Kate Gosselin Makes Tony Dovolani Squirm
One last chance to see Kate Gosselin on Dancing With The Stars and it also gave me one last chance to see in Tony Dovolani's eyes how much he wanted his last few minutes with her to be over. I think with the exception of a figure skater in the Olympics you would be hard pressed to find a person with a more fake smile than Kate. If you ever watched Jon & Kate you can probably count on one hand the number of time she smiled. 100 episodes and maybe 5 smiles. So, when she is on DWTS and smiling like that you just know it is fake. Then she plugs her two reality shows. Two? Yep, and there are more coming.
The way she tried to suck up to the world by telling Tony she hearts him literally almost made me puke. It was so sick and Tony gives this really faint smile like he just wants the dance to be over.
And she still doesn't know how to dance which makes it all worth while to watch.