Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today's Blind Items

Could it be this person is just ticked they didn't win? Could be, but let us judge for ourselves. This ex contestant (you will never get it) of a top ranked non cable reality show spilled that one of the show's judges hates white people. The judge makes no effort to talk to anyone who is white and will go out of their way to not talk to white people. During the taping of the show, the cameras would have to roll for a very, very long time to ever hear anything positive about a white contestant from this judge. Most of the time it would take a prompt from a producer to get the judge to say anything remotely positive about the white contestants.


  1. Because I don't watch any reality shows/judging shows - I can only go with Randy Jackson. He's the only non-white judge I can think of. Fox is non-cable right?

  2. what reality shows are there at the top ranked non cable networks?

  3. i find that hard to believe about randy jackson. yeah, that might fit but i just don't think this is the right guy or the right show.

  4. I'm not sure if it's top ranked or not, but what about America's Next Top Model? The new judge this year, Andre Leon Talley, is my guess.

  5. Andre Leon Talley on America's Next Top Model? Is CW considered non-cable?

  6. the only big ones on network are Idol, DWTS and America's Got Talent.

    I'm gonna go for a white on white hate and say Piers Morgan.

  7. I don't think it's Randy Jackson. I am only an occasional watcher of AI, and even being just that- I have seen him compliment white contestants on the show when they deserve it.

  8. My guess is the new "America's Next TOP Model Judge" Andre Leon Talley. Very pro-Krista all season. Perhaps the contestant is Raina, who should have won.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Enty would usually say network, not non-cable. For that reason, my hunch is that it's the CW.

    I think Hidden Minnie has a good guess with Andre Leon Talley. ANTM has many contestants of color, unlike most reality shows.

  11. Not feelin' y'all dawg on the Randy Jackson tip. Since we're short on Black judges, I'll co-sign Cate with Andre Leon Talley.

  12. I'd say anyone who give their comments live (like Randy Jackson) would be out because the cameras don't have that much time to roll. I like the ANTM guess for the show.

  13. Definitely Talley. I actually watched this season of AMNTM because of him, and he praised every single girl of color, and very rarely, if ever, had anything as glowing to say to the white contestants. It was obvious.

  14. Can't be Randy Jackson - that show is taped live so they don't have time to run extra tape and edit to positive comments.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. i'd forgotten about talley. yep, i'm betting it's him. i only saw 2 episodes this season but i do think he's got that attitude.

  17. Def Talley. I am a faithful watcher of DWTS, and I don't think you could make these claims about any of the judges.

    Doesn't seem like Randy Jackson would do this either, dawg.

  18. Let me get this straight: somebody who didn't make it far enough in a reality series for us to guess their name is now implying it is because s/he is white and the judge doesn't like white people's performances? Hmmmm. Race card anyone? As in a white person boo hooing that the black people don't like the white people?

    In the meantime, I don't think it's RJ. If it's anyone--and that is a big if in my opinion---I'd go with Paula Abdul, if we can still consider her. If it's someone current, then Piers. Randy is just too dawg! to everyone.

  19. Anonymous2:51 PM

    no way it's randy jackson. he was in journey for crying out loud.

  20. Andre Leon Talley from ANTM. He was the only judge who liked Alaysia (sp?)'s butt photo. All the other judges were horrified by it and he said he would put it in his salon. My guess for the contestant that spoke out was Jessica(young mom with the brown hair). She seemed outspoken.

  21. Andre Leon Talley from ANTM. He was the only judge who liked Alaysia (sp?)'s butt photo. All the other judges were horrified by it and he said he would put it in his salon. My guess for the contestant that spoke out was Jessica(young mom with the brown hair). She seemed outspoken.

  22. I like the idea of a "prompt from a producer" getting someone to love white people. "Hey, love the white people," says the producer, and the judge says "How high?" I guess what I'm saying is, that's weird.

  23. As a longtime reader of Vogue, I'll sign on with the ALT guesses. That being said, I don't think it's a racism issue. I think it's more of an affirmative action kind of thing. I have never sensed any malice in it.

  24. Andre Leon Talley is dating Oprah's colon.

  25. I can't believe anyone would say this was Randy Jackson.

  26. Isn't Randy Jackson's wife white?

    ALT is in an industry -- and a company -- where non-white (er, "non-traditional") job candidates are rejected, like Rumpole of the Bailey, because they "don't have the face for it." I know because I worked for a company in the same industry.

  27. It is def the dude from ANTM. I watched this season and he never had anything nice to say about the white models even if they had great photos and the rest of the judges said great things...he would always find something crappy to say. This is no blind at all. After awhile, I didn't even listen to what this dude had to say cause who gives a shit? He was a racist anyway. I hope he's not back for another season.

