Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mindy McCready Has Bad Reaction To Painkiller - Uh Huh

TMZ is reporting that Mindy McCready was rushed to the hospital this morning in Florida. Mindy, still lives at home. Wow. I actually have something in common with Mindy McCready. Huh. Anyway, paramedics were called to her mom's house at around 10:45 this morning. TMZ speculated out loud that it was an overdose. I think that would be a pretty good guess. Mindy's rep (she has a rep?) says that Mindy just suffered a bad reaction to some painkillers she is taking for a broken toe she suffered two days ago. Umm, should she be taking painkillers? If I was addicted to drugs, I might think a broken pinky toe would be worth some drugs. Just sayin'.

Anyway, the rep said, mom freaked out and called paramedics who called TMZ who let the world know. The rep goes on to say that Mindy's mom did it on purpose because the pair are fighting over Mindy's baby. Ummm. They all live in the same house. They don't need to fight. Now, if Mindy wanted to move out, then I could see the fight. Can you imagine if Mindy was actually responsible for the baby? I don't think she is ready to do it alone. She really has a rep? How does she pay for the rep?


  1. I have no idea who this woman is.

  2. Well in Lindsay Lohan can afford lawyers and handlers still, I guess Mindy could have some sort of part time rep.

  3. Wow, reading about McCready on Wiki and she's quite the little raver! Affair with an older, married man when she was still a teen; engaged to Dean Cain (isn't he gay??); drug charges; sex tape... She has it all! Figures that I'd never heard of her. I loathe country music.

  4. I remember reading about how Dean Cain was working SO hard, like full time, to promote her career when she was on the rise.

    Poor girl, she had so much going for her, but self-destructed. But where there's life, there's hope.

  5. i've broken my toe(s) about a million times. i never took anything for pain. if i had, i think a couple of advil would've done the trick. it's not like it's agonizing or anything.

  6. After I heard she moved into Carrie Anne's home and wouldn't leave I lost any and all respect I might have had for her. When Carrie Anne accuses someone of doing too many drugs you know it's bad. And all this after Dr. Drew showed Mindy the brain damage. I'm afraid this one moves up on the death watch list!

  7. Human beings are the only creatures on earth that allow their children to come back home. My advice, when they leave, change the locks.

  8. My local news is reporting that she hurt her toe last weekend and was given a prescrip for darvocet. Her mom found her incoherent this morning and the pill bottle was empty.

  9. Oh, and she should be released from Cape Coral Hospital sometime today.

  10. What is is with people and painkillers? I don't get it. I had three major knee surgeries (one reconstructive) and I took NO painkillers once I was out of the hospital (2-3 days after surgery). Why?? I ain't no pussy!!! That and I'd rather suffer the pain. And it was great pain. It took one year of rehab just after one surgery. I just don't get it with these people.

  11. I agree with Abaddon. Pain is how the body lets you know if you are overdoing it. I don't think people should suffer, but you can cause injury if you can't feel your body. I had a laparoscopy and other stuff yesterday, and had endometriosis burnt off. I haven't taken anything and it isn't painful, more discomfort. What it has done is remind me that I have had keyhole day surgery, and that I need to rest, otherwise I would do too much and perhaps tear open wounds.

  12. there's pain and there's pain. i had 10 operations on my leg and had one of those titanium cage things for a year and a half. i had to twist these screws to lengthen the bone twice a day. we're talking excruciating pain. and i took vicodin and lots of it. but guess what? when the pain was gone i quit taking the pills because i didn't need them anymore.

    there's nothing wrong with pain medication and there are times it's really essential. but broken toes really don't hurt that much and this chick's a drug addict. so i don't know why she got them in the first place. TAKE ADVIL!!!

  13. Having had major surgery a couple of times & various other medical fun & games, I'm very grateful that painkillers exist...but I've never understood why people want to keep taking them once you're no longer in pain. Apparently some people just loooooove Percocet, but I just didn't have that much fun w/it, so I don't get it. My best narcotic story involves being on the patient-controlled morphine drip after having a foot of my colon out (you could hit the button up to every 6 minutes). 2 days post-surgery, I found myself lying in my bed at Mass General at 8 a.m., remote in my hand, probably drooling slightly, and watching the Teletubbies. While the totally baked side of me was thinking "Oh...that's really cute...I should watch this more often...", the more coherent corner in the back of my feeble little brain was shaking its head and muttering "Dude, this is fucked up!" (In other words, if smack is anything like hospital morphine, then all it would do is make me sleepy, sweaty & stupid as hell, and I'm not interested.) Then there was the time in the hospital where I found myself watching Magic Johnson's short-lived late-night show and realizing to my horror that no, I wasn't hallucinating--Howard Stern really WAS leading a band in "Wipeout", and 3 people were farting the melody line. Wish I could blame in on the demerol, but nope, it was real...

  14. Mindy looks way heavier in that pic than when she did celeb rehab.

    It really made me wonder about her when I heard she was living with Kari Ann. She always made herself out to be a victim on rehab, but that's very questionable.

  15. I think she knows Celeb Rehab is looking for people to have on. I think she just created some media drama so the show would be interested in her again.

    I think it is just a ploy to get back on the show and another easy paycheck.

  16. My sister has broken her arm, broken a cheekbone, broken her femur, broken her collarbone, been concussed a few times, all from horse riding, and ironically she felt her broken toe was the most painful!
