Monday, May 24, 2010

Survivor Producer Back In America

Silly me but several weeks ago I really stopped paying attention to the death of Monica Beresford-Redman. She is the woman who was killed while on vacation in Cancun with her husband, Survivor producer, Bruce Beresford-Redman. I stopped paying attention because I knew that Bruce was in Mexico and the Mexican government had already declared him a person of interest if not a suspect and had confiscated his passport. It might take awhile, but I felt pretty sure they would handle things.

Wow. was I wrong. Somehow, the Mexican police have still not made an arrest in the case and their threat that Bruce not leave the country was ignored and somehow he managed to get inside the United States without his passport. He will be available later this week to tell Lindsay how this is possible.

I guess I was wrong in thinking this thing was open and shut. Beresford-Redman reported his wife missing two days before her body was found, prosecutors have said. He told police he last saw her when she left the exclusive resort to go shopping and never returned, according to investigators.

Investigators have said the victim's body showed signs of asphyxiation and evidence of a heavy blow to the right temple.

Her body was found in a sewer shortly after she was reported missing.


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