Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My New Rules For The Bachelor & Bachelorette

Apparently there are people who watch The Bachelor & Bachelorette. I'm not sure why, but they do. In droves. And when they start that show where all the ex contestants live in one house and get naked with each other every five minutes I am sure they will draw in an even larger crowd.

Last season's winner Jake had his girlfriends that he was dating while engaged to Vienna and the season before that when some guy was having sex with women while he was engaged to that season's winner and this year some guy named Justin Rego has a bunch of women back home. This has gone on long enough. Here is my new rule for tabloids.

Every contestant on either of the shows has at least one significant other back home waiting for them. Don't report on it. All you are doing is allowing them what they want. More attention and fame. No one really goes on the show thinking this is a great substitute for e-harmony. They go because they want to be recognized and to be famous and to get some easy club appearance money. The problem is there are a whole lot of contestants so how do you stand out? You arrange for your significant other to go to the tabloids and tell them you are a secret girlfriend or boyfriend and not just the only one.

After the revelation we are stuck with the contestant for an additional 15 minutes while their significant other goes off to do some type of nude spread for their "art."

I think the tabloids should make the contestants up the ante if they want tabloid time. Having someone back home isn't going to do it. You need to have like a wife or husband back home. Oh, and like six kids with six different people. That is tabloid worthy.