Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sarah Jessica Parker Says Her Son Has A Napoleon Complex And Her Husband Is Average

Sarah Jessica Parker just kept putting her feet into her mouth last night on Letterman. She was on the show to promote SATC2 which I have yet to see a good review for but ended up saying some things which were not all that flattering about her son or her husband.

She started off by talking about her son and said, "James is, for the moment, more on the diminutive side. Some might call it a Napoleon complex, it gives him some because he is so mature. He's a brainiac. Well I think so, naturally."

OK, so he is small but smart. She then says that all of this comes from Matthew's side of the family because Matthew is average.

"'He's not quite tiny - that's on my husband's side - well, actually Matthew is average..Not in personality or in intellect, no, no, no, no, no."

She then realized this was all sounding really bad so listed a number of attributes where she says he is more than average but also left some off. She then wondered aloud later how she was going to fix all of the damage she has done.


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    She is such an idiot.

  2. I don't think she said anything that bad. Her husband is average in height, so what?

  3. I would say my husband is below average in height, and that isn't offensive to's true. WTF? I just think she is a dumbass. Especially in that trailer where she says "SHOES FOR EVERYONE!" With this shit-eating grin on her face. BARF!

  4. Yeah I didn't think it was that bad...she sounds a little airheaded at times but what she said wasn't that bad. I wonder what kind of "progressive" school she has placed her son in. I hope it's not Waldorf. They turn children slow ;)

  5. I thought it was kinda funny, actually.

    @ Harriet: Why do you say that about Waldorf??

  6. Still don't get her appeal. My husband thinks she is one of the least attractive actresses out there.

  7. I think she was being real

  8. and if her kid wants to be an actor or maybe not go to MIT?

  9. I think I heard it was a Montessori school?

  10. She is losing what looks she had. Anyone see SATC2?

  11. I like it when actors just try to be themselves, ditzy comments and all. I think I can sometimes just blurt stuff out and talk willy nilly and it seems thats what she was doing.

    Or maybe I just still feel sorry for her after that blind about how her husband cant stand her and only is affectionitte on the red carpet.
    So sad

  12. - and honestly she was being generous, Matthew Broderick is short as hell, waaay below average looking

  13. Sarah, why the long face?

  14. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Matthew Broderick was SO cute in "Ferris Bueller". He could be decent now if he didn't always look like he's freshly embalmed.

  15. Awww...I still love her.

  16. I liked SJP before SATC but I could never buy her being forced upon us as a fashion icon.

  17. for crying out loud, she's the preposterously tiny one and if her son is smaller than average without question he gets it from her

  18. Matthew Broderick is gay. SJP is a diva (I've heard).

  19. What Patty said. My husband always makes the horse neighing sound when she shows up onscreen. She was on BRavo TV the other night after the Real Housewives of New Yawk and was very boring. I don't get her appeal either.

    I'm taking my sister tomorrow to see SATC 2. Pray for me.

  20. I like her and I'm jealous of her bod.

  21. Lainey is always talking about how gay Broderick is and how sad SPJ is. I did not think it was so bad, but what the hell is she wearing? A purple bra with a zebra dress?

  22. This was just another one of those interviews that make me believe she's really just a nerdy, geeky, shy person who has to pretend she's smug, self-assured and fashion-forward for her job. I'm sure she's kicking herself for those comments, now.
