Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tom Cruise In Esquire

I don't know what I was hoping for before I read the Esquire cover preview of their interview with Tom Cruise. I did expect something though and all I got was a bunch of vanilla blah. Apparently the theme of the article is rebuilding Tom into the movie star he used to be. I don't think that is going to happen. I think there have been too many things that have happened outside of his movies for him to rebound so quickly. Do I think he will rebound? Yes. I do. I actually think when he is in his 60's he will get a role and nail it and probably get an Academy Award.

Meanwhile, unless Esquire is holding back, all we get to read are quotes like these.

"Because we do live in a cynical world. It's easy to be cynical. Making the choice not to be cynical is important. You can keep dwelling on what didn't work, or you can figure out how to fix it. Which is what being a parent is all about. You know, I'm married to such a special woman. Every night before we go to sleep, Kate and I look at each other and it's like, How'd we do today?"

Well, if you got in the same bed at the end of the night I think that is a pretty big step right there. He does talk about his dad some. Not a lot. Just that despite his dad leaving the family, Tom was big enough to forgive him and how he vowed to never be his dad.

He did talk about the Oprah couch jumping thing but blames it on his expiring contract with Paramount. Doesn't even mention Katie Holmes.

"What happened, happened... I wanted the audience to be happy just like I wanted to make my sisters and my mother happy when I did those skits as a kid. But I'll take responsibility for my actions... Afterward, wild things were being said about me, and once they're in the ether, there's nothing you can do about it. It felt like being the new kid in the schoolyard again and the other kids are whispering and whispering about you and suddenly you hear what they're saying, and you think, What? That didn't happen. Look at the reality of the situation."

"There was a confluence of events. My deal with Paramount was up and it wasn't extended. At first it was, Huh? I don't get it. But people have misconceptions about that whole thing, too. Sumner Redstone and I are friends. It's a business."

If you don't have anything better to do today, then go ahead and flip through it. It takes about two minutes. If you don't have time, then don't worry. You are not missing much.


  1. i dying over here. can't stop laughing.....

  2. that's i'm, not i....

  3. is he still considered A list?

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I read it. Puke.

  5. Man - those jeans are TIGHT.

    Agree with you on his future though, Enty. Tom's weird, no doubt, but I actually think he's quite a good actor. Stunningly good, in some of his movies.

  6. i don't care enough to read it.

  7. Tom just come out of the closet. It is not a secret what you do or who you like.

    And I have to agree Enty, crazy or not this little troll is a good actor.

  8. I'm sorry but that photo really accentuates his gay-ness.

  9. I feel sorry for Katie she seems so miserable in the marriage. When does her contract run out and she and Suri can get away from the loonyness that is Tom Cruise.

  10. He can act but it doesn't make him seem less crazy. You combine the couch-jumping with the saluting that guy while wearing a medal with the weirdness that became Katie Holmes with the abrupt divorce from Nicole after she said she was not so Zenu with the manic sounding YouTube of him somehow trying to sell Zenu (I think?) and it's hard not to see him as loony.

    Remember back when he seemed to always be at the right place at the right time to save someone from some minor disaster?

  11. Oh pulease I saw more masculine men on RuPaul's Drag Race. He was once eye candy but now you can see he's a one note hack.

  12. I want Top Gun Tom back.

  13. Am I the only one bothered by the weird photoshopping of this photo? What's with the rope? To stand on a rope like that, it would have to go between his legs. So they erased it. Why so tense about that?

  14. Just looked at the photo, excellent observation, it looks like he's floating on that rope.

  15. The rope would work if there were a little step or something where he's standing. But yeah, that pose is g-gay-gay-gay. Makes him look like he has girl-hips even.

    So @Elizabeth, he divorced Nicole because she said something about $cientology??

  16. I do think Tom Cruise is bat-shit crazy and his marriage to Katie is a sham of all shams.

    That said, he was freakin' amazing in "Jerry McGuire." I don't care what you say. That movie was awesome.

  17. I think Tom divorced Nicole because she got pregnant with someone other guys baby. Ewan McGreggor?

  18. That post really shows off his child bearing hips.

  19. @sunnyside1213

    That was the rumor I heard. She got pregnant during Moulin Rouge by Ewan McGreggor.

  20. Apparently Scientologists call the people who don't believe "suppressive" and when she said she was more Catholic than anything, it was not received well at all, according to several who have since left Zenu.

    I also would not be surprised if she got pregnant by someone else. There was always speculation on Suri's birthdate, etc.

    I think Tom's family are all Scientologists now.

  21. Tom, your glib. And the rumor was that she got pregnant by some doctor, and Tom knew about the affair but she wasn't supposed to do something obvious like getting pregnant. Most people assumed it was Ewan's baby and then there was a "miscarriage."

  22. @Elizabeth... and Nicole was able to have a Catholic wedding to Keith Urban without an annulment because the Scientology wedding wasn't recognized by her church (or something like that.) Also, some doubt that Tom and Katie are legally married because they didn't have a civil wedding in Europe where religious ceremonies are considered just ceremonial and not legally binding. Anyway, those are the rumors that I have heard and I don't know the truth of the situations

  23. I havent read the interview but does the journalist ask any "hard" questions, like about scientology, nicole, the actresses who say they were interview for the job as his girlfriend, anything like that?

  24. I don't have the stomach to read this shit. I just heard Jesse James speaking voice for the first time and am struggling to hold lunch down.

  25. My mom, who doesn't read gossip or even go online, said that she can't see a Tom Cruise movie anymore, she says that there's something off with him and that she doesn't know what happened to the "Risky Business guy". Even people who are not familiar with his blind items notice when something is not right.

  26. Oh crap, I made a comment on how Cruise is looking hot lately, but the truth is, I've become a fag hag. Yes, I'm at that age. He looks like he is a dancer on Broadway in that photo.

  27. Tom Cruise... an Oscar ?

    If he were to do a motion picture version of SOUTH PARK's Trapped in a Closet ep I would start a campaign for his nomination myself. (and I can't stand him.)

  28. Actually, the rope disappears into his pants...

    I have a relative who is a special effects producer. Worked with him on the last Mission Impossible. Says he's a really nice guy. That being said, he's still a little kooky. Okay a LOT kooky.

  29. I have such mixed emotions on him. He used to be my favorite actor. He does seem like he is crazy as a loon but how much of that is CO$? I'd love to see him make a comeback... a big one. Cocktail and Jerry Maquire are two of my favorite movies.

    The comments about the rope made me laugh. That picture is terrible but he looks pretty good on the cover.

  30. i love tom cruise movies
