Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This female television talk show host spends so much time on the phone yelling at her husband to do a million things a day that you would think she would catch on to the fact he is cheating on her with her assistant.


  1. If there is a God, please prove yourself and let this be Elizabeth Hasslecrack!

  2. Kathy Lee Gifford. First off, she doesn't talk, she yells. Second, her hub is a known cheater, even though he's fossilized and had a bad eye job in the 90s. Third, KLG might know and not care.
    Now, where's that Franzia chillable red....

  3. Kelly Ripa doesn't tell Mark to do anything. He's the one in control.

    Wendy Williams yells so it is probably her. Hasselbeck has 5 million helpers.

  4. Wendy's hubby is a known cheater HOWEVER I doubt she yells at him. He is an old school thug who looks the type to pimp slap her if she gets out of line.

    I can believe Kathie Lee Gifford/Hasselbeck for this one.

  5. Hasslecrack seems so neurotic to me, I can totally see her constantly calling over trivial BS. I hope it's her smug azz.

  6. I'm thinking Rachael Ray but I would reallt love it to be Eliabitch Hasselcrack

  7. i think frank's wandering eyes have cataracts now.

    i know, i know. look at larry king. but i don't think this is kathie lee.

  8. Hasselbeck. Kathie Lee knows that Frank cheats.

  9. Hell-iza-Bitch Hassle-Blech

  10. Oh please, please, please let this be Hassel-bitch.

  11. my first thought was rachel ray but I'm hoping it's hassle-bitch as well.

  12. Is Nancy Grace a talk show host?

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  14. @MAC: God, I would LOVE this to be Nancy Grace!

  15. First time commenter. I went to high school with a girl who is now one of Hasselbeck's assistants on the view, and she (the assistant) is a smug bitch just like her boss. Don't know if it is her or not, just thought I would throw that out there. Anyway, I'm not sure if the assistant I know would do that or not...while she is the type to be a starfucker, I don't know if she would risk losing her job with her precious boss. She worships Elisabitch.

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  17. Re KLG: I wonder how much action Frank "The Human Love Machine" Gifford is getting these days, marital or otherwise?

  18. Stacy, you took the words right out of my mouth. Please please please let this be Elisabeth Hasselbeck!!!

  19. Great guesses! I wish this could be Giuliana Rancic, although Ent would probably have mentioned her sucky "reality show". She is just as smug as Hasselbitch, if not worse.

  20. Do we know anything about these ladies assistants? Likely the assistant is young and pretty (hopefully female, but you never know!)

  21. PLEASE be Elizabeth Hasselbeck!

  22. My first thought was Rachel Ray.

  23. Chelsea Handler and Chuy :)

  24. I laugh and laugh at Wendy Williams when her show is on the soup, and I since have watched her show and think that she is effin awesome and so funny. I love her. I hope it isn't her!!

  25. Oh the possibilities! My first thought was Wendy Williams, but I like Rachael Ray too. Wretched Ray comes off as a complete phony and her spit happy husband works for her.

  26. Gillian Barbiere, her husband Grant is a househusband

  27. Third, KLG might know and not care. Now, where's that Franzia chillable red....

    i think frank's wandering eyes have cataracts now.

    Some EXCELLENT comments today, ladies! Many LOL's from the Mango!

    In a good, just world, the BI would be about both Hasselbitch and Rachael Ray. *sighs*

    I want to know more about Mark Ripa wearing the pants in the Ripa home. Wearing the tiny, little pants...

  28. Definitely Chelsea Handler and her assistant Chuy!

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  30. If I were Married to loudmouth Jillian Barberie, I would full around too. She's ick-nasty!

    I love Hasselbeck.

  31. i used to love jillian before she got famous.
    and i can't hate on rachael, i think she's grown up a little (fewer "cutsie-poo" words), and the word on THAT marriage was he was stepping out on her.

    i'll vote for kathy lee or hasselbeck.

    or oprah. gotta be oprah.

  32. I would LOVE for it to be Nancy Grace or Hasselbitch. I hate them both. I merely dislike Rachel Ray, but I bet it's her.

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  34. Concur with telesma: "I would LOVE for it to be Nancy Grace or Hasselbitch". lol

    Especially since both are smug bitches, and in Nancy's world..she would have us believe that only non-Hispanic WHITE chicks disappear! Blacks, Hispanics and Asians are safe 'cause no one wants US. (*snort of derision)

  35. Oh, PLEASE let it be Hasselcrack!!

  36. Kelly Ripa is a big black cock slut and her husband lets her indulge so this is not about her.


  37. Hmm...all fairly good guesses, except the Chelsea Handler ones.

    I immediately thought of Kelly Ripa but I could see it being RR or KLG too.

  38. Hasslebeck is awesome but this BI is not her.

  39. I didn't know that Blogger allowed porn to be avatars. Learn something new every day.

  40. Jennifer from Pittsburgh - you are hilarious!

  41. Syd - someone must have reported the porn avatar - it is gone now!

  42. Oh, it sure is. Thanks. (I can stop searching for one for me)

  43. @Bitter Queen - I had the same reaction watching Idol. Does JJ fit the MV clues? Because that would be extremely jaw-dropping!

  44. I'm less inclined to believe JJ is MV. She's toured numerous times and if I recall, the tours of MV were few. That said, her performance last night was bad. What the hay was that first song she sang? Wasn't familiar. She didn't project well and we stopped paying attention to her performance.

  45. Please let it be Nancy Grace.
