Monday, May 24, 2010

Simon Monjack Found Dead

Apparently you don't want to reside in the 1800 block of Rising Glen Road. First, Brittany Murphy was found dead there and now her husband, Simon Monjack. About 9:30 p.m. last night, 911 was called and when paramedics arrived, they found Monjack dead. Right now no one has any clues but hmmm, let me take a wild guess as to what it might be. Drugs? Pills? Now, the only person living in the house is Brittany's mom.


  1. don't mean to sound harsh but it's hardly a great loss is it!

  2. I read on TMZ that he was supposed to have bypass surgery in September and suffered a heart attack on that one flight where a medical emergency was called. Not sure if any of that is true - who waits for bypass surgery?

    I was surprised that he died but not shocked, if that makes sense. I feel very sorry for Brittany's mother.

  3. i remember when he had the attack at the airport.
    i can't believe this guys only 10 years older than me.

    but anyway, i hope he's not martyr'd now.

  4. Didn't really see this coming BUT am not surprised based on what we've read about him. He already almost overdosed on that flight back from that last movie she was doing, right?

    I'm interested in hearing what Brittany's mom has to say about this. Another Larry King interview, maybe?

  5. Wow what a way to start off an Monday morning internet check.
    Poor Brit only had 6 months off.
    Now he'll be hounding her in the afterlife too!

  6. Cursed.

    Like Michael K said, Brittany's mom should move outta that house!

    Now he won't be able to enjoy her $. What a shame.

  7. Weird...weird weird weird...

  8. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Does anyone find it odd that her mother was present and found both bodies? It could be just hellish bad luck and a horrible coincidence for Mom, but it seems a little odd to me.

  9. ok, I might be the only 1 who actually feels horrible about this tragic story.

  10. I actually read about this first in one of the British newspapers online and all the comments are that it's so sad he died of a broken heart and how his mother lives in the UK... Yeah, whatever.

  11. The mother lives in the house.

  12. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I also think it's odd that the mother and the son-in-law continued living together. I'm not suggesting foul play on that, but I'm pretty sure that if I lost either of my daughters, I would not want to live with their husband, or make plans to move to another city with him. Just an odd family, that's all.

  13. He is the same age as me, I thought he was at least 45.

  14. Ms Cool - I've never heard of anyone waiting either unless he had some sort of physical problem that he needed to take care of? My father had bypass surgery, but I can't remember how long he waited. I'm pretty sure it wasn't more than a month.

  15. It's a shame he didn't buy the farm first. Then maybe Brittany would have had a chance to get her life together.

  16. ... did you get my EMAIL "Em"ty? If you "did" you'd know what *this is* "all" *about*...

  17. I know this is probably really wrong of me but... yeah... I'd seriously be looking at Brit's Mom...

  18. What a mess. I don't even know what to make of this, it's just all so bizarre. In the words of Michael K, "something in the milk ain't clean". Regardless, condolences to all affected parties.

  19. i don't believe he had a heart attack on the plane. that was HIS explanation. i think he was whacked out on drugs.
    prescription drugs can kill you dead just as fast as the illegal ones can. and if you have heart trouble, popping pills is an even worse idea.

    how many people have to die before everyone gets that?

  20. I don't think her mom has anything to do with it... I think he was sad, and probably addicted to pills, and his heart couldn't take it.

    Poor Poor Brits mom. She really needs to get out of LA.

  21. This screams OD.

    Now we'll never know exactly what went on in that marriage--which is exactly what Monjack wanted.

  22. So the junkie who turned Brit onto drugs is dead .. hum. Fitting.

  23. Does anyone else find it odd that Britany's mom was going to his bedroom at 9:30 at night? That is where she found him. Maybe his heart attack was caused by a certain activity that usually happens in the bedroom?

  24. I'm thinking this is probably brittney's mother's salvation!! He was a nightmare of a human being. I got chewed out on another blog for writing that. But, just because somebody is dead dosen't change what they were in life...

  25. @slider1964 - ITA. I was also a little scared to post. :P

    Sad that he died, yes. BUT I dare anyone chewing ppl out to go back to posts where Brit died and see what people wrote about him.

    RIP Simon...

  26. If it were my screenplay, the way it went down is Brittany's mom found out he killed her daughter, so she had him offed and made it look like "natural causes".

  27. Actually, the news reports I've been reading say the cops do think natural causes.

  28. Yeah, I don't understand that. How does a 39-year old die of natural causes? Next they're going to say he died of respiratory arrest, because . . . Well, of course he did.

  29. meh, good for him.

  30. He's a psycho that controlled Britney to her death.

  31. @Jillian, "Natural Causes" simply refers to any cause of death that isn't inflicted via suicidal, homicidal or accidental means. In other words, everything from SIDS to cancer to pneumonia is classified as "Natural Causes."

  32. B Murphy's brother made some scathing statements about Monjack's death & B's mother--"2 of 3 people living in that house have died"; "the truth about what was going on in there will come out"; says B's mom went along with everything Monjack wanted, etc.

  33. Karma.
    It's what's being served.
    Cold or hot, it's what you get.

  34. One thing you can say about the late Brittany Murphy is that she had good taste in men. Simon was stunning.

  35. i hope they are resting in peace together in the sunny afterlife light.

  36. Anyone know where classasshole was around that time?

  37. ... SFTU...*SHLOCKet DRAGQUEEN... you pathetic TROLL*... go to my Facebook page and look @ ALL my "friends"... then STFU...

    ... to "Em"ty- TOLD YOU I 'WAS'n't LYING. 'JUST" LOOK "WHAT'S" *transpired*"Em"XPIRED* SINCE I WROTE THAT "Em"ail to you ON SUNDAY MORNING...

    ... AND BTW... Thanks for reading my "Em"ail- I did leave "Em"structions for you in it re: my FB and for whom you should contact however. We've got to refrain from publishing anything... YET...

    ... "the Russian angle" is 'JUST' *the tip of the "iceberg"*... and we know it get's very COLD "Em" RUSSIA...
