Before Sunrise but he pissed me off when he cheated on Uma.

    Well this dude's money should come in handy for CL.

  29. Tara - Exactly! She was with Ed Norton, Trent Reznor and others. She's doing something right, although we'll probably never know what!

  30. Also, remember that we're looking at Courtney through a different lens than most Hollywood people are. For us, she's disturbing, but these men are surrounded by anorexic women, coked to the gills, willing to do anything for the mere chance of promoting their careers. In some ways, Courtney could be a refreshingly innocent change of pace, after Drunkface McCord and bobbleheads who looks like Bosworth on a five-day coke binge.
