Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sarah Jessica Parker Says Her Son Has A Napoleon Complex And Her Husband Is Average

Sarah Jessica Parker just kept putting her feet into her mouth last night on Letterman. She was on the show to promote SATC2 which I have yet to see a good review for but ended up saying some things which were not all that flattering about her son or her husband.

She started off by talking about her son and said, "James is, for the moment, more on the diminutive side. Some might call it a Napoleon complex, it gives him some because he is so mature. He's a brainiac. Well I think so, naturally."

OK, so he is small but smart. She then says that all of this comes from Matthew's side of the family because Matthew is average.

"'He's not quite tiny - that's on my husband's side - well, actually Matthew is average..Not in personality or in intellect, no, no, no, no, no."

She then realized this was all sounding really bad so listed a number of attributes where she says he is more than average but also left some off. She then wondered aloud later how she was going to fix all of the damage she has done.


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