Monday, May 24, 2010

NY Post Blind Items

Which producer for a dorky cable anchor has been complaining to colleagues that she's tired of his notoriously nasty behavior?

WHICH art-collecting philanthropist got a face-lift, threw her professor husband out, and is now having a fling with her chauffeur? But don't cry for the professor -- he's been hitting on his students for years .

WHICH late-night TV host is having Tiger Woods-like problems? One woman has already come forward, but at least one more is looking to sell her sordid story.


  1. The last one is George Lopez, right? There's been tons of stories coming out about his history of hiring hookers. And Lopez chastised Jesse James for the way Jesse treated Sandra Bullock (one of George's best friends.) *eyeroll*

  2. Letterman, is that you?

  3. See I would have guessed Letterman for the last one.

  4. Yep I think #3 is George disappointing...does ANYONE in Hollywood have any integrity?

  5. George Lopez for the late night host. He is such a sleaze that I will enjoy watching him go down for this one.

  6. Pat Kiernan from NY1s? Nonono, I say no.

  7. #1 - Keith Olberman seems like a class-A prick.
    #2 - no clue
    #3 - George Lopez, is this even a blind anymore? Letterman's womanizing is already known.

  8. My first thought for the first one is Stephen Colbert, but I hope it's not true.

    Either Lopez or Letterman for the last.

  9. Not sure about 1 & 2. I'm going with Letterman on #3. It would break my heart if it's Lopez.

    We have been told there are more ladies and he admitted this, but only one had come forward with the story (well, actually, her ex came forward with it . . . no one has talked to Stephanie (?) as far as I know). I can see how others would want to jump on the bandwagon.

  10. #1 - stephen colbert

  11. My first thought for #1 was Glenn Beck, but the NY Post probably wouldn't blind-item him (both Murdoch products). Other thoughts re: notoriously nasty behavior: Bill O'Reilly or Larry King. They are the only ones whom I have heard 'nasty' rumors about.

  12. Keith Olbermann is a nice man. He's intense, but he's very easy to work with. Try Bill O or someone of that nature.

  13. For one, the guy on the the soup? He is kind of dorky.

  14. WHAT??? Bill O'Reilly? Oh no...

    Don't tell my Dad, he'll be crushed.

    And then again my Father probably wouldn't believe it anyway.

  15. Soup - Joel McHale. I wouldn't call him an anchor. Host, yes.

  16. Pure guessess
    #1 Keith Theodore Olbermann
    #2 IDK
    #3 George Lopez

  17. @Jenny~I totally agree!!! I am going to enjoy watching that cocky bastard go down!! total hypocrite and not even funny!

  18. 1. Glenn Beck
    2. No Clue
    3. George Lopez

  19. Please let #1 be Glenn Beck.

    No clue on #2, but I call George Lopez for #3- there were a few articles last week regarding some lady coming forward saying he was steppin' out with her.

  20. @Melody, thanks for the info on Olberman. I lurve him. He hasn't married yet because he hasn't met me.

  21. Please let #1 be Bill O'Reilly or Glen Beck both are assholes of enormous proportions!

  22. I would think Jon Stewart is a DIC*! But that's me.

  23. Okay, so I personally know someone who has worked for GB and as much as I personally disagree with him, she has had nothing but nice things to say about him. I don't think that could be him.

  24. why the hate for Lopez? I actually like him.

  25. My first thought for #1 was Rick Sanchez of CNN. Everybody makes fun of him. He's the guy who volunteered to be tazed. He's a blowhard who likes to appear bad-ass.

    Yes, Letterman's lady was outed, not forward herself. Lopez had one out last week, and he was a popular guess for a recent blind about coke & hooker problems.

  26. sorry bad grammar

  27. I want number 3 to be Leno so damn bad. Such a snot wad.

    I'm on board with Colbert for number one.

    I thought I had #2, until I remembered that the professor was the wife.

  28. Noooooo - not Colbert! I cannot deal with him being an asshole.

  29. Jean Stein for #2? Jean is the daughter of MCA founder Jules Stein. She is an art collector and philanthropist on a large scale, and married to Nobel Prize winner and former Rockefeller University President Torsten Wiesel.
    I have no idea about their personal lives, but the general description sort of fits........
