Friday, May 21, 2010

The Latest On Lindsay Lohan

Yesterday was a great day that turned sour when Lindsay Lohan managed to find the 10% of the $100K needed to keep her out of jail. The good news is that she will still have to wear the SCRAM thing and not drink and will be drug tested every week.

Apparently last night, Lindsay received the good news she wouldn't have to go directly to jail from the plane, and instead could collect $200. Or in her case probably steal it. So, how does someone celebrate that? Why they party until 730am that is what they do. The picture above was taken this morning at 7:30 Paris time when Lindsay emerged from a yacht. She was probably leading a bible study with her dad on speakerphone.Anyway, some of how she is paying for bail and/or this trip might be explained by this ad she posted to her Twitter on Wednesday night. Seriously, like I am going to buy something she endorses. Unless it is for a set of lock picks or a fence to get rid of stolen stuff or a crooked doctor to get me pills, what else are you going to trust for her?


  1. And did you see the pics TMZ posted with what is prety obviously cocaine in them?

    I'm sure the judge will be pleased if she sees.

    She is due back in court on Monday at 8:30am. One has to wonder if she'll make it.

  2. Isn't Monday a holiday in the States? Or is that just here? Like Thanksgiving.

  3. The Monday after - May 31 is Memorial Day

  4. Thanks.

    The more you know. (*shooting star*)

  5. Unfortunately this will lead to no where and Lindsay will once again be given another pass.

  6. lol @ Sue Ellen

    Not surprised that Lindsay was able to slink her way out of getting arrested. I bet the judge is kicking herself after seeing those pics on TMZ of Lindsay at a party with the drugs right out in the open. This GIRL (she is definitely NOT a woman) is beyond pathetic and her blatant disrespect to the law is atrocious. Had this been YOU or ME we would have been in jail months ago. The fact that this waste of space is still free to roam the planet is beyond me. She has been given WAY TOO MANY opportunities to clean up her act but she has never done it. Forget jail, just toss her into the gutter where she belongs. WASTE OF SPACE!!!

  7. I hope the judge orders her to undergo an immediate drug test.

    Of course, the dumbass would probably try to flee and we'd get to see the cops following her down the 405 a la O.J.

  8. anyone want to bet whether she shows in court monday? or if she does, whether she's on time?

    of course it will be somebody else's fault----just like the reason she was leaving that yacht at 7:30 am is that her ride left without her and she was stuck.

  9. I sadly predict an OD soon.

  10. Too funny Sue Ellen!

    Blowhan needs to hit rock bottom ASAP. I think jail is the only thing that is going to wake her up and make her face the consequences of her actions. The law isn't doing her any favors by giving her extra chances.

  11. radarOnline says Lindsay told them the pics with white powder were a setup!

    Uh huh.

    And the prosecutor HAS seen them.

  12. Yeah...and someone also compelled her to hold that straw in her hand. Uh-huh...

  13. Anonymous12:46 PM

    heatherhug, probably that was photoshop lolol

    Lady J, I agree entirely with what you wrote.

  14. I predict that when this stupid, spoiled asshole is found dead and blue in some back alley or club bathroom, the first ones that start pointing fingers and whining that thier meal ticket is dead, and could have been saved IF ONLY she would have been put in jail, are the SAME ONES who are enabling her now: HER PARENTS. Mark my words.

  15. The Lindsay hate is so LAME.
