Thursday, May 06, 2010

Mel Gibson Had Sex With Porn Producer

Apparently Mel Gibson likes Eastern European women. First there was Oksana, and now a Polish porn producer said that she had a three month affair with Mel Gibson while Oksana was pregnant. Violet Kowal, who is 26 says she had sex with Mel at his Malibu house and also at his office in Santa Monica. Although she passed a lie detector test given by The National Enquirer, I think she is obviously disturbed because she said "Mel's great in bed! It was the best sex I've ever had!"

Really? Maybe she just likes being called sugartits or something. Although the blurb online doesn't say whether Violet has starred in any porn, she is a producer of porn. Mel's lawyer says this is all a complete fabrication. Uh huh.


  1. It's not a lie, if YOU believe it.

  2. Wonder if she was Jewish...just saying...

  3. I think Mel likes any woman who will sleep with him. There have been rumors and blind items that he likes to keep Black mistresses who he showers with gifts after treating them like crap.

    He is a nasty piece of work which is a shame because I used to really enjoy his movies. (past tense)

  4. I feel so ashamed for once thinking that he was hot and loving his movies. Damn you for ruining my memories, scumbag.

  5. Hmmm...a porn producer. How convenient!

  6. she's got some thick calves, for sure.

  7. so good to see he's been granted permanent residency in Doucheachussetts! say hi to the goop and chris martin, mel!

  8. wow, not many movies to watch if its just hwood people with morals....wgas, all of hwood is filled with unsavory types

  9. Sandman, there's always Hugh Jackman. As far as I can tell, he's 100% absolute angel.

  10. EVERYONE in Hollywood has some sort of skeleton in their closet. You can't get into that business without doing some unsavory things.

  11. mooshki, ya, otay buckwheat....give me a fucking dumb broads are as shallow as i am & half as honest

  12. yeah mooshki, ya otay buckwheat.. (?!) As a foreigner, I have no idea what that means, but in my head it sounds really cool.

  13. @linnea

    I believe the troll sandman is insiunating that Mooshki is dumb (a la buckwheat) and otay means o.k in essence, but it's a tell on the age of this troll cause that's something that older people (40+) would say. My diagnosis? Repressed homosexual who sits in the dark and jerks off to food porn while he stuffs his face with oreo cakesters.

  14. Sue Ellen Mishkey said..."Repressed homosexual who sits in the dark and jerks off to food porn while he stuffs his face with oreo cakesters."

    LOL @ Sue Ellen

  15. aaah thanks sue ellen. See, some things they never teach you in school.

  16. LOL, thanks Sue Ellen! That's what I get for giving a troll another chance at a rational discussion.

  17. omfg, mel fucked a broad, the end of the world,.... grow up bitches.

  18. I USED to think he was the bomb. Now he is just a boob.

    BTW - Oreo cakesters sound better than they taste.

  19. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "Mel's great in bed! It was the best sex I've ever had!"

    I may have just thrown up in my mouth a little bit.

    Don't feel bad, Mooshki, I used to think he was hot too. Shows how easily I'm fooled.

  20. Btw, Linnea, Buckwheat and "otay" come from 'Our Gang,' a.k.a. 'The Little Rascals' from tv & movies from the '20s-'50s.

  21. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Sandman, if you don't like peoples comments why are you even here?

  22. because i like stoopid broads, sugartits

  23. Well, back when everybody used to think he was hot, he WAS hot!

  24. Haha. Sand"man"'s spelling makes me laugh. Suitable, considering he's a joke.

    Anyway, onto other jerks, I wonder if this is what Oksana threatened to talk about when she said "it will all come out"? Spill already, Oksana!

  25. I remember when an interviewer on Seattle's Evening Magazine show asked Mel Gibson if he ever cheated on his wife. This was back in the late '80s, maybe the early '90s. Mel was so upset by the question he ended the interview with some angry words and stormed off.

    Not much to add, I just think of that interview whenever these stories about Mel go around.

  26. you yentas would love to be ass up, face down with melbaby driving it home

  27. Ditto about the big calves! Mel's Polish pierogi must come from some hearty farm stock. As in, she pulled the plough...

    I have always loathed the Lethal Weapon movies. Mel's widened eyes and heavy breathing and hammy
    over-acting...ugh. I was never remotely entertained. And that stupid movie score! Listen to it sometime. It's ridiculous. Wah wah wah wahhhhh.

  28. @ Sandman - Pass. I wouldn't fuck Mel with your inverted dick.

  29. Enty, where did you go? Was it something I said? ;)

  30. Yes, Enty, what's up? I thought I saw a your turn and then it vanished???

  31. He should boink Michelle McGee or whatever her name is, they have lots in common...

  32. I think Mel could be the KING of angry hard pumping revenge sex-
    if you're into that kinda thing...

  33. Gawd Sandman:
    Go back to /b.


    Also, you might want to go to bed, since your 12 year old self still has summer school to make up for you inability to pass your last middle school grade.


    MeeMaws like me don't even bother replying to idiots like you, but I"m cooking for the hubster right now..and I"m tired of the trolls on this site.
    Not just tired: Tired enough to do something about it.

    Sandman...ever hear of an IP address?

    I'll leave it there. Say hi to whomever knocks at your door once Enty gets tired of your ass.


  34. crazycunt says what??????
