Joe Jonas & Demi Lovato Were A Couple?
Am I the only person on the damn planet who didn't believe the whole Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato thing? When I look through every blog and tabloid today it looks like the entire world has bought into the split of the couple which means they must have bought into the relationship in the first place.
On what grounds would you buy into the relationship? It was for their concert tour and that whole Camp Rock crap thing they were doing. It gave them publicity and a breakup gets them more. A couple of times during the "relationship" they had one or the other tell someone in the press about how wonderful it was but they never did anything relationshipy. Yeah, I know that isn't a word, but this was all just crap.
Demi Lovato date a Jonas? Seriously? Do you know how hard it must have been for her to fake it? Demi doesn't really fit into the Jonas type world. Not her style. I guess the deal was she gets to look like the heartbroken one and Joe the a-hole for breaking up with her on the phone, although she says it wasn't over the phone.
The "relationship" did what it was supposed to do. You still think it was real? Fine. Think what you want, but before you drink the rest of the Kool-Aid, read this from Demi's Twitter.
"I'd like to clear a few things up. First, Joe and I did split but it wasn't over the phone. Things didn't work out but we'll remain friends. Secondly, I am NOT dating anybody already. Nothing is more important to me than the relationship I have with my fans. Just thought you guys should know this."
Really sounds heartbroken doesn't she? Oh, and her tour with the Jonas Brothers starts July 27th.