Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Movie And Album Or A Split For Christina Aguilera?

Live Nation must have been crushed to have delivered this news. "Christina Aguilera's summer tour has been moved to 2011 due to prior commitments that the singer had made to her film, 'Burlesque,' and to the promotion of her new album, 'Bionic,.' The singer felt she needed more time to rehearse the show and with less than a month between the album release and tour dates this wasn't possible."

With all due respect, the movie does not even come out until November and she can promote it on her tour and have some days off if she needs to go to New York or Los Angeles. Little thing called airplanes. Maybe you have seen pictures. Now, as for the album. She has been working on that thing for like two years. I hope it is finished. She has singles off it so I'm not sure how much more she actually has to do. Oh, and isn't the idea of a concert tour to promote your album. Wow, what a concept. So, there must be something else going on here. Me, being the cynical one am going with the split with the husband and being around her son during the time.

The other option is that she is so in love with her husband that on one of their naked Sundays they had sex and she got pregnant again so won't be able to do any touring until 2011. I can see why you would think that is the better option. Whatever it is, it has to be something big because you don't release a two year in the making album and then just not support it. You don't do that.


  1. I think at this point a pregnancy would shock me more than a split.

  2. Not to mention the fact that touring is where the real money comes in. Albums don't give the artists much, as the record companies take most of it. But the tour? Ask Madonna. And Elton John. That's why the big name artists will never stop touring. They all claim to have their Final Tour Ever -- This Time I'm Not Kidding!, but then a few years later they're doing Final Tour Ever -- Pinky Swear! (Right, Cher? KISS? Eagles?? Barbra???)

  3. Anonymous10:07 AM

    She has an exceptional voice, so I hope that she can get it together.

  4. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Didn't Brooks and Dunn do the same so called farewell tour?

  5. Wasn't Christina the suspected answer to one of Enty's recent blinds? Can't remember what it was though.

  6. Patty - about an A list singer who's marriage is over, only makes a show of it, has a new album coming out, and she makes her husband sleep in the guest house while she has her "friends" to the main house


  7. Is that a picture of her? That doesn't look like it.

    I'm guessing pregnant or a divorce too. There's something not 100% about their relationship.

  8. Cecilia00 - Yup, that's it. Thanks.

    Although if she is pregnant we may need to find a new suspect (I'm trying to be positive here instead of suspicious).

  9. she just doesnt have the amount of fans to fill a venue.

  10. She does have the best voice of her generation.

  11. Great voice but she sort of fell by the wayside. No one pays much attention to her anymore.

  12. I think so too Patty.

    Yet, I wouldn't pay to see her live and I did for Mariah. The prospect of a trainwreck I guess.

    I thought the tour was cancelled due to poor sales?

  13. I've always loved Christina Aguilera. I feel like she's really misunderstood and underrated. On her album, "Dirrrty," all of the songs that were not released are amazing. I don't know why she tries to be all skankified as a way to shock audiences. Just be yourself, girl.

    Love the pic of her above sans makeup or "sans fards" as the French and Michael K would say.

    I would bet it's a pregnancy. Why would a divorce stop her plans for a concert?

  14. I can 100% support the divorce thing. However, could it be she's just trying to see how the album sells and try to save herself embarrassment from a failed album AND tour? Maybe she's just taking the "wait & see" approach, especially since I haven't heard anything good about her album so far. It already seems like she's really struggling to stay relevant.

    And if she is pregnant, I'd say then there will also be a divorce because I would be shocked if a potential baby would be Jordy's. I really don't think they've been together for a long time. The baby would have a different baby-daddy - at least that's where I'd put my bet.

  15. I am going with the pregnancy by some other baby daddy.

  16. I've always hated this one. She has a voice, but can't write decent songs (either with interesting lyrics with depth or a catchy song a la Gaga), always takes potshots at other performers in her interviews (Beyonce, Britney, Gaga) in ways that betray that she is deeply arrogant and very, very bitter, has been reported to be an all-caps CUNT to servers and other 'little people' since "Genie in a Bottle," and has the worst taste I have ever seen in terms of how she presents herself.

    I can't even imagine the horror that she will present as a Serious Actress. She can't even act in videos - it's all the same 'I'm so sexy' or 'I'm so wounded' shit. Awful.

    Ah...that felt great! I hope if she divorces her husband moves on immediately to a happier, decent person. Immediately! Especially if she's the one who's been blowing very special friends in their home.

  17. I used to think that this was one singer who married wisely--to a "normal" guy who appeared to actually love her.

    And he probably is and he probably did, but i imagine she's very hard to live with.

  18. If she has a CD about to drop, I hope she's not pregnant. In this market she really does need to tour to support it -- and to bring in some cash. Also, that would be self-destructive, the kind of thing Vanessa Williams used to do (got an album coming out -- got pregnant-- issues much?)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Christina has an amazing voice. By far better than Britney, Gaga, Beyonce combined. However, I feel she spent too long out of the picture and is no longer relevant. And from what I've heard of her new music, she's not about to make a comeback.

  21. Ever since Lady GaGa exploded on the scene, it seems Christina has been consumed by bitterness and jealousy, and is actually taking her fashion/photoshoot/musical clues from her, as well. And perhaps that feud with Eminem a while back had some basis in reality? In interviews, she often does come across as petty and vindictive; it's unfortunate that success ruins people like this, but it does.

  22. She actually looks pretty when she's put the make up trowel down.

  23. She has an amazing voice, but she wastes it singing crap songs that aren't suitable for her vocal range and style. Any decent producer would immediately know the right type of music style to showcase her genuine talent, but I suspect she's too arrogant and stubborn to listen to anyone. She seems to have an overblown sense of entitlement. There were prior interviews about how she was jealous of Britney making it big and being bitter about why she hadn't made it big yet. Then she finally got noticed with 'Genie in a Bottle', but when 'Dirrty' came out, she pissed on her Disney success by saying she can't stand being forced to sing any more of that pop crap. So it's not a surprise she postponed her tour, she doesn't seem to make good decisions regarding her career and she seems to have a really bad attitude.

  24. Personally, I'll take Kelly Clarkson over Christina Aguilera ANY day!
