Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Has Her Passport "Stolen"

Only Lindsay Lohan would miss a court date where she has been ordered to attend by a judge. Apparently Lindsay had her passport stolen and so she can't come back to the US until probably Friday. Of course her hearing is scheduled for tomorrow at 8:30 a.m.

Let's review this shall we.

1. Lindsay has not completed her alcohol education classes.
2. Lindsay was ordered to appear in court by the judge.
3. Despite having no job and apparently no money, Lindsay takes her self cut dress and flies to Cannes over the weekend instead of taking more classes which might keep her out of jail.
4. Lindsay drinks and parties non stop for several days.
5. Lindsay goes to the airport yesterday without a passport hoping to get on a plane.
6. Lindsay schedules an appointment in Paris tomorrow to get another passport.

Why didn't she go to Paris today to get a passport? Or yesterday when she discovered it had been stolen? I'm guessing that Lindsay will have a warrant issued for her arrest which means when she lands in LA she will be met by police and arrested.


  1. Sadly no she wont be arrested, because she's a "celebratard" which means they'll buy into her crap. And it pisses me off because if it were you or me we'd have the book thrown at us

  2. Puh-lease. You really think her passport was "stolen."

    And you know, I have so little faith in the California judicial system that I would bet a few bucks that NOTHING will happen to her, she'll get a slap on the wrist and a deadline extension.

    This whole situation - and many others in LA regarding celebrities who break the law - really irks me. And I so want a Lohan ban.

    Does this wreck even work?

  3. I still remember Paris Hilton crying her little ass all the way to jail. Awesome.

  4. Ted has a Blohan ban. Why can't we have one?

  5. This bitch and her drama. So over it. You KNOW they won't do anything to her.

  6. YAY! That's what we can only hope for! As much as I loved seeing Parasite crying in the back seat of a cruiser, it will be a wondrous thing to behold seeing LiLo in custody of the po-po.

    And if it doesn't occur and she gets off yet again, all I can surmise is she must have a pussy plated in pure 24K gold or has dirt on every official in the state of CA.

    Can't be b/c she's a cat, cuz she's wasted far more than nine lives already...

  7. She obviously is avoiding coming back at all. Can she be extradited? Because that would be befitting/amusing, and she needs to sit the fuck in jail somewhere already. I'm tired of hearing about her worn-out antics.


    No Lohan ban, please, Enty. I enjoy reading the Lohan comments here too much.

    Ah, memories of when Paris was dragged to jail. Everyone at work was refreshing TMZ over and over and cackling. What a great day.

  9. Yes please!!!!!

    No more get out of jail cards left Blohan!!!

  10. And the week that Paris was hauled away we had Lohan passed out in a car and Brit going mental.

    I'm with Adventurous Kate. This Lohan shit amuses me.

  11. Sadly, with the California jail system in the shape it's in, there's no way she's going to jail. Or if she does, she'll get out after a few hours.

  12. Oh Kate, me too. We can't have a ban on the most gossipy "celebrity".

    If they do arrest her, I hope there are lots of cameras around. My bet is that nothing will happen though.

  13. Please god send her skanky ass to prison. Not only would it be good for her to go away for a while, but it might save her life for a little while longer. I hate to be so morbid, but I'm surprised she hasn't been found dead in some alley/harbor by now.

  14. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Chiming in with Kate and Cheryl - I love the Lohan stories. Those who don't can choose not to read them, but I personally love a good train wreck and I think this one is even bigger than the Spears one was.

    I'm not all that sure why they needed her in Cannes anyway. I know it's supposedly to promote the Linda Lovelace flick, but that hasn't even been made yet. Girl just can't pass up a good party, that's all. But who buys her tickets? Who pays for her hotel and food? Oh, sorry, I guess she doesn't need food. She supposedly has half a million in credit card debt - are they still letting her charge, when she has no visible means of support?

    I will be so upset if she doesn't get arrested!

  15. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I can't wait to see how this pans out - please let her do some real time and not get processed in and released 90 mins later.

  16. Hey, SO I know the peeps on Sirius/XM morning radio are not experts on anything but as of yesterday morning they claimed to have heard that Blohan has been doing well on her alcohol education classes. Could that be true? We all know she's drinking non-stop and obviously never intended to make this court appearance. The "stolen" passport thing... what a crock of horses^&t.

    Seriously, Enty, do you think she will do some time? I hope so. She obviously needs a wake up call.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. She hijacked a car. Anyone else would be in jail for a long time. She can get away with anything because she is a celebrity, and she has proven this time and again. Her only real worth is giving the tabloids something to write about.

  19. It doesn't matter if it was stolen, she shouldn't have gone to Cannes in the first place because she had to complete her classes. I actually thought she was going to get lost in Europe.

  20. Didn't Paris just lose her passport too? These idiots need to take care of their crap.

    I vote no on the Linds' ban too, but reserve the right to change my mind.

  21. She will NOT go to jail. The judge over her case has clearly demonstrated a completely blind eye and deaf ear where Lohan is concerned. I'd love to see it, though. I was at a dinner party the night that Paris was taken off to the pokey in tears, crying for her mom. We must have played it a dozen times.

    I have a feeling that she was at Cannes to turn tricks. I guess there are some studio executives that would pay for the novelty of bedding that skank. These aren't exactly classy guys were talking about in spite of their wealth and powerful positions. Plus, how else is she getting her drugs? She has no discernible income and a pack of lowlife leeches for family to support, too.

  22. Good point, RJ. There's no way she could get to Cannes without some kind of backer. Multiple backers, likely.

  23. Entitled drug addict. The judge would be doing her a favor if he sentenced her to jail. Too bad she'd get out in 20 minutes.

