Kirsten Dunst 2007 Drug Claim
The NY Daily News had an article yesterday that mentioned Kirsten Dunst and drugs and I was kind of stopped short for a minute because I know she hasn't been doing any drugs lately and as far as I know limits herself on the booze too. Then I saw the story referred to the time back in 2007 when Kirsten's purse was stolen from her hotel room. The guy who allegedly stole it says he didn't steal it but was up in Kirsten's room because he was with a really big drug dealer who had been invited by Kirsten and said there were drugs in the room.
Do I believe him? I still think the guy stole the purse, but I could imagine that back in 2007 Kirsten had some drugs in her room. And since we don't know what kind of drugs he is referring to, it could just be Tylenol 3. Yeah, I know. Just go back and look at those pictures of her in Hawaii and you can tell. The good news is she caught herself, and works at getting better everyday. Oh, and gets work because of it. Hello Lindsay Lohan.