Thursday, May 27, 2010

No Furnished Rentals Available Gwyneth?

I have not written about The Goopster in a few weeks, but today I feel I need to because it is one of those times again where Gwyneth Paltrow just has no idea what is going on in the real world outside of her life.

Here is what she said in her introduction.

A Race to Renovate

With a very limited independent film–scale budget, Annette Joseph transformed an ideal (yet very raw) two bedroom downtown Nashville loft into a cozy, light filled space that was just perfect for my family’s stay there. Housed in a building called "The Icon" in the up-and-coming "Gulch" area, Annette and her team worked tirelessly and achieved the unachievable in 10 days! Below, Annette chronicles how it was done. She is one impressive lady.

Now, when you read that you think to yourself that something basic was done to an existing place and that everything was bought from IKEA because of the "very limited" budget. Well, you would be wrong.

My guess is that the outfitting of this apartment cost about $750,000. Now, I know work can be hard to come by so I am grateful that people were employed for ten days and made some money, but I also think it is disingenuous of The Goopster to make us all think she was slumming by having to live in this place. I mean there is a bed in the place that costs $3,000. I also don't understand why for that kind of money they just didn't rent some place that was furnished. She was there for two months. $100K a month gets you a very nice furnished house and that leaves another $550K for the budget of the film and not The Goopster's indulgences.

According to the article the workers all worked 16 to 18 hours a day for 10 days. At one point there were 31 workers who were all making time and a half or overtime for most of that. Throw in the furnishings and the cost approaches $1M.

Hey Goopster, how about the next time you work on a limited budget movie you spread some of that $1M to the people on the set who actually need the movie to support their families and who live paycheck to paycheck or project to project. I will give you kudos for finally talking about the Nashville floods almost a month after they occurred.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm from Nashville, and let me just say that building in that part of town was probably not in need of renovation. It's not exactly the projects there. Also, the nearest IKEA to Nashville is in Atlanta, five hours away. So add on a bunch of transport costs.

  3. can't take the Goop.

  4. She was born rich, lives rich and will die rich. She is just a modern day Marie Antoinette.

    I'm sure her heart wants to connect with the common people. But her world is one of extreme wealth and this is the best she can do in terms of connecting.

    I just wish I had her life.

  5. Pretentious bitch. She has absolutely no desire to "connect" with the common people unless they're filling the seats for one of her movies or standing on the sidelines watching her live her wealthy life.

  6. I hate her too.

    And that apartment looks sterile.

  7. I seriously don't get how Chris puts up with her. They are like night and day. I would be embarassed to say I know her.

  8. I hate this sanctimonious bitch.

  9. I still don't get why people equate IKEA with cheap. You want to decorate cheaply? Haunt thrift stores and learn your way around some power tools and a sewing machine.

    Anyway, with as short as her stay was in Nashville, she could have booked a suite in a hotel for around the same amount of money.

  10. The furniture was probably rented, and the reno done in lieu of rent. If the furniture, fixtures and accessories were purchased or product-placement for the film, they probably disappeared into the producers' homes. (Ask someone who worked on "Ricochet" in the 80's what happened to the Denzel character's living room furni8ture after the shoot.)

    Enty, I doubt the workers were union (prob. Home Depot parking lot pick-ups), and the economy's really bad in Nashville, so no OT (hire 2 shifts at flat fee instead.)

  11. I agree with KellyLynn on how to decorate on the cheap. IKEA, for what you get, isn't that cheap at all. Who pays 400.00 for a press board bed? You could find something better for less in a thrift store, or failing that, your parents garage.

  12. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Or even dumpster diving. Living in a town with a beach, we get a lot of people who rent a place for the summer, furnish it, and when they move, they set it at the edge of the curb. Unless it's totally trashed, it won't be there by the next morning.

    When I first saw that picture of the place, I thought maybe that was the "before". It doesn't look like a place you could actually live in.

  13. Cold & sterile indeed. Kudos to the designer for matching her personality.

  14. Quick side story about a dumpster gem.

    When I was 14 or so, my mom and I walked past this huge table, that appeared to be wood, but it was painted this horrid acid green, so we couldn't tell. My mom decided to take a gamble on it cause it looked like it could be something, and it would make a nice summer project for us. Once we started stripping it we discovered that it was teak, sat 8 people, and had gold plated inlays on the feet. My parents still have it and it is still stunning.

