Thursday, May 06, 2010

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

A first time appearance for Peter Hermann, but not so for Mariska Hargitay or Alec Baldwin who is hosting the season finale of SNL.
More Mariska. This time with Marcia Gay Harden and Hilary Swank.
Paul Sorvino gets comfortable on set.

I haven't seen Robin Givens on a red carpet in forever.
Scarlett J after a workout.
And you wonder why she punches people.
Speaking of drinking. What do you think? Wine or cranberry juice? Verne is probably going all in because
he thinks it is strip poker and will get to see Shana Moakler naked. Easier ways my friend. Easier ways. Little thing called the internet. and Cheryl Cole keep the dating rumors alive.
Who do you think smokes more pot? Snoop or Willie?
Zachary Levi was promoting Chuck in Spain. I think this might be the bye bye year for the show.


  1. Hmmm one of our Coke Mom nominees

  2. Robin looks good.
    I think Willie smokes more than Snoop, but I would smoke with either one.
    LOVE Mariska!

  3. Who do you think smokes more pot? Snoop or Willie?
    Definitely Willie. He has at least 40 yrs on Snoop. As a cannabis-connoisseur, I love them both.

  4. Mariska looks great!
    -has Marcia Gay Harden done something to her face?

  5. i think snookie should hook up w/ mini me.

    zachary levi has a weird a warped version of lanky.

  6. Mariska is so freakin' cute!!!

    That should read "and you WONDER why people punch Snooki?" and she looks cross-eyed. Got kicked by a mule, eyes went crossed. Fell in a well, they went back! *or some variation, I am no good with quotes*

  7. Mariska's husband has had a lot of airtime recently on SVU as one of the string of actors they cast as defense attorneys.

    I used to work with Marcia Gay Harden's sister-in-law, so I guess I'm one degree separated from her(???)

    Scarlett doesn't look painfully thin there. Good for her. Maybe she's eating again?

    LMFAO @ the Snooki pic. What a tool!

    Shana Moakler looks very pretty!

    Zachary Levi was promoting Chuck in Spain? I wonder how Chuck translates over there? Sorry, but I can't imagine it being a bit hit in Spain.

  8. Hey Paul that Charlie shirt is very slenderizing

  9. why is it that i want to make out hard core with Zachary Levi? what a strange feeling indeed...

  10. Willie could smoke Snoop under the table no problem. But Snoop makes up for it in other areas. (Sigh, I miss FFF.)

    Mariska looks gorgeous!

    I don't want 'Chuck' to end! :(

  11. whatever happened to the accusations of william stealing money from his charity foundation?

  12. I love mariska's shirt. I want something like that!

  13. I never thought Zach Levi was hot on Chuck, but I met him at a convention and, wow... ;-)
    All the same, he looks like he's lost a little too much weight, there.
