Thursday, May 13, 2010

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

The first screen caps are being released from Kendra Wilkinson's sex tapes.
I feel your pain Lily Allen. Here she is wiping away tears after Fulham was defeated yesterday. I didn't cry but I certainly drowned my sorrows with booze which made for a very long afternoon yesterday.
Hugh cried too.
Not crying, and not there is Mel B.
I love Mary McCormack but I always think of her as Howard Stern's wife.
Does it seem like Orlando Bloom's hair gets darker everyday?
Hanging out last night were Penn Badgley and Matthew Settle.
Public Image Ltd. - Washington DC
Simon & Yasbin Lebon and their pet. Oh wait, that is a fur.
The once boyfriend of Katy Perry, Travis McCoy.
Tila Tequila is desperate for attention.
Vera Wang is celebrating her favorite 11 dresses that she has made in the past 20 years.
A new hairstyle for Vanessa Hudgens. How long has this relationship been going on now?


  1. HOT F*KKIN MESS=Tila Tequila

  2. It's so easy (and fun) to make a sex tape I'm surprised there aren't thousands in circulation. I bet Angelina Jolie has some that would curl your hair.

  3. Mel B looks nice although I would like the dress better if there was no long sleeve.
    Tila needs to be packed into a crate and shipped off to a deserted island. She is beyond a famewhore.

  4. Please tell me those are fake Louboutins on Tila Tequila. Please tell me she painted the sole of a pair of Payless shoes red. I will cry myself to sleep if she can afford them and I cannot. Someone as repulsive and worthless as Tila Tequila should not be able to afford such. Life is not fair :(

  5. Hahaha! I nominate "Tila Tequila is desperate for attention" for understatement of the year.

    Wait, crying? I mean, I was pretty torn up about my Canucks getting defeated for the second year in a row to the DAY to the same team in the same round during the same game on Tuesday, but I"m not gonna CRY about it. These people really love their footy.

    Either Kendra's really young in that photo, or she's had some work done.

  6. Tila, such a classy lady..

  7. Zac & V

    The charade has gone on too long and plus they still haven't gotten the body language right


  8. So TT isn't pregnant I gather? *dripping sarcasm, of courser!*

  9. Hate to say it, but V looks a bit poochy in this picture...expecting maybe?

    By the way...I am the last person on the planet that still believes this is a real couple. Been together far too long.

  10. Oh and J...if you've seen HSM, they seem to have been able to fake quite a bit of chemistry together...especially in the last 2. I thought they were actually pretty hot together.

  11. Know what's scary? It has been said repeatedly that Kendra's sex tape was made not long after she turned 18. How did she get so "comfortable" with her body by that age??? I was so still so completely awkward at that age, I can't imagine filming myself at that age with a guy! I was lights off!

  12. What the HELL is Tila doing on the floor like that? I mean, I know she's used to being in that position but geez, what's next? Taking her bottoms off and spreading her legs? "Be sure to pull the tampon out first, fellas!"

  13. @Sporky - I just took a closer look at the background in the Tila pic - if you remove the "C" from the website name, I think it's pretty clear why Tila was there.

  14. Are there any pics of Tila Tequila where she's not writhing around on the floor? Jesus, someone put a hose on her. Regarding another comment - I think Vanessa and Zac have been together far too long to be a legitimate couple, LOL.

  15. @Ice Angel

    Keep hope alive LOL

    They are the worst kept secret in to Toothy Tile of course!


  16. @Ice Angel - Kendra was practically raised in the Playboy mansion so she has a different set of sexual values from you and I.

    Did Vanessa do something to her face? She looks plastic!

  17. Oh Vanessa, what a good beard she has been for Zac. Now she is playing the part of a hooker, wow, what a proud moment that must be, right up there with Les Lohan

    Anyone as desperate for attention as T.Tequila is would be desperate enough to pain the bottom of their shoes red ala Louboutins

  18. Long live P.I.L.! And who us Vanessa Hudgens and why do we still care about the chick whose name is the same as a Mexican hard liquor???

  19. Enty's said Zac Efron isn't gay and he's had the same chick for five years. Being pretty and nice don't make him gay.

    When will Tila go away. Mel B looks hot.

  20. I thought Yasmin didn't wear fur or leather, and didn't even appear in shows or photos with animal skin.

  21. A friend has met Vanessa and Zac and she said they are quite a couple and Vanessa is young and needy.
    I buy it.