  24. I think when she gets off, we should all inundate her stupid fucking judge with email. Protest Hollywood Justice!

  25. I propose a BAN on ALL things Lohan.

    The moronic father.
    The arrogant mother.
    The coattail-riding sister.
    And the has-been herself.

  26. It really is ridiculous how she keeps giving them all the finger and doing whatever she wants. If I were the judge I'd be more pissed that she is defying the law & making me look like an idiot. Guess they don't care.

    I can't imagine she'll live through the year the way she's going.

  27. @Ms Cool, could the judge hold he in contempt and give her 179 days?

  28. Throw her sorry skank ass in jail - pronto !!!

  29. I also think she was in Cannes to turn tricks, like RJ said!

  30. Lainey (don't yell at me) says she's f*cking Dominic Cooper while there AND her name is on an advance tip sheet for a party happening tomorrow night, So if she was supposed to be back in LA, how come someone told the party organisers that she’d be showing up?

  31. Lohan (and siblings) were blessed with awful parents who whored her out for a buck. She needs to hit bottom while she's still breathing before she hits it dead.

  32. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Any time we get really juicy gossip, a bunch of people begin demanding bans. I would propose that it's not required to read every post, and if you see one that doesn't appeal to you, then don't read it. Lots of them that I don't read, because I don't care about the person, or because I am sick of them.

  33. I thought volcano ash was stranding her in Europe. Volcano ash stole her passport?

    Didn't jail revive Paris's "career"? Maybe Linds is hoping it will do the same for her.

  34. Couldn't she use the hotel safe like the rest of us do when we travel? A few years ago her pocketbook filled with jewelry was also "stolen" at the airport. Someone is not being careful.

  35. Dina Lohan is saying "This is not a planned scheme." Does this mean it is an unplanned scheme, but a scheme nevertheless?

  36. @ the other Lisa, she was probably told that there is evidence that all flights are flying out of Paris just fine, so that excuse she was hoping for isn't going to work.

    @lutefisk, remember, she freaked out claiming it was stolen when in actuality, the dumb ass left it on a luggage trolley and it was still sitting there when found.

    I too greatly enjoyed the Paris arrest drama, especially after they hauled her in the second time because all kinds of shit hit the fan when whe was let out after a couple of hours after being booked the first time. I know I wrote the the D.A. incredibly pissed off about how they handled things and I don't even live in California!

  37. Wasn't that pocketbook that was stolen filled with jewelry that she had stolen from a photo shoot? I can't believe the crap she can get away with because she was a cute kid actor once upon a time.

  38. nonono please not Dominic Cooper! I thought he and that girl from Big Love and Mama Mia (i cant believe i am blanking on the name!) were such a cute couple.. Amanda Seyfried! Thats her name! Yey!

  39. My dream is she gets off the plane in LA into the waiting arms of the law, gets slapped in handcuffs and hauled off to the pokey !

  40. she flies off to cannes, knowing she hasn't completed her court-ordered classes, to promote a movie that doesn't even exist. then as the deadline approaches, she says her passport's been stolen so she'll be a little late and i read she said she'd make up those other classes 'next week.'

    yeah, i'm sure dina's right. this is all just innocent.

    i hate these fuckholes.

  41. I really, really, really wish that Lindsay Lohan's judge would put her in jail for her own good. I seriously doubt that it will happen though.

  42. 1.) Lindsay will NOT be arrested upon re-entry to the States;

    2.) Lindsay WILL continue to live her life as per usual.

    3.) You or I would have been in jail years ago for half of Lindsay's crimes.

    The End.

  43. You got to hand it to her - she has ballz and has turned into quite the con artist. I'm sick of Lohan, but I still read this crap. It's like trying not to stare at a bloody car wreck. I'd love to log on one day and not see a story about this hot mess only because I don't have the character to skip over this crap. It's fascinating and repulsive to watch this girl in action. I just hope she doesn't have an early demise, because I'm not that ghoulish.

  44. i agree with the others that the lohan stories are getting to be too entertaining to ban. oh, i really really hope the ca court system will make a miracle and have her ass arrested. 6 months of being a prison bitch could be enough to save her life.

    and the asshole in me would enjoy her crying in the back of a police cruiser, possibly moreso than paris' woe is me parade

  45. In a fair world she would've already been in jail or court mandated rehab.

    This girl needs a really long stint in jail.

    I wonder if the judge in her case has an under the table deal with the tabloids or something? As long as she's out and partying, she's news.

    Really, getting her into jail might save her life. She may be great entertainment as a train wreck, but she is skating on thin ice and has been for a long time. Of course, she could go on like this for years, too...but it's a crapshoot.
    All it takes is one wrong way on the freeway or one fall down a flight of stairs or a few too many white pills mixed with pink pills mixed with white powder mixed with alcohol. The longer she goes on, the worse the odds.

  46. I wish she would be arrested. But she won't. Stupid world we live in.

  47. I think she really will be arrested. For her own sake, I think she needs to be to dry out and save her life. She'll probably love it, it's a break from her wacky Dad.

    I thought she wasn't allowed to leave the country to begin with...? Maybe I just imagined that.

    There is NO WAY her passport was stolen, it's insulting she even thinks we could believe that. Besides, cops do not have record of her filing a report of it being stolen either. You'd think she's be worried about someone having their hands on all that personal info...

  48. "I'm guessing that Lindsay will have a warrant issued for her arrest which means when she lands in LA she will be met by police and arrested."

    One can only hope.

  49. I bet that dress looked a lot better before she tore it to crotch length.

  50. Lost your passport? Look under your blow.