    Thanks for listening. (reading)

  15. What Weezy said..... and Why in the world would you dislike a rich woman for BEING FREAKIN RICH from birth.... Why sould she have to connect to middle class or poor people. I have no reason to dislike her high handed ways. If she grew up poor and spoke of her meager beginnings would you like her more??.. just sayin

  16. @vitazza

    I'd think that you'd want to connect with the common people if, you know, you're going to write a blog geared towards them.

  17. I just find many born poor people who become rich act like they were born royalty. Hello Mariah, Madonna, Elton and many many others. Which annoys me far more then Gooper does.

    At least Gooper has a birth right and her lack of understanding how the common person lives is more naieve then her pointing her nose down at the world. I think she is trying to do a good thing in her skewed version of the world.

  18. Sue Ellen Mishkey,
    What a wonderful story. Very lucky find!

    I tend to be a bit reluctant to do the dumpster dive. One time a friend threw out something the dog peed on. Ever since, I wonder if that's why something that looks somewhat nice is in the trash.

  19. I, by no means consider myself COMMON!! Fiscally challenged yes!! Common Noooo LOL! Anywho Gwynne’s blog is not geared toward the commoner per se’ ,but to the consumer who wants better than basic goods and services. I strive to have better than basic in my home. I love Tiffany, but I certainly won’t be shopping @ the local BIG BOX store for it(right??). We all know how to shop for bargains because we all should understand QUALITY. Gwynne is selling QUALITY.

  20. I don't know how rich she was. Her mom Blythe Danner acted a lot on Broadway, doesn't pay well, and she had mostly supporting roles in films. I mean, I love her, but she wasn't that high-earning an actress. And Gwyneth's dad did a lot of TV writing/directing/producing, but no Spielberg. I mean, GRANTED, the family was a lot richer than middle class, but the Hilton family they were not.

    Just sayin'. I think Gwyneth had a wealthy background because of her career, not her family's.

  21. @Patty

    Thanks. I thought so too, even at 14.

    I think you need an eye for stuff like that. My mom has that eye and she's very particular about what she gets. I've spent many a day at Estate/Garage sales and all the thrift stores in our area with her, watching her hone this skill. It's a little scary some times to be honest.

  22. @vitazza

    I don't know if I should take you seriously or not.

    And by common, I mean normal, everyday people. I'm normal.

  23. Sue Ellen,
    Some people have the knack for that. I, sadly do not. My friend does a lot of garage sales and finds some really good deals. My patience/attention span for that is rather small.

  24. Also weighing in from's the link the Icon. It's a brand new development in an old area of town. She may have made them rip everything out, but that was not because it was old or in bad shape. It must not have been up to the Goopster's standards.

    Here's the link:

  25. @Sue Ellen I knew you meant normal, I just don't like the term "common" it seams below average and neither you nor I are below average…. :]

  26. I read this this morning and rolled my eyes, as per usual. That couch alone was almost $3,000 and she was going on and on about how cheap everything was. Just shut UP, Goop. Are we really supposed to give an eff where she stayed in Nashville? Does she think we're going to hire this person to renovate for us? The whole thing is bewildering.

  27. I'm not defending her snootery, but 3K for a sofa is not exorbitant considering they can be as much as 20K+. Strange for you & I maybe, but she lives in a very luxurious world.

    And that 3K platform bed DOES look like it came from IKEA. She got ripped. There it's only $800. I feel better :)

  28. @vitazza

    I don't dislike her for being wealthy, she was very lucky and that's ok. I dislike her because sometimes she seems air-headed, not realizing the differents troubles that life brings and being so pretencious.

  29. Here's a link on Huffington Post that details a few of the bargains the designer put in the apartment. Although I think Enty exaggerated the expense for the apartment, it looks like they tried for inexpensive furnishings. However, Gwyneth could have found a place already decorated and furnished, I believe.

  30. She is just getting more and more irrelevant.

  31. It appears the building's developer staged a model apartment, maybe even charged the film production for it or at least let them use it for free in exchange for pics and Goop's unwitting endorsement (see: Architectural Digest.)

    Paltrow is a silly woman. Someone's chumped her, the way the con artist fitness instructor she's backing has.


  33. This article annoyed me SO much. I am sure she could have found a perfectly suitable existing place to live, all those new materials and construction doesn't exactly have zero environmental impact. And I would kill for a few new pieces from Mitchell Gold, so sorry that is her budget place.
