Friday, May 28, 2010

Mariah Carey Takes 5 Or 6 Hours To Get Ready

Nick cannon was on George Lopez and he started talking about how Mariah Carey really is the diva everyone thinks she is. He says she is the diva of divas. If they have to be somewhere at 6pm, he tells her at noon so she has time to get ready. Seriously? That is almost as much time to get ready as people work in a day. Of course trying to get inside some of the tight clothes she wears probably takes up most of that 5 or 6 hours.


  1. You'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap! --
    Dolly Parton

  2. What a nightmare she must be. It takes me all of 20 minutes to get ready if I am going somewhere nice. 6 hours is a lot of wasted time and resources.

  3. is he kidding? Imagine all of the things you can do in six hours!

  4. I imagine you have to start bright and early to stuff yourself in a dress that's 5 sizes too small!

  5. @Nunarbiz: GREAT quote!

  6. Someone probably got bitch-slapped after that interview. Tellin' tales outta school. Mimoo probably didn't care for that info being blabbed.

  7. He's gonna be sleeping on the Hello Kitty couch tonight.

  8. SIX HOURS TO GET READY? Jesus, I'd need a nap after that.

  9. How old is this kid? He looks & acts about 16.

  10. Well, if you are drinking all day, it probably does take 6 hours to get ready.

  11. Is she that ugly without make-up that she needs 6hrs to paint herself a new face?

    Actually I'm picturing her hopping around the room trying to squeeze herself into a size 2. Slipping on her Hello Kitty coloring book, falling down into her pink My Pretty Pony sparkling dust, and crying to Nick, " Help I've fallen and can't get up... And if Jennifer L.Hewitt gets a tiara in her bubble bath, I want one too."

  12. You ladies can snark all you want. The fact is, most ladies (and some men) take an hour or so to get ready. What I got out of the interview is that they've been married 2 years. That's like 15 years in real world time!

  13. I think he meant it really takes her 3 hours to sober up and then another 3 hours to look good. That I can understand.

  14. I think he meant it really takes her 3 hours to sober up and then another 3 hours to look good. That I can understand.
