Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pregnant Or Publicity Stunt?

Mariah Carey pulled out of the new Tyler Perry movie which was set to start shooting next month. Considering how much everyone liked her performance in Precious you would think this is something she wanted to do and would only have pulled out for something serious. Well, according to her people, Mariah is having a medical issue.

"She is not doing the movie because her doctor advised her not to. More than that I cannot comment further."

Hmmm. Doctor advised her not to. If you want her to be pregnant then you could read this as she has been having trouble getting pregnant at 41 and she finally has and the doctors don't want to take any chances so she needs to stay in bed except for weekly outings to buy clothes that are too tight and not age appropriate for her. If you think she is not pregnant then you can think that she is going to try and the doctors don't want her too do anything stressful while trying other than weekly outings to buy clothes that are too tight and not age appropriate.

Or, there is the option that she just didn't want to do the film and needed an excuse.


  1. Hundred bucks says that she pierced her lung with a rib due to the constant constraints of her 47 pairs of spanx.

  2. Alcoholism could be considered a medical issue too, couldn't it? I could see Tyler Perry nixing the boozing, and Mariah pulling out due to that issue.

    That's just an idea, though.

  3. I bet she wanted more money. Considering how successful Precious was, she probably figured she could ask for more and get it. They probably told her no way and she said "humphf. then I won't do it"

  4. she can't be drunk all the time and pregnant. I say Publicity Stunt.

  5. Isn't she in Prescious for like less then 5 minutes. Maybe she is just a bad actress and Tyler was gracefully giving her an out if the role was more then she can handle.

    She will never have a kid, cuase if she has a baby then how can she be the baby?

  6. shes as pregnant as jennifer aniston is.....neither will ever happen- they're too self-absorbed

  7. Mariah is so not prego.

    Don't know what the medical issue could be though.

  8. maybe she pulled out of the movie becasue she realized it would be just like every OTHER Tyler Perry movie and she wanted nothing to do with it! hahahaha...i make myself laugh sometimes

  9. What Jessica said; the "Precious" producer had no money, so demanding anything was pointless. Perry has a lot of money, but she and her management may have underestimated him; he's a tough cookie on money and deal issues. This way they both save face.

  10. So, wait a minute here, Enty...are you saying you think Mariah's clothes are too tight?

  11. "Precious" received almost unanimously great reviews from the critics, and got Oscar nominations (and wins). Tyler Perry will never make a film that more than a handful of critics like, and will never get an Oscar nomination. Perhaps Mariah felt it was a step backwards to be in the film and came up with the medical excuse.

  12. Does she really want a child? isn't she still like a child? - I think that someone that cares to dress herself like a teen might not be interested in having a child.

  13. I agree with i.h.j.s. Tyler Perry is very polarizing in the Black community. Some think he is amazing and his movies are popular with a small segment. Others think he exploits stereotypes and acts the fool. Mariah would be better off avoiding potential controversy after receiving accolades for Precious.

  14. I think the poor girl is on tons of fertility drugs. Some make you really bloat. I hope the best for her.

  15. If she is truely trying to have a baby, I wish her luck.

  16. Anonymous1:08 PM

    People chose not to have kids because they can. It has nothing to do with being self-absorbed. There are parents who are self-absorbed.

    No one knows what Tyler Perry will do in the future. He has the money to venture into many cinematic avenues.

  17. I think her twins are the real deal.

  18. If she ever does get pregnant the poor baby will be squashed to death by her 5 sizes too small wardrobe.

  19. They probably told her she'd have to be at work before noon. Can anyone imagine her getting out of bed before 10am?