  28. Ohmysweetjeebus steals my thunder. I finally have something witty to say and it was already posted.


  29. Does it have to be a recent show? Couldn't it be Star Search or something like that?

  30. Okay, so I don't watch very much reality TV, anymore. BUT, I used to watch AI, and this is sooo not Randy Jackson. I concur with just about everyone up above on that fact. He seems so down to earth, and I have seen him praise many white folks.

    About the Blind. I'm going to have to co-sign with everyone about ALT. I have only seen picturess of him, and read about the CRAP outfits he put Jennifer Hudson in. But, man he just seems like the thinks he's so elitist, to me. Like he is so above everyone else, black or white. He kind of freaks me out...

  31. Wasn't Sean Puffy Combs a judge on his show?

  32. Do any of you actually believe that a person of colour who openly didn't like white people would make it so far in the entertainment/fashion industry as to get face time on television, only to be outted by some "never was anyone-never going to be anyone" reality show contestant?

    This blind sounds like Bill O'Reilly's wet dream. In other words, bullshit blind.

  33. Oh, I totally disagree with you, Nicola that this is a bullshit blind and agree with the Andre Leon-Talley comments. I watched this season of ANTM and he was definitely biased. I don't know if he's racist, as much as really, really wanted to see a black model win this year. And the blind isn't necessarily saying it's true, or that the BI's writer thinks it's true, but that it's a comment from a voted-off contestant. And I could see several of them spouting off their opinion about and against him. Although I think he's a genius at Vogue, didn't like him on ANTM. I missed Miss Jay as a judge!

    And though I didn't like her, Krista was the best model. And SO glad Andre didn't get his way and have that loud mouth mean girl win. The one that wore that ridiculous wig in auditions. Can't even think of her name I hated her so much.

  34. Ummmm...@Nicola, yes, yes I do believe that. I mean, there are people in Hollywood and fashion who have their own bigotries (Black, white, hispanic, asian) and yet are still successful. Not too hard to hide from the public persona. Look at Jesse James.

  35. Yep - ALT fo' sho'...

  36. no guess. not a big reality tv watcher but had to say hello to weezy another Rumpole of the Bailey fan.

  37. Yep Weezy, Randy Jackson's wife is white, so his kids are mixed, he was in Journey and played with Celine and Madonna, not him. But I actually saw him in person once and he was so incredibly nice to everyone who wanted to say hi or get an autograph, and 90% of the fans were white or Asian descent (lots of people said hi, and he was so patient). He seems an awesome person, I wouldn't think he was capable of being a hateful at all. (I know we don't know people inside, but he has such a positive and happy air about him...)
    I would say ALT.

  38. "...hates white people. The judge makes no effort to talk to anyone who is white and will go out of their way to not talk to white people."

    Do any of you know anything about Andre Leon Tally? How could the above statement be contributed to Andre?

    Please don't let me see this blind repeated as fact a few days from now.

    Does anyone have Enty's real name, because I'd like to have a word. I'm about to go send an email to "Anna" (and not Wintour). LOL

  39. Andre Leon Tally discriminates against whites. It was painful to see him on Americas Top Model, even Tyra seemed shocked at how nasty he was to the white girls. Even when a black girl posed badly for a photo showing her backside and everyone called it poor taste he said it was art. He was very disappointing. I am a Vogue Reader if he believes only black is beautiful he is in the wrong business.

  40. I want to jump on board to defend Randy. I've seen him say plenty of nice things to white performers on AI. And, like Mari, I met him once. They guy is patient and kind to all his fans--he would even listen to them "audition" and say nice things afterward.

  41. It is most definitely not Randy Jackson. When he was with Journey, I was following the "Raised on Radio" tour around the country and staying at a lot of the same hotels the band stayed. Every single time Randy saw me he made a point of coming over to talk to me and ask about an old Journey tour jacket or t-shirt I was wearing. He was the nicest person on the entire tour. And I'm white.

  42. CanCan had it correct, it is definitely ALT, and if you've read Vogue for awhile, you'd see his column is always exclusively dedicated to reporting on African Americans. Which could be a legitimate affirmative action thing (after all, most cover models are still white), but I can definitely see it crossing over into something more malicious. Even without taking the racism thing into consideration, the man is still a total douche. Watch The September Issue and you'll see what I mean.

  43. Of course not Randy, he loves everyone, and I can think of specific praise for specific white people. EVERYONE LOVES RANDY!

  44. Reverse racism? *DEAD*

    I immediately thought of ALT although I found the same indifference in Twiggy, however no one noticed.

    *Big Surprise* The fashion world is racist, next you'll say there are GAYS in the industry. Point is, we've known this for a while now, why is this even a blind?

    And are you guys serious? Randy Jackson a racist? I don't believe that for a second.

  45. I agree it's ALT and I also think that TaterOnTheCouch probably got it right guessing Jessica. That is exactly the kind of thing she would say, whether it's true or not.

