Monday, May 24, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Drank Heavily On The Way Back To LA

Taking advantage of her last moments of freedom before a SCRAM Bracelet was attached, Lindsay Lohan drank her way across the Atlantic to Los Angeles over the weekend. Meanwhile, her mom told Radar that Lindsay was told to stay out of the country even after she got her passport because, she would be able to drink herself into oblivion easier over there and she would be able to avoid jail as long as bail was found for her before she came back.

Lindsay, never one to miss a party was thrilled her mom decided she could party every night and not worry she needed to come back and go to rehab. Rehab? She can't go to rehab. How on earth would Dina ever live without Lindsay's paychecks.

Oh, and it looks like Lindsay got herself a new tattoo while in France. A Chanel logo, because well, that is so, asinine. Unless it was stolen Chanel, then it would have been funny.


  1. So, did she make her court hearing this morning?

  2. She made it, and rolled her eyes and looked cracked out the entire time. CNN was airing live courtroom video.

    The judge wasn't having any of her nonsense, either. Bout time.

  3. That Chanel tattoo is temporary. You can buy a sheet of them for about $75 from the Chanel boutique.

  4. not that is REALLY matters, but that is a Chanel removable tattoo...but just adding my 2 cents.

  5. She has 24 hours before she has to start wearing the SCRAM. Would anyone like to guess how she will spend that time.

  6. Is Enty just assuming she drank heavily on the way back or does he know this? Kinda left a gray area there

  7. Sounds like the judge isn't taking any sh** from her lawyer/her. Good. Maybe THIS time, she will actually learn a lesson. I can't believe she was eye rolling the judge. Isn't that enough to have her thrown in jail? If she had just attended the classes to begin w/ she wouldn't even have to be there today! Idiot!

  8. Can't hate on her for this - she probably knew she would pretty much have the book thrown at her. I'd do the same thing as well (if I was a drinker).

  9. I don't wish her ill or anything. But what would be awesome is if Lilo and Tila Tequila and all the other addicted famewhores would get clean and sober and then decide that the best way to maintain sobriety would be to stay the hell out of the public eye.

  10. MCH- I kept waiting for the judge to call in her contempt of court for the continual eye-rolling, slouching, moping, the dirty looks Lindsay kept shooting at her and the D.A. I also noted how the camera kept panning to Lohan's hands which she could. not. keep. still. Fidgeting, twitching, constantly grasping at things... homegirl was strung out, bad.

    I have the feeling that something big is going to go down this week, and it's not gonna be pretty when it does.

  11. she's getting her bracelet now, looks like. i wonder how long until it goes off?

    and she was late to court. at least by 30 minutes. shit, if i'm going to court to see my pissed off judge, i'm getting there early. not this bitch.

  12. I just saw pictures of her. She looks awful.

  13. I seriously don't think she can handle being without drugs or alcohol at this point. Especially going cold turkey...It's going to end badly, I fear.

  14. She could have a least put on a bra. Skank.

  15. She looks like she still has last week's eye makeup on. Yikes.

  16. I saw the live courtroom video and she definitely looks like sh*t. I'm glad the judge didn't let her go to Texas, she has to stay in California and go the random drug test.

  17. Does the bracelet catch only alcohol? If so, wouldn't she just scope out an alternative drug that's not bracelet-detectable for duration of the order?

  18. I just saw the clip -- she looks soooo much like pics I saw when I was a teen of Judy Garland w/o makeup.

    Also -- Dena probably has a draft obit for Lindsay along with a marketing plan for post-mortem branding opps.

  19. weezy- the bracelet only detect alcohol. oh, she would definitely try to just get wasted in other ways, but she will be getting randomly drug tested on a weekly basis.

    The only kicker to that, however, is that she is likely also an abuser of prescription medications, which can be more difficult to trace depending on what panel she's tested. Even if she were to test dirty for say, methamphetamine, if she has a prescription for Adderall (let's face it, in Hollyweird doctors give out prescriptions like handshakes) then it's all for naught.

  20. Nuh-uh! You don't mean it!! That's hard to believe!!!

    (jus kiddin)

  21. Whatever! Talk about a fucked up person! In every way!! I'm just surprised Monjack beat her to Forest Lawn!!

  22. looking forward to seeing how much her behaviour changes with the scram on. will she suddenly appear fresh and calm, or will she remain erratic and claiming that she's just naturally a mess. this could be a wonderful thing for her!

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  25. oh and i know there's no u in behavior. i was feeling a little british, i suppose

  26. There is so much missing from this story on CDAN today. Sorry, Enty. I still love you.

    You guys have to check out the video of her court appearance on TMZ, and I found this article very interesting:

  27. I just saw the court appearance clip; chick is pushing a truckload of theatrical makeup, there. She must look awful underneath. Was her mother in the courtroom with her?

    I would so love to lock her in a courtroom with Judge Judy for just 10 minutes. W

  28. she'll just pop pills
