Monday, May 24, 2010

Survivor Producer Back In America

Silly me but several weeks ago I really stopped paying attention to the death of Monica Beresford-Redman. She is the woman who was killed while on vacation in Cancun with her husband, Survivor producer, Bruce Beresford-Redman. I stopped paying attention because I knew that Bruce was in Mexico and the Mexican government had already declared him a person of interest if not a suspect and had confiscated his passport. It might take awhile, but I felt pretty sure they would handle things.

Wow. was I wrong. Somehow, the Mexican police have still not made an arrest in the case and their threat that Bruce not leave the country was ignored and somehow he managed to get inside the United States without his passport. He will be available later this week to tell Lindsay how this is possible.

I guess I was wrong in thinking this thing was open and shut. Beresford-Redman reported his wife missing two days before her body was found, prosecutors have said. He told police he last saw her when she left the exclusive resort to go shopping and never returned, according to investigators.

Investigators have said the victim's body showed signs of asphyxiation and evidence of a heavy blow to the right temple.

Her body was found in a sewer shortly after she was reported missing.


  1. you can cross the border on land without a passport. i'm sure that's what his attorney told him to do and to get the fuck out of mexico and return to L.A.
    i don't know what's taken so long down there. nobody killed this woman but HIM.

  2. I was wondering if everyone going into Mexico from a border town had to have a passport to get back into the US,

  3. Next stop, Gstaad Switzerland to the Roman Polanski Detention Center and Spa.

  4. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I'm just sorry she's dead and no one, obviously, is going to have to pay the price.

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

    He's greasing some corrupt cops hand right about now. Divorce is so out of style. SMH.

  6. Hold up. Enty aren't you a lawyer? So why are you surprised?

    Besides, if millions of undocumented Mexicans can arrive in the US each day, how hard could it be for one of your own to get in?

    If they had something on him, they should have charged him already. Now good luck getting him back.

  7. Well, if the Mexican police operate anything like the Aruban police, this is not a surprise. Although, at least there is a body in this scenario....

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. How does being found two days after being reported missing in paragraph one match with being found shortly after being reported missing in the last paragraph?

  10. Poor girl. Two bits says this plot shows up simultaneously on one of the L&O's *and* a telenovela real soon.

  11. @cosina - I was thinking the same thing. Didn't make sense to me.

    I think this guy did it, but I don't know the evidence. Kind of hokey that he slipped back into the US.. Makes me think...

  12. That's funny, Cheryl & Nicola.

    Sad, but still funny.

  13. Mexican police aren't the best. Or rather, maybe they're good as individuals (some anyway), but they're terribly underfunded.

  14. Nobody innocent leaves the jurisdiction when he's been told he's the only "person of interest" unless they are guilty. Poor kids will have to look into the face of the man who killed their mother and threw her dead body in a sewer to cover the smell of decomp, until they are of legal age to get away from dear old murdering dad.

    His partner immediately shut their partnership down, so I am guessing the partner who knew him very well thinks he's guilty and doesn't want to work with a murderer either.

    Guilty as sin. Bet his girlfriend is glad he's back as they can date openly now that he's a widower.