  46. Simon Cowell. The big tip is that we'll never guess. I'm assuming this is alluding to the fact that the person in question wouldn't be suspected of being biased towards that particular group. I would be surprised if famous white judge were prejudiced against white people. Cowell has a history if dating non white women. Not that that means he's a bigot or anything. But still...

  47. Read a little closer, rummer, and you'll see your mistake.

    (Enty is saying the identity of his source is not important to the blind, just the info.)

  48. How about RuPaul show? Tally is not that way at all--very equal opportunity!

  49. little C on so you think you can dance..he has a weird vibe...and his comments to contestants are skewed enough that people do notice...'thats buck' trying to hard to make that happen

  50. If you've ever watched American Idol you wouldn't say Randy...

    Guy spends ALL of his time talking to ALL of the contestants the same way.

    "Yo...Dog...You know, for ME...I dunno dog I wasn't feelin it...coulda been hotter...What do you think E?"

  51. Even if it was Andre Leon Talley...as a previous poster mentioned, that doesnt neccesarily mean they're racist.

    If it is Andre Talley, then I would be shocked. He's worked side by side some of the most hoity-toity white folks in America and the World...

    So if anything, I can see a bias leaning towards having a black winner more so than blatant racism. It would be very difficult for a black person who so obviously disliked whites to make it in a world like ours...Unless the show is on BET.

    Regardless, reality TV and horror movies have the same idea usually:

    Kill off the blacks early.

    Although, just for fun, I'm going to see Heidi Klum on Project Runway.

    I mean, she's married to Seal. Maybe she hates white people!

  52. Gotta be the new dude on Top Model.

  53. america's best dance crew- judge shane sparks

  54. I find it truly difficult to believe this is ALT since his BFF is the very WHITE GERMAN Karl Lagerfeld.

  55. Why are all the assumptions that it's someone black?

  56. read the first 2.5 sentences of the blind for the biggest clue you morons are missing, hint,

  57. @Montana - Sounds like a match made in heaven..

    I have NEVER read one nice thing Kunty Karl has ever said about anyone :P

  58. I have noticed for many years that Randy Jackson is biased towards black contestants but to be fair to him it doesn't seem to take away from his comments (however incoherent) to white contestants. Not to mention that there have been a total of 6 black finalists in the past three years on Idol, I think if this were Randy Jackson it would be hard to miss.

  59. I think HiddenMinnie is absolutely correct with her guess as the clues fit. Since Enty said "you will never get it", it was probably one of the earlier contestants that spilled the beans.

    In either case, I don't believe Andre is racist simply because he had nothing positive to say about white contestants, and definitely had a preference for the black contestants.

    I would suspect after DECADES of time working with WHITE top models and celebrities, he would like to see more NON-WHITE faces in the rags and on the mags.

    Imagine his perspective for a change... He is one of the few non-white people in the fashion industry of stature - yet he works for an industry that still feels the need to exclude non-white faces from its products and covers.

    I'm not saying its right or just, but it doesn't make him horrible or racist.

    I think it makes him human that he wants to even the score a little bit because he can - and I applaud him for doing so.

    To keep things in perspective, I can name at least (for some you maybe) FIVE top black models, but how many white ones can you name?

  60. I'm going to have to agree with everyone on the Andre Leon Talley guess, and I actually think it was Anslee who spilled the beans.

  61. There is just no way that ALT hates white people & doesn't talk to them. Some of the people he most admires are Diana Vreeland, Anna Wintour, Karl Lagerfeld. ANTM is not known for turning out successful supermodels, so maybe he does have some biases, but I guarantee they're not due to hating white people.
    Yes, he does encourage & highlight African Americans in 'fashionable society', because NOBODY ELSE with his standing in the fashion world does or cares. And no, he does not highlight exclusively Af-Ams, either - it might seem so to those who's rather not bother to read about them. This man is a giant (literally & figuratively) in the fashion world as a critic & arbiter, whether you like his taste or not, you have to deal with that fact.
    If the comments were indeed directed at ALT, it's sad that the real crime is that some loser who decided to use racist lies to mask their failure has gotten 'air time' with it.

  62. It couldn't possibly be ALT. Anna Wintour is his best friend and he actually speaks to a number of white people on a daily basis @ VOGUE.

    I'm gonna throw a curve and say it's Lyne Goodman. He's quite a different sort of guy and often times he's giving great dancers HORRIBLE critiques for seemingly no reason.

  63. Kiradris is absolutely correct. ALT is very dismissive of white people. His vogue blog, 'life with andre', is completely afrocentric. ALL of his assistants at vogue are black &, the token whites he'll 'tolerate' are, exclusively, rich & famous.

  64. ANTM is the show. ALT is the man. Didn't even have to think about it.
